only monsters

Chapter 1045 NO.169 A very evil combination in every sense of the word

Chapter 1045 NO.169: A very evil combination in every sense of the word

It has been mentioned that racing girls who sign a contract with a trainer will have relatively free lessons.

As long as the scores in the cultural class are up to standard, you can skip class and completely follow the training plan designated by the trainer.

A few days ago, little Omo was even able to bring a few girls to the Beta training hall - this is the freedom of training directly from school.

Today's training theme is - Rheinland Life 3A masterpiece.

This game was created by Rhine Life after it was once difficult to produce and delayed due to the influence of the crazy source of the Gurlitt Universe on the monsters in the data field.

They really said this was a game.

But games these days are no joke.

Just like the area that Omo set foot on during the Chinese Valentine's Day, it was also a real and fake stage built with the name of the game.

He had no doubt that the game created by Rhine Life this time was equally astonishing. After all, from the beginning, he had heard from the commander that Rhode Island seemed to be using this kind of technology as a trial to train operators. ability.

"No need." Omo shook his head.

Looking at the long queue behind the girl, the popularity of the game's closed beta exceeded his expectations.

"Long time no see, Mr. Homais, are these four girls the participants that Miss Ling mentioned?"

Quite subtle.

During the trip to the volcano, she had seen Omo directly transport the little girl over a long distance, which was amazing in terms of efficiency.

For a while, only new messages from Bize and David continued.

"Ah, of course no problem."

"Of course it's no problem," Mulseth nodded, "If you have reserved the passage in advance, you don't need to queue up, but please arrive at the Rheinland Life Department of the Rhode Island Company Building first."

Although there was an abnormality during the development process, after everything is settled now, the invitation to the internal beta experience will naturally remain the same.


Rather, as expected, the gentleman who caused an uproar in yesterday's forum discussion really acted resolutely.

"It seems that you didn't expect it. Do you need us to cover it up for you?" Mulseth blinked, as if he had a particularly considerate attitude, "If you are looking for trouble, you can just avoid it."

"Do we need to send someone to pick her up or..." She looked at Omo with a smile.

"I hope your company can provide the coordinates of the nearest legal teleportation point, and I will take them directly here."

"Then I'll confirm the teleportation coordinate system first. Please wait a moment."

"In fact, we already have several of your companions waiting here. You are quite popular in our company."

Mulseth, the Rheinland life researcher whom he met across the screen during the volcano trip, is now asking Omer through the screen.

These words inevitably made Omer stunned. After all, according to what he thought, there was at most an order there.

"Yes, it's them. Is it convenient now?"

So Omer asked her to help ask over there if he could bring a few people with him, and got a positive answer from there.

After that, the video call ended. The translucent light screen tabletop was surprisingly empty. Justice, Witchmon, and Alexis were not there, and the adoptive father who was aggrieved because his adopted son turned off the terminal last night was still being treated. Banned.

Although they are both good brothers, and although the former made great achievements last night, the news about the two went straight to the battlefield last night.

The two guys, who have long been accustomed to having sex, discuss this topic as openly as they discuss pornographic pictures and resources, and their words are somewhere between humble and frank.

Omo frowned frequently.

In comparison, several female colleagues in the Penguin Logistics chat room obviously knew how to restrain themselves. After Aite Omo also stopped coming out, they did not get too involved in such topics. Only a certain silly dog ​​was still barking angrily. Omer talks.

Because she gave Texas another blowjob not long ago, and now she even has no hair on the tip of her tail.

There is no sympathy at all, and it is not noteworthy at all. Instead of paying attention to this, it is better to look at the script content that I am expected to rush today.

Should I play games after work or play games before working? This is a question.

But before that, he had to deal with Party A first.

"Oh, Trainer Omo! I heard that you are taking Tako-san and the others out for training today. Is it true?"

During the normal training yesterday, Ali Digital was almost like a standout. As long as she was not in class, she would inevitably come here and come closer bit by bit, as if to supervise the output of every word.

Honestly, it's scary. Omo felt that any other writer other than himself might not be able to type while being stared at, let alone Party A.

Ari Digital knows this too. Every time he comes over, he has to apologize several times. He goes to see Tachyon and Bourbon and the others, and then comes back while apologizing, and then goes to see others.

After repeating the cycle two or three times, the school bell rang, and she said goodbye and sprinted away.

But today, she obviously didn't have this opportunity.

"That's right, but don't be so anxious, digital classmate, I will share the progress directly in the chat room, do you understand what I mean?"

"Eh?! Is it the live broadcast function...?!" Ali Digital said excitedly. She still remembered that among the messy little functions of the chat room itself, there was indeed a live broadcast option.

In the past, there have been many community cooperation review stages, which were conducted directly and simultaneously for everyone through live broadcast. However, everyone still prefers to have a virtual reality face-to-face meeting through deep immersion in the chat room.

But Omer obviously didn't have much time to stop in one place to sleep and chat with people.

"That's right, I will start the live coding by then, so don't worry about the progress." Omer nodded slightly and looked towards the door of the activity room.

The four jockey girls who were in the activity room at first went back to the dormitory after hearing that today's schedule was to leave school.

Each changed into a private server.

To be honest, they are all quite subtle.

The private server is just a home server. Although there is no problem when going out, it is not worth changing.

If he had to go out of his way to change, Omer felt that he should use his own sense of style to recommend some more decent outfits for these girls.

Especially Tako, the aesthetics and sizes of the clothes she buys online are so random that it's hard to stretch out every time she looks at them.

And her excessive self-confidence made her never realize this.

"What, are you fascinated by this? Mr. Guinea Pig." She even tried a pose where she didn't know where to look, feeling like she was trying to seduce but failed to achieve the desired effect.

"You are the only one who is least worthy of saying this, right?" Omer was speechless.

Feeling worse than Akane.

Akane had really put in the effort to learn seductive postures. Even when her initial goal was to eat the little snake and wipe it clean, she secretly practiced some techniques.

Before being killed by pure numerical values, Ms. Shinjou had indeed prepared more carefully and carefully.

By comparison.

"Damn it! Sooner or later, Mr. Guinea Pig will bow down under my white coat!"

What do you mean by evil heretics?

"The white coat is too weird. Are you planning to administer the drug directly?" Omo looked at the self-consciously annoyed guy in silence.

"Is there any problem?" she shouted confidently.

"It's all a problem. First of all, respect the law." Omo said angrily, glancing at a set of numbers in an odd format that Mulseth had just sent, and then looked at the man who was looking at himself and Tachyon. Ali Digital, who seemed to be trapped in some kind of thinking world, clapped his hands.

"Okay everyone, we have the coordinates over there, be prepared, especially you, Ai Zhi."

"...want to teleport?" Admire Orihime, who took half a step back, showed the most direct repulsion on her face.

"Rhode Island Company is not in the West District. If we don't teleport, it will waste a lot of time."

"Even if you say that..."

Admiring Orihime, who had been staring at Omo for several seconds, suddenly turned her head, glanced at Eri Soko, and then turned to glare at Omo.

"If the training effect is not good, I will never let you off lightly."

"Although I would like to say that the dizziness caused by space transformation will actually be gradually adapted to the human body as the number of times increases... But as a trainer, I definitely hope that everyone can get good training results."

"Then let's go..."

Three minutes later, Orihime was holding a vomit bag and vomited.

And Omo watched subtly as Zhongyue and Ling waving not far away, the Great Emperor and Lapland, Skadi and Ghost Shark, and the divine welcoming team composed of a Miss Adele.

Lost in thought.

(End of this chapter)

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