only monsters

Chapter 103 The other side of the long absence

Chapter 103 The other side of the long absence (33)

Am I guessing wrong?

And what is the black horse-eared monster?

Is there such a monster?
New time traveler?Or is it a local specialty, a rare species that has not yet been discovered?
Or is it the influence of external forces such as transformation?

Omer inevitably fell into contemplation, even if he was convinced that Mann had no more information—the man only asked about the characteristics because the commission involved the existence of monsters, and then chose to find out because he also found nothing. Omer is an assistant to monsterology.

It is enough to be able to tell the causes, strengths, and weaknesses. Mercenaries don't need to really study the tissue cells of monsters.

Those kinds of researchers are not very useful in this kind of mercenary activities.

But what is that?
"A horse-eared monster? Guinea pig, are you not satisfied with getting along with ordinary horse girls?"

"Guessing monsters from Ma Niang's point of view is indeed a breakthrough, but I still hope you can take my words a little more seriously."

Returning to the college by car from the bar, still stuck in that myth, although the mercenary entrustment is not required to be kept secret, but it is better not to say it, and Omer is just the horse in the "activity room". Mother mentioned something about monsters.

After all, although this matter can't be said to disappear from the world, at least it is difficult to get in touch. If there is any urgent matter in training at that time, you must be mentally prepared.

But the horse girl in the activity room is actually just Eri Tachyko.

The Manchester Teahouse still hasn’t appeared here, and there’s no need for Miura Bourbon to come over to listen to it. Omer can just use Umaline to talk to her, and it’s enough to receive the “notification received, instruction coverage, I wish you smoothly'.

Although it's not annoying to be strict, it really sounds like he's about to leave.

It's not that early. David Mann and the others should still be sharing information and discussing, and they will meet again in the afternoon.

Homa, who raised his eyes slightly from the light screen, glanced at Erisuko who was writing something at his desk.

Researchers are not researching all day and night. Compared with the experimental process, knowledge accumulation and thinking preparation will take up more time.

The same goes for mercenaries.

Omer said to Mann not long ago that 'the proof procedures are in order'. This procedure itself is also a kind of action preparation to prove the legal right of action of the firm's mercenaries, not like the free mercenaries and interstellar mercenaries. A little bit of an outlaw fanatic.

Jiemen District is far more like a place for people to live in than Night City. How well David and his group adapt to this place, the proof procedures can be regarded as a very strong basis for judgment.

"Haven't you already come up with an idea? Guinea pig-kun," Eri Tako raised her eyes and glanced at Omer, "Could it be that you want me to help you study monsters if you take it more seriously?"

"It's not necessary." When talking about researching monsters, Omer thought of Keliff who would come over after the summer vacation.

That is a strange person who really took the monster studies course in advance.

It's a pity that strange people can't draw conclusions from such barren and weird characteristics of the 'Maerian Monster', and a series of guesses are not much different from Omer himself.

"Just wondering if you've heard anything."

"Do I look like a monster lover like you?"

"I just don't believe you're not interested in monsters." As Homa said, he opened his handbag and began to add new members to the pile of debris in the cafeteria in Manchester.

Dumbbells, grips, sandbags, training swords, and even strange liquid bottles were all put down one by one, and Eri Hayiko, who made her ears twitch, raised her head and froze. :

"Are you going to train here?"

"It will always be used, either by you or by myself."

It should be noted that in addition to being a trainer, Omer, who is also a mercenary, also needs exercise and even training.

If it wasn't for Ari Tachyon's rejection of seamless training throughout the day, Omer would even arrange for her to do morning exercises with him in the morning. This kind of treatment should be reserved for Bourbon later.

After the Far East Derby, Teresan will be on summer vacation. Some horse girls will play to their heart's content, but some horse girls will try their best to kill all their classmates, which can be described as extremely aggressive.

"That's what I said, but it's a super dream experience device."

Although Aili Tachyon could still sit still, her eyes had already locked on the small headband device with a layer of magic film that Homa had just touched.

Although Chaomeng's psychological medical effects have been publicized, entertainment is widely recognized by the public.

"That's right," said the trainer who brought the entertainment items into the activity room with no shame on his face. It's better to say that everything in the activity room is normal and there is nothing to be ashamed of. "You can use it too. I remember there are There are several Super Dream games that can give you imaginary training."

For this reason, he even specially upgraded Chaomeng's style. This kind of consumption, both public and private, convinced Aumer himself.

"But now I have to use it to confirm the mission."

"Do you use Chaomeng to transmit entrusted information?" Tachyon's thinking was very quick, and he explained that there is indeed a type of information transmission method that is being used in the mercenary circle.

It's quite common. For some combat commissions, the mercenaries of the exploration department first recorded the video and even Chaomeng, and then the mercenaries who specialized in combat came on stage.

It's a pity that it has nothing to do with the facts, and the Edge Runners Office hasn't sent him a message yet.

"That's not true, it's just that an old friend sent me a Chaomeng claiming to have a monster, and the location is still in the Jiemen District." Omer said.

This is also the reason why he directly gambled on the monster in front of Mann. He thought that what was mentioned on both sides would be the same thing, but in the end it seemed that he wanted to go wrong.

After all, there are no horses on the Golden Ancient Bridge.

But even if it wasn't the same thing, there might be a connection, Homa thought.

After all, although the characteristics of the monsters were not mentioned much, Mann at least revealed that the mission location was in a foreign land in the Jiemen area, and if what Kellyf said was true, the Golden Ancient Bridge had really appeared in the Jiemen area.

It is only in a foreign land that it is not so easy to get into the newspaper.

Because the foreign land space was originally opened for unconventional citizens, general big news is not worthy of newspapers.

"Last time I was here to catch up on sleep, and this time I watched Chaomeng even more frantically here. Are you a guinea pig completely unsuspecting?"

Eri Tachyon, who didn't even bother to maintain her honorific title, raised her head speechlessly, just because she saw that he was wearing the small headband at the moment, making the magic film cover the whole body after it was activated.

The super dream experience will have real feedback, but it is good to just sweat all over, and there will be short-term phantom pains, and even yelling.

This also leads to the general experience of super dream is closed in oneself, and it starts in front of others wherever there is one.

You really aren't afraid of death, are you?
But Omer could no longer hear her complaints, and a dark purple distorted halo emerged from the darkness in front of him.

After stepping out of the purple halo door above the head, there is a pale elevator car.

"This is the foreign land in Jiemen District?"

He heard 'myself' speak like this, as if he was asking the people on the side, but also as if he was simply sighing.

It was a pretty neutral voice, and Omer thought it belonged to a woman, but this angle of view didn't inspect itself, and there wasn't a front armor that was big enough to show the vision, so he wasn't too sure.

Turning around, what I saw was the high-speed view, half of the city view of Jiemen District seen through the glass wall.

It was a city shrouded in cloudy clouds and light rain, and one could see the familiar Rhode Island Pharmaceuticals Building and the familiar clock tower that still belonged to landmark buildings.

But other than that, the architectural scenery is obviously different from the impression.

The obviously changed, slightly crowded buildings, the outline of the edge of the mountain that is different from the memory, and those suddenly more buildings.

Even the space above the city is occupied by floating vehicles, airships, and even some biological groups that fly directly in the flesh.

Compared with Jiemen District, it is more like the city of Tianmen.

As a special zone for traversers, it is the responsibility of simulating a relatively traditional and natural environment that most traversers can accept.

But for those travelers who do not come from a relatively traditional natural environment, will they accept another style of painting in the Jiemen District?
This is the foreign land of the boundary gate area.

The other side of Jiemen District is provided for the unconventional Jiemen District residents to live.

 Thanks for the rewards of fellow daoists Don’t come here unharmed, never meet il, readers 1590925325055250432, and Kuchimulei.

  thanks, thanks.

  Maybe it's time for the monthly pass, it's time to code.

(End of this chapter)

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