only monsters

Chapter 1015 NO139: Even so, the hands will still wither.

In this world, there is an evil term called young wife.

Originally it refers to a wife who is much younger than her husband, that is, a teenage wife, but it is also used to describe a young-looking wife or a lolita wife.

In the ACG circle, as the composite attribute of lolita and married woman, it is sought after by quite a few people with special fetishes.

The extremely petite wife was busy in the kitchen and even had to find something to rest on to make it easier for her to stretch out. She was the most popular with these guys.

But it is worth emphasizing that Homais has no such tendency.

Not only is there no such thing, but I also feel guilty about letting someone with the body of a child stand busy at the stove.

So Morrison deserved to be stared at by Omer like he was looking at trash.

But he didn't expect that one day he would return to the kitchen at this high level again.

What's more, I didn't expect that the person being stared at with trash-looking eyes would be me.

"Miss Shinjo, what can you do?"

To be honest, the more nervous you are, the more impulsive thoughts you will have as a child, which manifest as "wanting to run away immediately" and "I think I'm right!" ’, like ‘I want to sleep, please turn on the light and thank you’, and become a hibernating snake or a koala-like beast again.

But even as a child, Omo still knew how to exercise restraint, and would even subconsciously reflect on himself in the face of the other person's disgusted eyes.

Then I still feel that I am right!

"This is the dish that everyone wants to eat." With a few fiddles, the rows of dish names were transferred from one screen to another.

Miss Akane smiled so much that her eyes curved into crescents, and she almost had a pretty face with just a few modifications.

It's a pity that it can't be changed.

That smile contained anger, and as she pointed her finger at little Omo, she saw with her own eyes the large and small bags of ingredients purchased and selected by the 'big sisters'.

Now that I think about it, I fell into a trap from the beginning.

It was all a mistake of being too young. Little Omo was in urgent need of a helper as a cook.

"That... uh... Omer?"

The boy with the brave train man in his head had forgotten that there was someone else in the expanded kitchen.

Monster eugenics ideas, although Shen and Shijia both like to run around outside, Ghost Snake and Raccoon Dog still have stable food and accommodation here, and the latter often runs to the kitchen, like now.

"You want to order too?"

"No, no, no... I just want to ask if I need help..." Raccoon dog is obviously a normal person who feels guilty, but she chose the wrong way.

"But I haven't learned how to cook yet... By the way, how about I help you take down the things that are inconvenient to take."

It has an altitude of 175 which is very proud among the female group in the hometown. Among the several adults who came as guests and are also adults, only 173 represented by Qianming can match it.

It's understandable for her to think of this when she looks at the short young Shota.

But when she tentatively raised her hand toward the sideboard above, she unconsciously guided the 1.2-meter-tall young lady next to her to raise her head.

So big...can't see it at all...

"...Raccoon dog, this little snake did this himself. You are making it difficult for him to perform his duties here. Get out first!"

The pink-haired JK standing at the door nearby pushed the conscientious man out with a somewhat broken smile.

The somewhat speechless young Shota remained where he was. "Okay, if it's really up to me..."

Little Omer tried to raise his hand, and a ferocious claw that was also reduced several times for energy consumption opened the upper kitchen cabinet with an untrustworthy light blue translucent luster.

But just like a person with bad eyesight, he takes the kitchen utensils out and puts them back, takes them out and puts them back again... So my original kitchen utensil cabinets were all down there...

Stepping on the small wooden platform that had not been used for seven years, little Omo, who was still patient after making several mistakes, saw a claw with magic claws finally grasping the colander, but the different feedback from the magic structure made him startled again.

Only then did he notice that there was a more illusory, vaguely slender tail in the light blue claws.

The tail flexibly grasped the colander, lowered it and handed it to him.

When he took the big spoon, he tilted the upper end with a tuft of mane like a hand and patted his wrist encouragingly.

The texture is far different from that of a ponytail. It is closer to the dark blue mane of mink fur, and it is a little itchy when it brushes the back of the hand.

"What do you mean?" But little Omo didn't hesitate, "Why don't you just come and help me?"

"Well, you're not good at cooking. Why don't you go find my younger brother."

From an almost transparent illusion to a slightly more solid outline, the blue-haired Jiu Mengzi, who never left his body, seemed to have drank a lot, and he spoke with a bit of an accent.

"I heard that your brother is not here..." Little Omo had a strange expression after he finished speaking.

"Haha... Your brother... that's true." She also noticed this obvious coincidence and pun, and smiled directly, "He~ is still more committed to teaching people over there, spreading his branches, and waiting for those few days. I’ve almost finished teaching on my behalf, so I’ll probably come over and have a look, but there’s a sister here who can help you.”

"Now? I'm very anxious." The boy looked at his wrists, feeling that they might not be able to sustain this meal.

"No, no, she's coming, and I can't stay any longer."

She seemed to suddenly sober up.

"...Isn't it because of her that you appear frequently recently?"

"Ah, someone is coming, don't talk."

It was hard to tell whether this was Xiao Shota changing the subject. He watched the long brown ears pass through the door first, and then slowly poked out. The moment they successfully made eye contact, the latter retracted.

"Pfft... You're a very cute girl. I thought you should be busy, so I wanted to confirm it secretly."

Before Omo could react, Ling stopped tensing up. Although he didn't laugh directly, the strange sound and subsequent words did not reach the other party's ears.

He was still in a dream-like state... The boy noticed a slight blur around his vision.

It did not appear directly at all, but allowed Omer to enter a state of half-dream and half-awake like somnambulism, a state where she was in reality but still in a trance dream. This hand made her perfectly invisible to anyone. , the words spoken are only in the ears of the half-dreamer.

Then how did she pull off the colander... is it true or false?

Little Omo noticed that Aizhi's footsteps did not sound and was still by the door, but did not say anything to expose him. He thought about the limits of Xiaoyao's ability.

Then I heard someone cough twice:

"Ahem, do you need help?"

Admiring Orihime, she reappeared as if nothing had happened just now, leaving little Omo's eyes speechless.

Ling still laughed in his ears no longer able to hide it.

"What's that look in your eyes?"

"Looking forward to the helper's eyes, what are you good at? Miss Aiori."

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