only monsters

Chapter 1001 NO125: But they are indeed a company

Chapter 1001 NO.125: But they are indeed a company

mentioned before.

Alien Group.Superman Fantasy Co., Ltd.

All its members are not allowed to live in their hometown.

Because their hometown has long been occupied by humans.

Even the concept of "Superman" has turned into a legend that must be hidden in the world due to fiercely opposing stances and concepts.

This is the plan of the 'superhumans' who have chosen humans and would rather compromise.

As a non-human group that doesn't want to 'serve' those humans at all, it doesn't want to continue to fight and suffer casualties.

Then he embarked on a search and exploration of another world, and finally arrived in this world.

To be honest, this is the perfect ending for these people who have left their homes.

Not a wasteland of futile efforts, nor a group hostility where history repeats itself.

The earth under the governance of the Holy Federation of Terra perfectly meets their expectations.

Not only did they achieve friendly reception, but they also had a free social atmosphere, so free that they easily accepted their group, and even allowed them to find a kindred existence in this world.

Monsters, gods, cosmic beings, and even people from other worlds are all here, and they all live openly and honestly with humans.

At this time, if there is anything that is not so good...

That can only be because the pace of life here is too fast.

Although the pace of life in their original world was already very fast, and even major events were happening one after another - but in this Holy Federation of Terra, they saw what it means to have a better world.

From the Tianmen City they first saw, to the Realm Gate area where they settled after returning to Earth.

Even though most of them are not used to terminals, nor are they used to reading electronic news, and even once escaped from a bunch of information pop-ups, their keenness and unique 'vision' can still make them unable to Ignore the abnormal conditions that occur in this land from time to time.

Like the huge energy that seems to be traveling underground, and the occasional abnormal fluctuations in the sky. In two days, I will feel the violent impact from the dark field...

I don’t know if it’s a local characteristic or a commonality of this federal area, but the employees of Superman Fantasy Co., Ltd. always feel that this city is too lively.

Compared with the bustle of the city, what makes them unable to adapt even more is the enterprises in this city.

They are too utilitarian and too efficient.

The plan must be listed within three days, and the results of the project must be seen within a week. It is normal for employees to work overtime, and criticism and education are also common. Occasionally, you will see confrontations between resignation and being fired.

Even if they themselves, as non-human beings, have energy and abilities that far exceed those of those employees, it is difficult not to sigh in astonishment.

Is human life so tiring?

"That's not the case. Rather, haphazard companies and lousy salary thieves are part of the norm in today's workplace."

The V-neck cosmonaut in a suit and tie calmly explained, telling the monsters about the current status of the enterprises in the Jiemen District.

"Because the proportion of social welfare has increased significantly in recent years, a considerable number of citizens advocate a slow life."

"Of course, I also know that everyone disagrees. After all, what you see and feel is all about utilitarianism and oppression. I think you should at least have such a self-awareness about this..."

When he said this, he leaned forward slightly and looked at all the employees on both sides of the long table equally with his inorganic V-shaped face.

The twenty-parted fingers resting calmly on the mahogany table moved softly, making a series of slight tapping sounds.

That face should have reminded all beings of Master Ulutimo, but that alienated posture would only make some cosmic personnel feel friendly.

"You're working with symbolists," he said.

"The Symbolist industry has always been known for its high pressure. Even if Rudolf Symbol is leading a new upper-level team to innovate, the new wind will not blow all over the land immediately."

"Beyond that, I hope you should be aware of something."

The yellow light flickered on the face that was slightly propped up, reflecting the dissatisfaction on many faces.

But his tone was still straightforward.

"That is - even if the Symbolist's reforms are implemented everywhere, it does not mean that the company's atmosphere can become what everyone wants, because no matter whether it is excellent or powerful, there is a price to pay."

"What the symbol family can guarantee is that it will not cross the line or break the law, and that the vigorous and resolute atmosphere will still be maintained."

"So by this time, there should be people thinking: Why do we continue to do this? This kind of question, right?"

He turned his head slightly and looked around at all the beings on both sides of the long table.

Here is the half-demon who is the monster princess, the only remaining queen of the Italos Zerg tribe, the mentor who was once a candidate for the ruler of the demon world, and the Iron Mask swordsman who once sealed Death Satan.

And there are many such existences among you.

"I know that all of you have experienced, to one degree or another, superior treatment."

Everyone can come up with some famous names and even origins.

"As a monster, as a god, and those related to him, and even as a distinguished person from another world, as a cosmic being with advanced technology, he once enjoyed the awe of mankind."

But in the end, he had no choice but to leave his hometown, and his heart became more complex towards human beings.

After arriving in this world, one thing is the joy of meeting countless compatriots, and another thing is the feeling of seeing the prosperous society created by countless human beings again.

"But everyone knows that this world, this political society, is still led by human beings and dominated by human beings."

"Everyone must have had a hard time adapting recently, even difficult, right?" Looking at the implicit recognition in countless looks, he continued, "I feel that the food, clothing, housing and transportation here are all novel, and even some things that I can't understand. Even for work operations, there may be barriers, and you need to seek help from other colleagues who are doing better.”

"I will feel more and more tired, and occasionally some extremely negative thoughts will flash through my mind. I think that since the world is not against you 'supermen', then it is okay to live in seclusion as usual. Even the social welfare of this world is not so good. Well, there's no harm in just eating and waiting to die, right?" In a continuous silence, facing the face whose eyes were unclear, someone lowered his head for no reason.

Obviously I don't feel ashamed, but I always feel like I'm being stared at by the other person, and then I feel inexplicably heartbroken and sad.

In front of Onono Xiaomei's table, the little red matryoshka doll was huddled at the edge of the table, trying to avoid the pressure of the other party that would remind him of certain past memories.

"In this case, I have to cruelly conclude that the departure plan mentioned by Miss Xiaomei in the past is actually to save the last reputation for you."

"What did you say?!"

Amid the dull sound of pounding on the table, there was someone who couldn't stand hearing it.

The man's hair was as long as a lion's mane, with long horns extending on both sides, and he was as strong as a bodybuilder. With one punch, the tabletop that looked like an ordinary mahogany wood - no big deal, shook his fist. As soon as it is loosened, the whole thing is numb.

But even so, he still wanted to roar as loudly as possible, but he was glanced at by the tall, thin and muscular man beside him whose wings outline and skin color were like the classic Devilman on the screen.

So he fell into silence, and the man nodded slightly towards Onino Xiaomei and 'Mephiras'.

The two responded with the same nod, and the speaker continued naturally: "I say, leaving as soon as possible is probably the wisest choice in this life, because you have no chance of winning."

"It is undeniable that you have a lot of enterprising spirit in your heart, because that is one of the desires in the hearts of all living things, and its core lies in the greedy yearning for better and stronger."

“But there’s also a level of enterprising spirit.”

The spaceman raised his hand and placed it on the blank projection screen. Immediately, a common picture from the textbook on the development history of the Holy Federation of Terra spread out from the five divided fingers, forming an easily identifiable history of the development of the federation.

From construction and production, to technological innovation, to urban scale, everything is constructed on countless old photos.

"Although individual human beings are weak, the group called human beings has always maintained the vitality of young people and is constantly developing and enterprising. In comparison, what do many of you who have long lifespans think?"

"You can easily kill individual human beings, but human groups will accumulate and expand those achievements, and at the same time..."

He turned his head, raised his hand, and asked the employees in front of him.

"What did you inherit from your companions? The same overlooking view as before?"

"In the past, you were able to easily suppress weak humans, but the humans that developed later under your contemptuous eyes have made you want to give up."

"Why did you retreat?" he asked, asking everyone.

But he didn't expect these people to answer, and the next second he came to the conclusion that he could only read his mind.

"Do you think fighting is pointless? Do you think the casualties are unbearable? Do you think all this makes you extremely tired?!"

"These can be reasons, but they are also excuses."

"Because what you are leaving is your hometown. You clearly know what has been taken away from you by the other party, but you have some scruples."

"Why are you worried?"

"Friendship and love, let you escape?"

"It's because you are weak! All of you who were once noble."

"If you really have power, everything you worry about will be calm enough to be dealt with properly."

"It is precisely because we are not sure about the outcome of fighting to the end that we choose to leave our hometown."

"It's precisely because I don't know how to deal with the complicated love and hate that I choose to escape."

"You escaped all the way and escaped here, and here is the opportunity for you to become stronger!"

"There is also a wealth of knowledge here that can enrich you enough to solve the mysteries of the past!" He turned his head and pressed on the table with such force that he even left regular fingerprints on the table.

Amidst the dull sound, most of the people sat upright unconsciously, looking at the tall and slender figure who seemed to be frail, but at this moment he held substantial majesty and power.

"As a result, there are still some of you who don't realize this, let the opportunity pass, and admit that you should be thrown into the old paper pile of history, and at the same time..."

The hand was raised, and the five divided fingers on the back of the hand were raised like claws.

"The humans in your hometown and the humans in the city where you are now are still continuing to accumulate and progress."

"You have escaped everything and escaped here. Where are you going to escape to?"

"The Symbolist wants excellent collaborators. A facilitator from the Symbolist will make you feel stressed, but behind her, there is enough power and knowledge to return you to your noble position."

"In this world, in this era, having achievements, wealth, and status can be transformed into power and knowledge. The boundary between the secular and the superhuman is not that wide."

"Take a good look at your current appearance. Those who have been noble, this is your last chance."

"Don't miss the opportunity, the time will never come again. I like this Tom Yam proverb very much, and this is the end of my speech."

"The meeting is dismissed!"

After that, he raised his hand to signal everyone to get out, but he finally sat in the seat he had ignored from the beginning.

Then he closed his eyes.

And this is reflected in Mefilas's face, only the blue curves are slightly dimmed.

But just like how humans can still feel changes in light with their eyelids closed, he soon opened his eyes due to the darkness in front of him and saw a group of employees surrounding him.

There was a sudden and subtle feeling of being beaten by a group of people, but the result was a huffing and bowing.

"..." After a short silence, he sighed.

"Although this training ground is indeed funded and established by the Symbolist, it does not need to follow the workplace etiquette of Jidong."

(End of this chapter)

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