Chapter 336 Zhuang Zhou
But it said that the stone monkey got a fairy fate in Shuilian Cave, and when he got out of the cave, the group of monkeys saw it and were shocked as heaven and man.They lined up one by one, and worshiped each other, and they were all called "King of Thousand Years".

Since then, the stone monkey has ascended the throne, concealed the word "stone", and is called the Monkey King.There is a poem as proof, and the poem says:

The heaven and the earth were born with Xuanqing, and the fairy stone cell contained the spirit of the dragon.

Borrowing the hatched monkey to complete the avenue, pretending his name and surname to match Danling.

Waihe knows it is a mandrill, but the inner view has the shape of a dragon.

Everyone in the past dynasties belongs to this, and they are called kings and saints.

The Monkey King leads a group of apes, macaques, horse monkeys, etc., and assigns monarchs, ministers and envoys to visit the Huaguo Mountain and stay in the Water Curtain Cave at night. joy.

So carefree and carefree, it seems like a lifetime away, when will it be three or five hundred years ago.However, the years are long, and the world of mortals is short.Looking back, life seems like a dream.On this day, the Monkey King woke up from his drunkenness, and during the wedding banquet with the group of monkeys, he suddenly became sad and shed tears...

Yes, three to five hundred years have passed in a blink of an eye since Ao Qing and Shi Hou parted ways!

And the monkey, after three and five hundred years of enjoyment, finally sprouted the heart of Dao.

There is no opportunity, and there seems to be no life or death.Just a sudden epiphany.

This may seem odd, but it's normal.Not to mention that monkeys are born saints, and most people in the world often don't have any so-called life-and-death opportunities or major turning points in their lives.

It may be an ordinary day, suddenly, I have an epiphany...

However, for the Monkey King, he developed a heart of Taoism and learned that only immortals, Buddhas, and saints can live forever.But it was only on this day that he remembered that he seemed to have missed an opportunity three to five hundred years ago!
If on that day, he chooses to ask that Dragon God Emperor to worship him as his teacher, that would be fine!
However, it's too late to regret... The Monkey King searched Huaguo Mountain for a long time, but he couldn't find the trace of the dragon god emperor after all.He raised his spirits, with a bit of firmness in his eyes, summoned a group of monkeys, and said: "Tomorrow I will leave you and wait to go down the mountain, travel around the corners of the world, and travel far to the end of the world. I must visit these three, and learn from an immortal, always hiding Overcome the difficulty of Yan Jun. At that time, I will also lead you to escape!"

The monkeys looked at the Monkey King in bewilderment, but since it was the king's decision, they naturally would not have any objections.

The next day, all the monkeys went to pick fairy peaches, picked different fruits, planed yams, sealworts, orchids, yaocao and exotic flowers, all of which were neatly arranged. Stone benches and tables were set up, and fairy wine and delicacies were arranged. I drank hard all day.Then he folded some dead pine trees, weaved them into a raft, took a bamboo pole as a pole, packed up some fruits and the like, taught the monkey king to board the raft by himself, spread it as far as he could, and drifted in the direction of the waves of the sea, taking advantage of the wind and sailing far away. went.

Although the monkey king didn't know the direction all the way, it was always changing from time to time, not to mention that Ao Qing was always watching him.

The East China Sea is vast, and I don't know how far it is.Even though the southeast wind hangs high every day, for two or three years, the Monkey King saw nothing but mist, and the scenery on the sea was the same everywhere, so I don't know how long it took before he saw the distant coast. He tested the water, found shallow water by chance, abandoned the raft, and jumped ashore. He saw people fishing, hunting geese, digging clams, and panning for salt. The Monkey King was curious about everything he saw, so he went up to watch.

But the coast is full of mortals, and when they saw monsters, they all turned pale with fright, chasing and beating them, the Monkey King had to flee everywhere, and suffered a lot along the way...

In this way, I don't know how many years have passed in a flash.He visited the immortal way, but he had no chance to meet him. Although the road under his feet was long, there was no end to it.Seeing that everyone in the world is for fame and fortune, and no one is for life.Exactly that:

When will the fight for fame and fortune stop?Waking up early and sleeping late is not free!
Riding a donkey and mule thinking of a steed, the official residence and the prime minister met the prince.

Just worry about food, food and hard work, so why don't Yan Jun take the hook?

No one is willing to look back!

"Where can I visit the sacred place of the immortal Buddha, the place where I can live forever and become a fairy?"

In these years, the Monkey King has learned from people's etiquette and words, lived in the open air, and never changed his original intention.

But after spending many years with nothing to gain, and not meeting a single fellow, the Monkey King was inevitably a little frustrated.

"I don't know how long I drifted on the sea before I arrived at Dongsheng Shenzhou. I only saw mortals and tree monsters along the way. I was also deceived by people and caught doing acrobatics... It has been many years since I came to Nanbuzhou. It seems that there are no real gods here... But now, even if I want to go back, I can't go back!"

Sadness appeared in the Monkey King's heart. He lay down in a ruined temple in the mountains, his heart was gloomy.

In the city, he dare not go.After all, you might be attacked as a monster in the middle of the night, or you might find yourself locked in a cage the next day when you come together.

But it was winter, and in the mountain temple, he was shivering.

He sighed and couldn't fall asleep.But at this moment, suddenly, rays of light appeared in front of his eyes, and then the statue of the mountain temple shone brightly. For a moment, the Monkey King thought he had seen a hallucination.

But seeing that ray of light flying out and scattering outwards, the flowers along the way are like brocades, blossoming in full bloom.Only then did the Monkey King realize that it was really a fairy fate, and hurriedly chased after him: "Immortal, immortal!"

Running all the way, seeing that the light was about to go away, the Monkey King roared.Suddenly there was a flash of light, and then a girl in green clothes was seen, holding a jade bottle and holding a dragon ball, which fell into the sky.

The girl was delicate and beautiful, and she was extremely glamorous, but she had two dragon horns on her forehead.The Monkey King was overjoyed, and hurried forward to pay respects: "Fairy! Fairy! Disciple has passed away! I beg Fairy to accept my disciple as a disciple!"



Nanfangbuzhou, Nanhua Mountain.

There is a simple thatched cottage on the mountain.In front of the thatched cottage, two willow trees were planted.

It was cold and snowy, but there were two people under the tree, wearing single robes.The two sat opposite each other, but the wine at the table exuded steaming heat.

"It has been famous for a long time, and today I finally got to see the real person."

Ao Qing smiled and looked at the young man in front of her.

The young man with snow-white hair and an easy-going face picked up the wine glass and took a sip: "Emperor Shenguang is very polite. As early as 2000 years ago, I wanted to see you. But, in the past, I was too generous. I'm lazy, I just haven't seen you."

Yes, the person in front of him is Zhuang Zhou, the master of Taoism.

Yes, Nam Hwa Real Man.

When Ao Qing came to Nanbuzhou this time, it was one aspect to point out the monkeys, but it was also important to meet Nanhua real person.

In Ao Qing's view, in the Three Realms, there are only those with great supernatural powers in the holy realm.There are only two people who can be called "sages".

One person is Kong Qiu.

The other person is Zhuang Zhou.

And these two people, in a sense, are quite alike.

None of them are really great supernatural beings—Zhuang Zhou is probably better, not a complete mortal like Confucius.But it's pretty much the same.

He is a great sage who became a sage through Taoism.

Faced with such an existence, Ao Qing did not dare to trust her.

Even though the present Ao Qing is not inferior to Zhuang Zhou in terms of supernatural powers, mana or morality, he still dare not take it too seriously.

After all, Ao Qing's holy land benefited from Yang Chan's help.But Zhuang Zhou actually comprehended it by himself.

(End of this chapter)

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