Qian Song

Chapter 372 Yue Fei's Bold Strategy

Chapter 372 Yue Fei's Bold Strategy (Ask for a monthly ticket!)


When Li Cun called Yue Fei back from Pingzhou at this time, he not only appointed Yue Fei as the commander-in-chief of cutting gold, but also handed over all his sons who were going to the front line to train in Yue Fei's hands. Discuss specific strategies and strategies for cutting gold.

Strictly speaking, in ancient China, none of the Central Plains dynasties truly unified the Central Plains and grasslands to complete the two-plain rule.

Needless to say, the Qin Dynasty, the Great Wall was built by Qin Shihuang, and it was also Qin Shihuang who clearly demarcated the boundaries between the Central Plains and the grasslands.

The map of the Han and Tang Dynasties looks quite large, but in fact, these two dynasties did not really unify the grasslands. They only temporarily surrendered the various tribes on the grasslands by virtue of their powerful force, supplemented by a restraint policy.

The Ming Dynasty established by Lao Zhu, whom Li Cun admired most, did not actually unify the grasslands.

Lao Zhu and Zhu Di's solution to the grassland problem, in simple terms, is two solutions:
One is in the area from Shanxi to Liaodong, desperately building an army town to keep the barbarians on the grassland to the north of the Great Wall;

The other is to fight if you don't accept it, and directly send troops to sweep the northern part of the country and export violent violence.

Although the people of the Ming Dynasty were stronger than the people of the Song Dynasty, they took down the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun, and set their capital in Yanjing, which is the so-called emperor guarding the gate of the country.

But since the emperor guards the gate of the country, he has no intention of conquering the grassland, otherwise he would not "guard the gate of the country".

At that time, the Ming Dynasty, which was already the central empire, wanted to rule the grassland?
The people of the Ming Dynasty actually answered this question with practical actions: I don’t want it.

Why did the people of the Ming Dynasty, especially those after Zhu Di's death, not have the boldness of the people of the Han and Tang Dynasties?
Especially the root, in fact, started from the Song Dynasty.

Since Zhao Kuangyin began, people in the Song Dynasty had already acquiesced that they were a specific ethnic group, not much different from Khitans, Mongols, and Jurchens.

The particularity of this ethnic group is that the emperor of this dynasty is the core, they have a common ancestor, and they have a highly developed civilization and culture.

This kind of conceptual understanding undoubtedly restricted the Song Dynasty from expanding its ruling area, making the Song Dynasty just a small and peaceful dynasty from its establishment to its demise.

Emperor Qin Shihuang, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, and Emperor Taizong of Tang Dynasty covered the entire geographical horizon with their strong economic and military strength.

But Song Dynasty people would not do such a thing.

In particular, the group of scholar-officials produced by the imperial examination fully agreed with this concept.

Sima Guang, a famous scholar-bureaucrat in the Song Dynasty, tried his best to belittle Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, thinking that it was militarism.

This is the collective understanding of the literati elite.

And this, after Zhu Di's death, became the inheritance of the people of the Ming Dynasty.

The people of the Ming Dynasty who were ruled by the scholar-bureaucrat class, like the people of the Song Dynasty, also believed that the south of the Great Wall was the northern border, where they could only defend but not attack.

Of course, there is also the factor of ability here.

People in the Tang Dynasty continued to think about and practice the plan of ruling the grassland, but after Tang Xuanzong, there was a problem of insufficient ability.

People in the Song Dynasty consciously thought about it but were unable to practice it, and later they stopped thinking at all.

Since then, the Central Plains Dynasty is unlikely to grow the ability to rule the grassland again.

On the surface, the Ming Dynasty ruled the grasslands, but in fact the rule of the grasslands was mainly by the Manchus in the Northeast.

But this was very unsuccessful, because the awareness and ability were insufficient, and the people of the Ming Dynasty were powerless and unintentional.

In the end, the people of the Ming Dynasty developed an ostrich mentality, allowing the Manchus to unify the Northeast, conquer the grasslands, establish Houjin, and finally destroy the Ming Dynasty.

Of course, there were many objective reasons for the demise of the Ming Dynasty, such as natural disasters and man-made disasters. There was also King Li Chuang who established the Dashun Dynasty. .

Therefore, the game between the Central Plains and the grasslands is inevitable. Either the east wind will overwhelm the west wind, or the west wind will overwhelm the east wind. Closing your eyes and listening to your ears will not make the problem disappear out of thin air.

Moreover, the disorderly grassland will threaten the Central Plains, and the orderly grassland will threaten the Central Plains even more.

All in all, there must be games and competition between the Central Plains and the grasslands, and even life-and-death wars, and there is no escape.

Through the gains and losses of the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun and the Northern Song Dynasty, Khitan and the Northern Song Dynasty achieved a low-cost game equilibrium outside of unification.

It was under this low-cost balance that people in the Song Dynasty developed the concept of nation or ethnic group, and no longer looked at the world from the perspective of empire.

Historically, the people of the Ming Dynasty recovered the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun, but they inherited the ideas of the people of the Song Dynasty, and had no intention of making the grassland the collective opinion of the elite group of scholar-bureaucrats.

The change of people's ideas in the Central Plains could not stop the game between the Central Plains and the grasslands; neither could the recovery of the Yanyun Sixteen States prevent the game between the Central Plains and the grasslands.

Therefore, the people of the Ming Dynasty were still unable to relieve the threat from the northern grasslands.

In history, there were actually only two dynasties that truly unified the two plains—the Yuan Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty.

But these two dynasties are nomadic regimes that unified the Central Plains.

In other words, these two dynasties unified the grasslands first, and then unified the Central Plains.

Although Mongolia is related to the "East Hu family" in blood and is a descendant of the Xianbei branch, in the following hundreds of years, their main way of life and the rise of political power were in the northern grasslands, so strictly speaking, Mongolia is " "Grassland" regime.

The Manchus originated from the Eastern Hu family. As the name suggests, they are Hu people who rose in the Northeast.

There is actually a certain difference between the two.

Let’s not talk about this difference. I just want to say that both the Grassland dynasty and the Donghu dynasty completed the unification of the two plains from north to south. Their successful experience is actually not worth learning from the Dagan Dynasty.

The method of ruling the two plains with endless troubles in the Han and Tang Dynasties, that is, unifying the grasslands in name, is not worth learning from the Daqian Dynasty.

By the way, the scholar-bureaucrat class of the Dagan Dynasty, who inherited the scholar-bureaucrat class of the Song Dynasty, also opposed Li Cun's sending troops to attack Jin. In the Liaodong area, military fortresses were desperately built to keep the barbarians on the grassland to the north of the Great Wall.

Li Cun couldn't reason or ignore this short-sighted scholar-bureaucrat class, but he certainly couldn't listen to them.

People in this era, limited by their knowledge, simply don't understand how precious the Northeast and Far East regions occupied by the Jin people are.

Needless to say, the Far East region, just the huge oil and natural gas there is a huge amount of wealth that future generations will not be able to spend for hundreds of years.

Just imagine, if our country in future generations has the Far East region with huge resources, then our country will definitely be a heifer flying by plane.

As for the Northeast region, there are not only huge resources, but also one of the only four black soil regions in the world.

This black land is the most fertile soil in the world. There is no one, there is a metaphor of "one liang of soil and two liang of oil".

People in this era do not know the preciousness of this black land.

Of course, this is also because the Han people had never really unified the grassland area before this, and they had never cultivated the black land with "one liang of soil and two liang of oil", while nomads (including fishing and hunting peoples) did not Knowing how to cultivate, ended up wasting this precious land for thousands of years.

In other words, Li Cunfajin is not as wasteful of people and money as many scholar-bureaucrats in the Dagan Dynasty imagined. Limited by the limitations of their knowledge, how did they know that Li Cunfajin's purpose is not just to want to It is truly far-sighted to eliminate the troubles of the Daqian Dynasty once and for all, and to win two pieces of huge wealth for the Daqian Dynasty that future generations can laugh and wake up while sleeping.

But then again, Li Cun can prove to the world how great he is only if he truly conquers the Northeast and Far East.

Now, those scholar-bureaucrats can say whatever they like, as long as they don't hinder Li Cun from cutting gold, Li Cun will let them talk, and even let them make trouble. Li Cun will let time tell these short-sighted scholar-bureaucrats that they How shallow is your knowledge.

In order to achieve this goal, Li Cun asked Yue Fei to formulate a specific plan for cutting gold in ten years.

At the same time, Li Cun has been thinking about how to completely occupy the Northeast and Far East.

As a result, Li Cun hesitated when Yue Fei handed over the gold cutting plan to Li Cun.

Li Cun really didn't expect that Yue Fei's gold-cutting plan was to capture Goryeo first.


That's not accurate either.

To be precise, Yue Fei's first strategy was to raid the Liaoxi Corridor, seize the Liaoxi Corridor in one fell swoop, and then send troops to attack Liaoyang Mansion in the Kingdom of Jin, with the goal of capturing the entire Tokyo Road in the Kingdom of Jin.

If the first step of Yue Fei's strategy is quite satisfactory, then Yue Fei's second step of strategy, at first glance, is a bit unbelievable.

Yue Fei's second strategy was not to immediately attack the Jin State's Shangjing Road after he successfully captured the Jin State's Dongjing Road, but to first use military means or political means to keep the fruits of victory Jin Guo's Tokyo Road, at the same time sent troops to attack Koryo.

Cutting gold is cutting gold, and even provoked Goryeo halfway, and attacked Goryeo with the purpose of capturing Goryeo!

Yue Fei's bold strategy really shocked Li Cundu.

You know, if the Qian army does not go well in capturing Goryeo and falls into the quagmire of Goryeo, then the Qian army may have to fight on two fronts, or even fight on multiple fronts.

Anyone with a bit of military common sense knows that it is very unwise to go to war with two countries at the same time.

In history, how many wars that could have been won were forcibly waged against multiple parties because of their own military strength, and as a result, the winnable wars were lost abruptly.

The reason why the Qin Dynasty was able to unify the six countries and complete the great unification was not only because of the strong military strength of the Qin Dynasty, but also had a lot to do with Qin's adherence to the strategy of long-distance diplomatic relations and short-term attack.

In other words, the Qin Dynasty has always launched one-on-one wars of annihilation, without haste or impatience.

Although the Daqian Dynasty is currently unprecedentedly powerful, Li Cun is actually planning to use the strategy of long-distance and short-term attack to wipe out the Jin Kingdom, Xixia, the grassland tribes, and Goryeo one by one.

——Li Cun's original idea was to attack Koryo, which is dispensable, at the end.

Based on Li Cun's original idea, Li Cun also plans to send envoys to Xixia and Goryeo, including the tribes of the grasslands, before officially cutting gold. Divide up the Kingdom of Jin, and then destroy them one by one.

No, Yue Fei's strategy is completely opposite to Li Cun's strategy.

At first, Li Cun thought that Yue Fei had stayed in Pingzhou for ten years, so he lacked a big picture and a comprehensive perspective of money harvesting. Instead, he formulated a strategy and strategy for destroying gold based on Pingzhou.

To be honest, Li Cun was very disappointed with Yue Fei at that time, and even felt that he might have chosen the wrong person when he planned to let Yue Fei be the commander in chief of exterminating gold.

But later, after reading Yue Fei's entire explanation of his strategy and tactics, Li Cun suddenly realized that Yue Fei was a genius commander, and he had a keener sense of war and a better view of the battlefield than himself.

There are actually many reasons why Yue Fei formulated such a strategic strategy:

First of all, Yue Fei, who is at the forefront, knows better than Li Cun that today's Koryo is no longer a sovereign country, it has been completely reduced to a vassal of the Jin Kingdom, and it will not even take many years for Koryo to be a sovereign country. It will be completely annexed by the Jin State, just like the Jin State annexed the puppet Qi regime in history.

This matter still has to start when Jin Guo completely cut off the possibility of going south.

Because it could not develop to the south, Jin Guo naturally began to develop to the left and right.

As a result, it took the Jin people nearly ten years to establish a "dualist regime", no, to be precise, a "pluralist regime".

The so-called "dual regime" is to allow the Jin people's government itself to have dual identities of nomads and Central Plains.

Of course, the Jin people turned this Central Plains into Goryeo.

That is to say, the government of the Jin people had dual identities of nomads and Goryeo.

Moreover, the Jin people not only established a dual identity, but also further established multiple identities.

——The Jin people have targeted use of relevant policies for each grassland tribe to make them submit.

This seems quite complicated, but in fact, the real means of the Jin people are nothing more than marriage, the establishment of the Meng'an Mouke system, and conquest.

But this is mainly the means of the Jin people against the tribes of the grassland.

The method used by the Jin people for Goryeo was to use marriage to seize the queen position of Goryeo, and then support the aristocratic families in Goryeo to counter the rule of the King of Goryeo.

Later, the Kingdom of Jin gradually established the Shuangcheng General Administration Office and the Joint Administration Office within Goryeo, completely intervening in Goryeo's military and political affairs, and emptied the Goryeo King.

Today, the inherent social order of Goryeo has been completely destroyed by Jin Guo’s interference. Goryeo’s aristocratic families rely on Jin Guo to carry out crazy mergers and plunders. Private farms are spread all over Goryeo. It can be said that the current Goryeo is no longer Goryeo, but a puppet fighting for power like the puppet Qi that was about to be annexed by Jin Guo in history.

In this case, it is useless for the Dagan Dynasty to send envoys to Goryeo.

Not to mention that the envoys of the Dagan Dynasty may not be able to meet the King of Koryo, Wang Kai.

Even if the envoys of the Dagan Dynasty can see Wang Kai, as long as the Dagan Dynasty cuts down on Jin, Koryo, which is already completely under the control of the Jin Kingdom, will definitely help the Jin Kingdom with all its strength, just like the puppet Qi in history.

Therefore, cutting gold is equivalent to cutting Goryeo. From the moment the Dagan Dynasty started, it was at least a one-on-two situation.

In this way, the Dagan dynasty might as well take advantage of the fact that the Jin people and the Koreans did not expect that the Dagan dynasty would attack the west without attacking the Jin country and go to Beijing, and attacked Goryeo in one fell swoop, and broke the Jin country's arm first.

Of course, this is not the only reason why Yue Fei wants to fight Goryeo first.

In fact, the reason why Yue Fei wanted to conquer Koryo first was to destroy the Kingdom of Jin.

Historically, the reason why the Central Plains Dynasty was unable to completely capture the grassland dynasty, or even completely wiped out the small dynasty in the east, was not because the Central Plains dynasty could not beat the barbarians on the grassland and the small dynasty in the east, but mainly because of logistical supplies Never keep up.

Often, when the Central Plains dynasty dispatched tens of thousands of troops to the Northern Expedition, it had to use tens of 10 people, or even millions of people, to transport food, grass and supplies.

After all, the Han people can’t fight like the grassland nomads. They have a few horses per person, put all their belongings, including wives and children, on horseback, grab them wherever they go, and use them to support them. Han people have to bring everything by themselves when they fight. Therefore, in order to bring food and supplies for war, we can only bring more people and livestock to transport food and supplies.

With so many people and livestock eating horse chews, coupled with huge military expenditures, even if it is captured, it is because they look down on other people's places and cannot occupy them. Some dynasties have to send troops to station in these areas for a long time. Isn't it a waste of people and money? Well.

Yue Fei also thought about this problem, so he transferred the idea of ​​transporting grain, grass and supplies to the extremely developed sea transport of the Daqian Dynasty.

Yue Fei has already sent people to find out that there is a natural port in Huacheng County, Liaoyang Prefecture, Liaoyang Prefecture, in the Kingdom of Jin. There is also a natural port in the north of Tokyo Road in the Kingdom of Jin, that is, Helan Road. (that is, Vladivostok of later generations).

As long as there are these two natural ports, the transportation cost of the dry army's food and supplies will be greatly reduced. At that time, the dry army will not be restricted by the food and supplies when they capture the Kingdom of Jin, including the Far East.

The only problem is that there is a Koryo between the two ports.

If Goryeo is not defeated, Goryeo can send troops at any time to cut off the food supply of the dry army.

Moreover, although the navigation technology of the Dagan Dynasty has been very developed, if the long-distance sea transportation is to be safe, it is best to divide the long-distance sea transportation into short-distance sea transportation one after another.

If the Dagan Dynasty can take down Goryeo, it can turn all the more than [-] ports in Goryeo into the Dagan Dynasty.

Then, the route from Dalian Port to Vladivostok will be the safest route for the Daqian Dynasty.

In addition, Yue Fei believes that taking down Goryeo should not be too difficult.

First of all, the main force of Goryeo has already been dispatched by the Kingdom of Jin to go west. When the Dagan Dynasty attacks the Dongdong Road of the Kingdom of Jin, the Kingdom of Jin will definitely transfer troops from Korea. Certainly not too many, as long as the dry army catches the unprepared by surprise and advances both land and water, they should be able to attack Goryeo in one fell swoop.

Moreover, the rich and powerful of the Jin Kingdom have been plundering Goryeo all these years, and the whole Goryeo has complained about the rule of the Jin Kingdom. The Dagan Dynasty can completely use the banner of returning to power to Wang Kai, and it will definitely get a lot of support in Goryeo...



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