Qian Song

Chapter 335 Great Work and Great Harvest


Knowing Qin Hui's choice, Li Cun couldn't help feeling: "There are so many smart people!"

Needless to say, Zhao Mingcheng is an old cunning man who protects himself tightly, and Li Cun will let him spend his old age peacefully, depending on the situation and reason.

Furthermore, in Li Cun's view, Zhao Mingcheng did not have a good job for a few years.

Moreover, the little money that Zhao Mingcheng got from embezzlement is really not enough for Li Cun.

And Qin Hui?

To be honest, Li Cunzhen used it quite smoothly.

Li Cun is really not flattering Qin Hui.

People called Li Gang, Zhao Ding, and Li Guang, including the current Prime Minister Lu Jiang, are fine with politics, traditional agricultural economy, and so on. They are really brainless when it comes to this nascent maritime trade. Can't play.

It is precisely because of this that although Li Cun hates Qin Hui to the extreme, Li Cun actually does not want to deal with Qin Hui in a short period of time-it will not be too late for Li Cun to deal with Qin Hui after Qin Hui has laid the foundation for maritime trade.

Unexpectedly, Li Cun mistook Wang for Li Qingzhao.

What's more troublesome is that Wang also became pregnant because of this.

If Qin Hui put down his picks because of this, or even reacted violently, then Li Cun would have to prepare for the worst.

What's the worst?

First, although Li Cun doesn't care about his own reputation, the impact of this incident is really bad. Therefore, Li Cun is going to let the Wu De Division, the pro-army Duwei Mansion and the Military Intelligence Department dispatch Qin Hui's corrupt officials together. All the things were exposed, and Qin Hui's reputation as a corrupt official and treacherous minister was confirmed, and then he sent capable people to kill Qin Hui.

Second, Li Cun plans to transfer Zhao Kai, who managed the currency and bank of the Dagan Dynasty with Zhang Kui, to replace Qin Hui in managing maritime trade.

To be honest, at this stage, Li Cun really doesn't want to take this step.

First of all, although Qin Hui's corruption at the current stage is true, but to be fair and just, compared with the real benefits Qin Hui created for the Daqian Dynasty, killing Qin Hui with these crimes is ultimately inferior So little point.

It is better to be able to listen than to be able to speak. Among the civil and military officials of the Daqian Dynasty, there must be no shortage of well-informed people. They must be able to see why Li Cun killed Qin Hui.

In this way, Li Cun will undoubtedly not handle this matter beautifully. It can even be said that this matter may become a huge stain on Li Cun in the future.

This is actually not a big deal, because Li Cun always believes in: do what you should do, grasp the present moment, and be happy while you are alive. I don’t care about his flood after death.

What really troubled Li Cun was that Li Cun was worried that Zhao Kai would not be able to replace Qin Hui.


Zhao Kai is also an expert in financial management. In history, he has the reputation of "one step can transport department stores, and one cough can help the three armies".

Historically, in order to support the anti-golden war in the Sichuan-Shanxi area, Zhao Kai racked his brains. On the premise of not increasing the second agricultural tax levied on land and assets, he reformed the tea, wine, and salt laws, focusing on To collect money from the three incomes of tea, salt and wine, with the taxation of tea, salt and wine as the pillar, Sichuan's wartime financial system was established. New tax types such as salt wine and interest rate increases made the fiscal revenue in the early Southern Song Dynasty soar year after year, more than double that in the late Northern Song Dynasty, and the annual income reached more than [-] million yuan.

Zhao Kai later bought money in Qinzhou to attract foreign affairs, Xingzhou drums cast copper coins, officials sold silver silk, and issued a large number of banknotes as reserve funds, providing huge financial guarantees for the Sichuan-Shaanxi region, and even for the small courts of the Southern Song Dynasty in history. .

But for one thing, Zhao Kai's ability is obviously more focused on financial management, and Li Cun is not sure whether he can do a good job in maritime trade with a wider business scope.

Secondly, unlike Zhao Kai, who is obviously more suitable for financial affairs, Qin Hui served as prime minister for 17 consecutive years in the early Southern Song Dynasty in history.

——And, it needs to be emphasized that Qin Hui has always been the only prime minister in those 17 years, that is to say, he didn't even have a deputy prime minister in those 17 years.

In those 17 years, the small imperial court of the Southern Song Dynasty became extremely wealthy from a government in exile, and it was still fighting for a period of time in the middle, which cost a lot of money.

It can be seen from this that Qin Hui's ability to govern the country and collect wealth is definitely not inferior to Cai Jing, and may even be superior to Cai Jing.

Judging from his personal resume, Li Cun is definitely more willing to use Qin Hui to be responsible for implementing the blueprint for maritime trade he built.

Therefore, if possible, of course Li Cun would not want to kill Qin Hui, who still has a lot of potential that has not yet been squeezed out.

But then again, if Qin Hui cannot be used by Li Cun, even if Qin Hui is not willing to be used by Li Cun, Li Cun will definitely not keep Qin Hui.


Qin Hui is capable.

But this does not mean that Qin Hui is irreplaceable.

Don't talk about others, just talk about Zhao Kai.

Zhao Kai may not be as capable as Qin Hui.

But don't forget, there is Li Cun who is behind to direct Zhao Kai.

In addition, do you think that Qin Hui alone can do such a good job in the maritime trade of the Dagan Dynasty?

The reason why the maritime trade of the Dagan Dynasty developed so well was that, in addition to Li Cun's vision and wisdom beyond the millennium as the commander in chief and Qin Hui's strong execution ability, Li Cun also sent Qin Hui a strong team.

Over the years, Li Cun has successively dispatched high-end talents in maritime trade, not [-], but [-].

It can be said that Li Cun sent one-third of the Tai students received by Li Cun from the Zhao and Song Dynasty, as well as the Tai students trained by Li Cun himself, as well as the fresh talents selected by the imperial examination, to the maritime trade.

These talents are now scattered in every corner of the maritime trade of the Dagan Dynasty, and they are the cornerstones that truly support the maritime trade of the Dagan Dynasty.

Therefore, even if Li Cun takes Qin Hui down, the maritime trade of the Dagan Dynasty will definitely not collapse, at most it will develop more slowly.

Of course, the result of Qin Hui's understanding of current affairs is better now.

After all, Li Cun also hoped that the maritime trade of the Dagan Dynasty would develop faster.

Moreover, don't forget that once the rare three-year period of peace is over, Li Cun will still launch a war. At that time, Li Cun will still need a steady stream of maritime trade to provide blood transfusions for the extremely expensive machinery of the war. ...


In August of the sixth year of Hongwu.

The Daqian Dynasty got its wish and ushered in a bumper harvest.

Even counting the production of sweet potatoes, potatoes, and corn, the total grain output of the Dagan Dynasty this year has reached 280 billion catties, exceeding the [-] billion catties at the peak of the Zhao and Song Dynasties.

The total grain output during the Zhao and Song Dynasties more than doubled that of the Tang Dynasty and more than tripled that of the Han Dynasty.

——The annual output of grain in the Han Dynasty was about 320 billion catties, and that in the Tang Dynasty was about 590 billion catties.

It took only such a short period of time for the Dagan Dynasty to match the grain output of the Zhao Song Dynasty at its peak. There are many reasons:

But this certainly does not include the fact that the Dagan Dynasty had more granaries such as Liuqiu, Li Dynasty, Zhancheng, and Yanyun, because the grain production in the Sichuan-Shaanxi region that the Dagan Dynasty has not recovered can almost offset these few. Therefore, in terms of basic conditions, the Dagan Dynasty and the Zhao Song Dynasty are actually similar.

The first reason is that Li Cun has been working hard to preserve China's national strength and population over the years, which has played a big role.

Before the war, the Zhao Song Dynasty had a population of 600 million.

Now after so many years of war, the population of the Dagan Dynasty is still more than 1 million.

——There are still a lot of people in the Sichuan-Shaanxi area, but at the same time, the Dagan Dynasty gained a lot of population from the Li Dynasty, Champa and Yanyun area. After some additions and subtractions, the Dagan Dynasty has so far owned The population is just over [-] million.

Many people are good at farming.

A population of over [-] million means sufficient labor force.

With the mobilization of these hundreds of millions of people, the Daqian Dynasty certainly has no shortage of farmers.

In addition, it cannot be denied that the Zhao and Song Dynasties left a lot of precious wealth to the Daqian Dynasty, such as the promotion of Champa rice, stepping plows, seedling horses, keel carts, etc., are all very advanced farming techniques.

The key point is that Li Cun vigorously promoted the improvement of farming technology and crop varieties, which made the farming technology of the Dagan Dynasty far more advanced than that of the Zhao and Song Dynasties.

In addition, the strong yields of sweet potatoes, potatoes and corn, which have already begun to be planted on a large scale, have exploded.

This led to the fact that even though Zhao Gou opened the Yellow River embankment and destroyed the rich and prosperous Huaihe and Huaihe areas, the Dagan Dynasty had a lot less arable land than the Zhao Song Dynasty, and the grain output of the Dagan Dynasty was still strong. The Zhao Song Dynasty.

This bumper harvest of the Daqian Dynasty can be said to be crucial.

It not only allowed the people of the Dagan Dynasty, who had been exhausted by the war, to take a good rest, but also allowed the people of the Dagan Dynasty, especially those in the newly recovered areas, to recognize the control of the Dagan Dynasty—they began to believe that, The Daqian Dynasty can bring them peace, prosperity and strength.

This caused many people who had resisted the rule of the Dagan Dynasty to choose to submit to the Dagan Dynasty...

In other words, after Li Cun took down Bianliang City in Tokyo, in fact, many counties in Hebei and Hedong were not occupied by the Gan army.

Some of these prefectures and counties were firmly guarded by the troops of the Zhao and Song Dynasties, while others were firmly guarded by the militias assembled automatically.

The reason why Zhao Gou was able to escape to Shaanxi to ascend the throne and proclaim himself emperor had a lot to do with the fact that the pro-Song armed forces in these prefectures and counties had been fighting against the Dagan Dynasty and contained a lot of the Dagan Dynasty's military power.

At that time, Li Cun did not want to wipe out the pro-Song armed forces in these areas.

But firstly, the Dagan Dynasty, which had to deploy defenses everywhere at that time, really couldn’t mobilize more troops to wipe out these pro-Song armed forces that did not fight frontally but only fought guerrillas. Secondly, there were too many dangerous places in Hebei and Hedong. All areas are easy to defend and difficult to attack, let alone the Taihang Mountains, which is more than enough to hide millions of pro-Song armed forces.

Due to reality, the Dagan Dynasty could only send some troops to watch over these pro-Song armed forces and try not to let them make trouble.

Later, the Qian Song Dynasty negotiated peace.

The Daqian Dynasty was finally able to free up its hands to wipe out those pro-Song armed forces.

During this process, Li Cun did not choose to kill them all.

First of all, everyone is of the same species, so there is really no need for Li Cun to exterminate these compatriots of his own.

Secondly, many of these people resisted the rule of the Dagan Dynasty simply because they did not understand the Dagan Dynasty and believed in the bewitching of people who were pro-Song.

Again, there is a saying in the art of war, encircling three ques and one, if Li Cun does not leave any way for these pro-Song armed forces, then they will only have to fight to the end. In that way, the personnel paid by the Dagan Dynasty Costs, financial costs, and time costs all have to be greatly increased.

More importantly, among these pro-Song armed forces, there are actually some good talents, even heroes.

People like Liang Xing, Zhao Yun, Zhao Bangjie, etc. are the anti-golden heroes in history.

At the end of the Northern Song Dynasty in history, after the Jin Army broke through the Taiyuan Mansion, Liang Xing, Zhao Yun, Li Jin and others organized the "loyalty militia" in Taiyuan Mansion and Jiangzhou to fight against the Jin Army. Zezhou Prefecture, Longde Prefecture, Pingyang Prefecture and other places.

Liang Xing and others also led their troops across the Yellow River, intending to go to the small court of the Southern Song Dynasty.

But because they were blocked by the puppet Qi army, they had to turn back halfway.

Later, Liang Xing and others established a base in Taihang Mountains, organized the "Loyalty and Justice Protection Society", and went out to attack everywhere. They also led the army to the east to attack the Jin army in Cizhou and Xiangzhou.

In eight or nine years, Liang Xing and others led the anti-Jinyi army, fought hundreds of times with the enemy's size, and killed more than 300 leaders of the opponent.

After Zhai Xing was killed and Zhai Cong withdrew to the south, Zhongyi Baoshe became the core and pillar of the northern people's anti-golden armed forces, and its reputation spread far and wide.

People from all walks of life in Hedong and Hebei affectionately called Liang Xing "Little Brother Liang".

Zhao Yun also had a similar experience. Jin Jun arrested his father Zhao Fu and mother Zhang, and threatened to surrender Zhao Yun with the official title of deputy director of Pingyang Fulu.

But Zhao Yun's will to resist the gold was as firm as a rock, and he remained motionless, so Zhao Fu was killed and Zhang was imprisoned in Yuanqu County, Jiangzhou.

Until November of the fourth year of Shaoxing, Zhao Yun took advantage of the opportunity of Jin and puppet Qi coalition forces to attack Lianghuai, broke through the blockade, and defected to Yue Fei.

Yue Fei later sent Zhao Yun to lead his troops to the north, cross the Yellow River, and break through Qu County, only then was he able to rescue his mother Zhang.

As for Zhao Bangjie, the most powerful militia in Hebei was originally organized by Zhao Bangjie-he used Wuma Mountain in Qingyuan Prefecture as his base and organized tens of thousands of people.

Historically, Ma Kuo led 13 relatives to defect to Wuma Shanzhai, and together with Zhao Bangjie, greeted Zhao Gong from Yan (this person falsely claimed that he was Zhao Ji’s son Xinwang Zhao Zhen, who was captured by the Jurchen army, and was taken from captives on the way north. They absconded from the team), they gathered 10,000+ people in a short period of time, and then tied up camps such as Chaotian and Iron Wall on Wuma Mountain, forming an extremely majestic military fortress.

Some Loyalty Clubs scattered in other prefectures and counties in Hebei, most of them exchanged information with Wuma Shanzhai and expressed solidarity with each other, all under the banner of King Xin, with a total of tens of thousands of people.

Zhao Bangjie, Ma Kuo and others continued to use the name of Xin Wang Zhao Zhen to report the activities of the cottage to the rebuilt Southern Song court in wax books, and asked for material support for the cottage militia, especially the dispatch of regular troops to coordinate operations.

It's a pity that Zhao Gou and others have always ignored these appeals.

At that time, the activities of the Lianghe Loyalty Militia greatly restrained the Jin people's southward invasion, and also prevented the Jin people from stabilizing their rule in North China for a long time.

However, these loyal militiamen were far inferior to the Jin people they faced in terms of organization, command, and weapons. Therefore, without the support of the small court army of the Southern Song Dynasty, the military leaders of the Jin people When concentrating on sweeping them, they were either broken one by one, moved their positions, or fell into pieces, and could no longer deal a fatal blow to the Jin army.

Today, many of these loyal militiamen in history are also mixed in with the pro-Song armed forces.

Li Cun, who has already aspired to the top of the world, is unwilling to wipe out these loyal and good people.

Therefore, Li Cun gave the highest instruction to resolutely exterminate Yang Jin and Gao Tuoshan who have committed many evils for many years; for people like Liang Xing, Zhao Yun, and Zhao Bangjie who did not commit any serious crimes, they should try their best to recruit them.

In order to do this well, Li Cun sent a large number of people with courage, eloquence, and even prestige, including Zhang Suo, Fu Liang, and Ma Kuo, to recruit Liang Xing, Zhao Yun, and Zhao Bangjie.

Ma Kuo was an outstanding diplomat who traveled around various countries at the time. For him, such a trivial matter as recruiting pro-Song armed forces was nothing more than a nomination certificate, not worth mentioning.

Let’s just talk about Zhang Suo, Fu Liang and others. They have been trying their best to persuade Li Cun not to use force alone to solve the pro-Song armed forces in Lianghe area. Therefore, they have gained a high reputation in public opinion, especially in Hebei and Hedong areas— ——In the words of people at that time, it was "the sound is full of Heshuo".

Li Cun gave Zhang Suo, Fu Liang, Ma Kuo and others high status, very flexible recruiting conditions, and great autonomy, allowing them to do their best.

Zhang Suo, Fu Liang, Ma Kuo and others also lived up to Li Cun's expectations of them. They persuaded nearly a hundred groups of pro-Song armed forces to leave the dangerous place they were clinging to and join the Daqian Dynasty.

Of course, this is also because it took less than two years for the Dagan Dynasty to hand over a very satisfactory answer sheet to the people in the Lianghe area, plus the arrival of hundreds of thousands of troops from the Dagan Dynasty. They had to die for them to surrender so happily.

With the help of Liang Xing, Zhao Yun, and Zhao Bangjie who were familiar with the Lianghe area, Wu Jie, Wu Lin, Zhai Xing, Wang Yan, Li Yanxian and others also went very smoothly in suppressing the bandits.

It is initially estimated that before the end of this year, the Dagan Dynasty should be able to completely wipe out the pro-Song armed forces in the Lianghe area, and restore a complete peace to the Lianghe area...



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