Qian Song

Chapter 324 This Woman Who Can Really Help Li Cun

Chapter 324 This Woman Who Can Really Help Li Cun (Ask for a monthly ticket!)

Waiting for Concubine Qian to wake up slowly in front of Concubine Qian's door, Li Cun, who was busy with everything, showed no signs of impatience, which meant that Zhao Ji was waiting for Master Li to see him.

In other words, does Li Cunzhen love Concubine Qian so much?

Although the outside world's speculation is not entirely correct, it is not without any basis.

Li Cun really dotes on Concubine Qian very much.

Li Cun not only named Qian and his childhood sweetheart, Wang Huiniang, who was in charge of all his property, as noble concubines at the beginning of his accession to the throne, but also named Qian Guifei's father, Qian Zai, as the third secretary of the household department and Kaifu Yitong.

The point is, Concubine Qian also has one thing that Li Cun's concubines (including Empress Fang Baihua) don't have, and that is freedom.

Concubine Qian Gui can leave the palace at any time without having to greet anyone.

Of course, when Concubine Qian left the palace, she just went to the research institute that Li Cun had prepared for her—the Royal Research Institute.

In fact, it cannot be said that this research institute was specially prepared by Li Cun for Concubine Qian. In fact, it includes most of the talents with research spirit and inventive talent in the Daqian Dynasty, as well as the top craftsmen in the country. An academic sect that has lived in seclusion for a long time - Mohism.

The Mohist school has a strict organization and strict discipline. Its leaders are called "juzi".

The disciples of Mohism are all called Mohists, they must obey the orders of the giant, and sacrifice their lives to practice the way of Mohism in order to implement the ideas of Mohism.

The Mohists who are sent to various countries as officials must implement the Mohist political ideas, and would rather resign if it doesn’t work.

Mohists who are officials must donate their salaries to the group, so as to "share the wealth".

The giant must lead by example and implement the "law of the Mohist".

According to legend:

At the end of the Spring and Autumn Period and the beginning of the Warring States Period, the world was divided among the heroes, and the Zhou family was unable to restore the previous era of rule of law. Mo Zhai, the founder of the Mohist School, felt confused.

On a snowy night, Mo Di passed by a village, and there were two teenagers sitting on a boulder at the entrance of the village, playing chess with the world as the game, and heard them talk about ancient kings.

Mo Di knelt down and begged the two to teach him the way of kingship, one of the young men in black asked him, "Now that King Zhou has fallen, what should you do if the king of Zhou falls apart?"

Mo Di knelt down and said, "I am willing to write books to educate the world."

The young man laughed loudly, without saying a word, took out the bamboo slips from his sleeve and gave it to him, saying to him: "Everything you want is inside."

Mo Di thanked him and left.

The white-clothed boy behind the black-clothed boy said coldly: "Do you think you can stop God's punishment by giving him the ancient weapon armor book, Yanshi?"

Yanshi looked back, smiled and said to the boy in white: "Wang Yi, he will. People who dream of great harmony in the world may be fools, but they are the source of dreams."

Mo Di went back to study hard and comprehended the profound meaning of the book, which is known to later generations, love between people on an equal footing (universal love), oppose aggressive wars (non-aggression), advocate economy, and oppose extravagance and waste (frugality) , pay attention to inheriting the cultural wealth of predecessors (Ming Gui), mastering the laws of nature (Tianzhi), etc.

The character of the Mohists after Mo Di is undoubtedly noble, even so noble that other scholars feel ashamed.

But for the emperor, these Mohists who only listen to the orders of the giants and not the emperor's orders are definitely not as useful as those Confucian scholars who advocate loyalty to the emperor and patriotism.

This is also one of the reasons why Confucianism became more and more popular in the feudal period, but Mohism gradually disappeared in the long river of history.

Li Cun is not interested in the struggle between Confucianism and Mohism. He is a pragmatist, so he only sees who is useful and who is not.

Confucianism is useful to his own rule, so Li Cun used Confucian scholars to govern the country.

For the Mohists, Li Cun's attitude is the same.

Li Cuncai didn't care that Mohism and Confucianism didn't deal with each other, nor did he care that Mohism's thinking was not conducive to his own rule.

Li Cun only knew that Mozi had established a set of scientific theories with outstanding achievements in geometry, physics, and optics in the pre-Qin period.

Moreover, Mozi's research on physics involved branches such as mechanics, optics, and acoustics, and he gave definitions of many physical concepts, made many important discoveries, and summed up some important physical theorems.

In addition, the Mohists have been involved in wars, architecture, and agriculture in the long history of China.

In other words, what Li Cun valued was the scientific research ability of Mohism.

That's why Li Cun reused the Mohists to develop advanced things for the Daqian Dynasty and build a scientific foundation.

Let's put it this way, Li Cun never looked at any house. He didn't care if the cat was black or white, as long as it could catch mice, it was a good cat.


Li Cun reused the Mohist school, and encountered two big troubles.

The first problem is that Li Cun wants to use the Mohists, but the Mohists stick to their own old traditions. Li Cun can't meet their requirements, and they would rather continue to live in seclusion than work for Li Cun.

But what Li Cun wanted was the ability of the Mohists to invent and create, not their set of ideas.

The key point is that the Mohist's set of ideas is completely destroying the rule of the emperor Li Cun, and Li Cun is not crazy, how can he accept it?

If it were another emperor, these stubborn Mohists might be abandoned.

But Li Cun didn't.

Li Cun directly found Mo Que, the contemporary tycoon of the Mohist family, and talked with him. If all the Mohists of their Mohist family are willing to help him for ten years, he will give them a piece of territory for the Mohist family, so that they can follow their rules. Thinking to build a holy land belonging to their Mohists.

Moreover, Li Cun also said that as long as all the Mohists of their Mohism are willing to serve him wholeheartedly for ten years, he can allow their Mohism to recruit people who are willing to go with them in the Daqian Dynasty.

The reason why Li Cun agreed to help the Mohists build an ideal country was because Li Cun never thought about letting the Mohists establish a country within a country within the territory of the Daqian Dynasty, but was going to give the Mohists any place in the world. Build this utopia in a corner or on a small island.

In addition, Li Cun concluded that with the Mohism's idea of ​​"dividing money with each other", even if he fully opened up and asked them to find like-minded people, they probably wouldn't find too many people willing to go with them. After all, human nature Selfish to greedy, they Mohists are really too noble, too condescending.

Mohists are morally noble, but this does not mean that they really have no desires or desires.

In fact, on the contrary, the Mohists were eager to spread their ideas.

But because of the intervention of the feudal imperial power, the Mohists had no chance to spread their ideas, so they stood still for too long, too long.

And Li Cun's idea of ​​helping the Mohists build an ideal country made all the Mohists eager to move, because it meant that they, the Mohists, could finally be freed from the constraints of imperial power, and they could create their own beauty according to their ideas The world is gone.

There are many extremely smart people among the Mohists. They know very well that there may not be another emperor like Li Cun who is capable and courageous in helping them build a Utopia in another 1000 years.

Therefore, after discussing with a group of Mohists, Mo Que agreed that they must seize this opportunity, and then Mo Que agreed to the conditions proposed by Li Cun, and the two parties signed a treaty.

This allowed a group of Mohists to enter the Royal Academy founded by Li Cunhong in the third year of Hongwu.

In addition to this first trouble, Li Cun also encountered a second trouble, that is, the Confucian literati (whether they were the original literati of the Dagan Dynasty or the literati of the new Dagan Dynasty) knew that Li Cun He even secretly used the Mohist to help him study strange skills and tricks, and they hugged together to prevent Li Cun from doing so.

In this regard, Li Cun did not foolishly fight with these literati by himself, but found an opponent for these literati.


Li Cun put the bicycle developed by himself under the command of a group of Mohists into production.

It has to be said that because the current industrial level is not enough, fine parts such as bearings are not mature enough, and natural rubber has just been transplanted from Prince Continent to Hainan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian and other places and has not yet formed a large scale of planting, etc. The reason is that the quality of current bicycles is not good enough, and the manufacturing cost is also very high.

But it doesn't matter, no matter how much the manufacturing cost is, Li Cun will directly sell it out by a hundred times.

Don't be too expensive.

You have to study the psychology of people who buy bicycles.

You know, in this period, as long as anyone who can afford a bicycle, there are no poor people.

They will spend a lot of money when they visit brothels, buying a novelty that symbolizes status and status, what's wrong with spending more money?
Moreover, this bike is cool and fun to ride, and it can attract countless envious eyes wherever it goes.

Therefore, once the bicycle came out, it quickly became popular in Bianliang City, Tokyo, and then spread to Nanjing, Yanjing, Yunzhong, Luoyang, and other major port cities at an extremely fast speed, and rich men from all over the world competed to buy it.

Moreover, some people engaged in maritime trade saw this business opportunity and purchased a large number of bicycles to bring back to their respective countries for sale.

A hundred times the huge profits, and the sales volume has snowballed. The key is that this company is the only one.

Li Cun ordered that 50.00% of the shares of this bicycle factory belong to the treasury of the Dagan Dynasty, and the remaining 40.00% of the shares are all donated by a group of princes (currently under the custody of their mother) and Li Cun's meritorious service. Money to subscribe, as for the managers of this emerging enterprise, they are also recommended by Li Cun's meritorious service, and Li Cun himself decides whether to appoint him or not.

After these feats with Li Cun made a lot of money, Li Cun went out, and any new money-making objects researched by the Mohists in the future would follow this example.

Then, when the civil servants are chasing and beating the Mo family, some meritorious officials will stand up and fight these civil servants.

Moreover, since many civil servants also benefited a lot from this matter, Confucianism is no longer monolithic.

In addition, because Li Cun gave out real benefits to him for his meritorious service, Li Cun was even more supported by his old brothers, and his status became more stable.

Another advantage of invisibility is that because of the meritorious service against Li Cun to check and balance those civil officials, those civil officials who always like to put shackles on the emperor to control the emperor's thoughts, they have nothing to do with Li Cun, they can only give Li Cun obediently work to earn a living.

But it is worth mentioning that these Mohists of the Mohist School are not so obedient.

These Mohists did not move closer to Li Cun just because Li Cun protected them and planned to help them build an ideal country.

On the contrary, these Mohists have always been vigilant towards Li Cun, and they are always on guard against Li Cun harming them.

As for the tasks that Li Cun gave them, they would do whatever Li Cun told them, and they would never do even a little bit more.

It seemed that these Mohists were dealing with it, preparing to spend the past ten years, and then they could stay away from Li Cun, who was not with them at all.

Li Cun is an emperor who manages a lot of affairs every day, how can he have time to intrigue with these Mohists every day?
Moreover, although these Mohists didn't show it, they were actually very proud in their hearts, as if Li Cun would not be able to do without them.

The key point is that these Mohists advocate non-aggression and oppose aggressive wars, so they refuse to help Li Cun develop weapons.

The key point is that these Mohists will only help Li Cun for ten years, and they will leave after ten years.

Therefore, it is impossible for Li Cun to put all his treasures on these Mohists——Li Cun must train his own R&D personnel.

Moreover, Li Cun had to find someone to educate these Mohists, so that they would understand that the only reason he wanted to cooperate with them was because he wanted to take a shortcut, and he had to leave them.

Therefore, Li Cun first recruited all the best craftsmen in the country to the Royal Research Institute, and then issued an imperial decree to ask local officials to recommend those talents with research spirit and inventive talent.

Li Cun also specially decreed that if a person recommended by an official with a research spirit and a talent for invention and creativity is selected, the official's assessment score will be greatly increased. Young and old, the family can get a hundred acres of fertile land and a thousand dollars of money, and will be rewarded again after meritorious service, and there is no cap on the top.

And Li Cun also "raised talents without avoiding relatives", and sent Concubine Qian to the Royal Research Institute.

As soon as Concubine Qian arrived at the Imperial Research Institute, under the auspices of Li Cun, she competed with a group of Mohists.

The two sides passed the competition in three aspects: mathematics, physics, and invention.

As a result, all the Mohists were defeated, and Concubine Qian Guifei won completely.

This made a group of Mohists finally realize that there are people beyond people and heaven beyond the sky, and the knowledge that their Mohists have passed down for thousands of years is no longer the most advanced, and they no longer dare to be as cold as before.

When Li Cunnong brought thousands of talents with research spirit and inventive talent into the Royal Research Institute, a group of Mohists finally realized that they were not irreplaceable.

In addition, Li Cun will occasionally show a small hand to a group of Mohists, using some three laws of kinematics, relativity and so on to beat these Mohists, so that they know that Li Cun's height is not theirs. I don't know how many years of schools that have been complacent.

In the end, these rebellious Mohists were finally trained by Li Cun to have no temper at all, and they were honestly used by Li Cun.

Over the years, the Royal Research Institute has researched many useful things for Li Cun, such as improving various mechanical equipment needed for the development of agriculture, such as improving rice, sweet potatoes, potatoes, and corn varieties, and researching new weapons. ,Etc., etc……

And Concubine Qian is Li Cun's most reliable scientist. She developed many key things, especially those weapons that Mohists are unwilling to help Li Cun develop. .

Moreover, Concubine Qian is like a catfish that Li Cun put into the Royal Institute of Science. With her, no matter the Mohists or the researchers Li Cun recruited from all over the country, they all worked hard to develop the research and development that Li Cun handed over to them. One research and development task after another.

To be honest, Li Cun has so many women, but there are really not many women who can really help him.

And Concubine Qian is definitely one of them, and she is the best among them.

Based on this alone, Li Cun should dote on Concubine Qian.

Furthermore, once Concubine Qian has studied something she is interested in, she likes to forget about food and sleep, and sometimes even stay up for days and nights.

This also led to Li Cun being reluctant to disturb Concubine Qian Gui's sleep.

Just like this time, Li Cunming knew that it was Concubine Qian who hadn't slept for several days and didn't know when she would wake up, but he still patiently waited for Concubine Qian to wake up naturally...



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(End of this chapter)

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