Homo sapiens

Chapter 78 Food War

Chapter 78 Food War
Bandon Island.

A small port on the west side of the island. There is a specially designed underwater channel. At a water depth of about 35 meters, there is an underwater platform made of coral cement.

Mackerel 001 slowly moored on the platform, and then a connecting cabin was raised under the platform, inserted into the bottom of Mackerel 001, and then the connecting cabin began to empty the water inside to test whether the channel was leaking.

After confirming that there was no water leakage, Xu Yingming, escorted by soldiers, entered the bottom communication cabin of Mackerel No. 001.

Open the two gates between the traffic cabin and the connecting cabin, and the capsule elevator inside the traffic cabin slides down at a constant speed.

This kind of capsule elevator does not use cables to pull, but uses gears to hold and grasp to move up and down. It has a lot of power and can resist water pressure at a depth of hundreds of meters.

The capsule elevator came down from Mackerel 001, moved down 18 meters, and entered the water-proof exchange cabin, and then the two gates on it were closed one by one.

Coming out of the capsule elevator, Xu Yingming was taken to the underground transportation cabin, and took the tram to the interior of the island.

As Li Qingye's core scientific research base, Bandon Island is also the area where the main body is located, so it is natural to strictly guard against it.

Even Xu Yingming didn't know where this island was. After all, the soldiers only told him that it was called "Spider Nest Base".

The submarine was sailing under the sea again, and there was no reference to be seen at all. He was not even qualified to enter the cockpit of the submarine, and could only stay in a specific passenger compartment.

As for the communicators and the like on the body, they are not allowed to bring in, and even the clothes must be changed into those prepared by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

In the underground base of Bandon Island.

When Xu Yingming came to the conference hall, there were other people present.

The spider web managers present included Harry Fernando, Cavendish Lopez, Chen Jianxiong, McDutt (Dutt family), Sun Yaozu (Tusun family), and Ovi (Rear Admiral Luzon).

These people are the core members of the Luzon branch.

Xu Yingming was once again secretly startled by the strength of Homo sapiens.

Philip came out from the side door and said as he walked, "Colleagues, let us welcome the boss with the warmest applause."

clap clap clap...

Li Qingye smiled and waved his hands: "Okay, all take your seats."

Everyone sat down one by one with serious expressions on their faces.

"Today's meeting, on the one hand, is to let everyone get to know each other. In the future, we will all be colleagues, so as not to accidentally hurt our own people."

He went on to say: "On the other hand, it is to deal with the upcoming food crisis."

Food crisis?Xu Yingming didn't notice this, but suddenly he remembered that some time ago, the Aquino family asked them to sell the rice and corn they had as soon as possible.

Chen Jianxiong stood up and came to the mural on the left, holding a device similar to a mobile phone. After pressing a few switches, the mural immediately turned into a large screen.

"This is the information collected by our Security Department in Manila, Sing Tao and New York. ABCD has noticed that we have expanded the rice planting area in Luzon. We are planning to hold a secret meeting soon to discuss the food price issue in Southeast Asia. The Marcus family Both the Aquino family and the Aquino family have received invitations, and they plan to do the same trick again."

The documents are displayed on the big screen one by one.

Chen Jianxiong continued: "In addition, ABCD also contacted some chemical fertilizer and pesticide companies, including 17 fertilizer and pesticide manufacturers including Bayer, Dow, DuPont, Maple Leaf Potash, and BASF. They will use various excuses to promote Southeast Asia. The price of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and agricultural machinery has increased."

The increase in the price of pesticides and fertilizers will obviously further increase the food production costs of Luzon farmers, forcing them to switch to cash crops with higher added value.

"In addition, eight international companies, including United Fruit, will gradually increase the purchase price of some crops in the near future, including bananas, pineapples, sugar cane, mangosteen, lotus mist, etc."

"Everyone has seen it." Li Qingye said calmly.

As members of the big family who once cooperated with ABCD in looting Luzon, Harry, Cavendish, Xu Yingming, and Sun Yaozu naturally understood the three axes of ABCD.

Don't look at doing this, ABCD will suffer short-term losses, but once Luzon's food self-sufficiency plan is successfully destroyed, then Luzon will be a dish, and they can eat whatever they want.

Because the food shortage in Luzon is as high as 700 to 800 million tons, and there are not many countries in the world that can supply this level of food.

And there is another big problem with Luzon's eating habits, that is, rice is the main food, and corn and flour are only supplementary food.


Next is America, with an annual export volume of about 500 million tons; Pakistan, with an export volume of about 300 million tons; followed by Hongshawadi, with an export volume of about 250 million tons.

Regardless of the combined export volume of these regions, there is a scale of 3150 million to 3650 million tons.

The problem is that many of these rices have been ordered. If there is a sudden increase in orders, hundreds of thousands of tons will be fine. Once the demand exceeds the level of one million tons, it will be difficult to obtain spot goods for a while.

In order to ensure food supply for a population of 3000 million, it is difficult to resist fluctuations in international grain prices without stockpiling [-] to [-] million tons of rice, and Luzon does not have enough national grain reserves.

Of course, ABCD's three axes will not be effective immediately. To complete the whole plan, they need at least one or two quarters before they can complete the harvest.

"Boss, Xu's warehouse still reserves 24 tons of rice and 36 tons of corn kernels." Xu Yingming was the first to stand up and show his loyalty.

In fact, there are not a few grains stored in the warehouses of various big families.

Li Qingye smiled and said: "Well, I will let Garfield take the lead to set up a secret non-governmental organization called the Luzon Food Safety Association to centrally control the food in our hands. Aren't ABCD just playing? We will accompany them try it out."

Everyone reconciled.

At present, they have 627 million tons of rice, 836 million tons of corn kernels, 133 million tons of wheat flour, and 42 tons of seaweed starch.

In addition, Qingye Group, another vest of Homo sapiens, also controls a large area of ​​farms and plantations in Hongshawadi, and has about 82 tons of rice reserves.

Before the end of the year, after the rice harvest in various places, there will be 200-300 million tons of rice and 300-400 million tons of corn put into storage.

Fighting a food war?
ABCD also bullies those comprador countries that are in a state of disunity. When encountering countries with a high degree of centralization and enough arable land, their methods may not be effective.

The Luzon Food Security Association planned by Li Qingye will increase Luzon’s total grain reserves to 3000 million tons in the next three years, including 1500 million tons of rice, 300 million tons of wheat, and 1200 million tons of corn.

As for where the food reserves come from.

It's very simple, isn't ABCD going to fight a food war in Southeast Asia?Then Li Qingye asked Fernando and other families to take the opportunity to purchase these low-priced rice, wheat and corn with their vests on.

As for the reluctance of Luzon farmers to grow rice, this is not a link that ABCD can directly control.

In the area controlled by Homo sapiens, what the landlords and farmers want to plant must be approved by the Agricultural Association. It does not mean that farmers can replant cash crops with high returns.

Otherwise, Homo sapiens will let them know what an iron fist is, ensuring that they can't even transport agricultural products to the local area.

After all, the local ports, shipping, roads and railways are all controlled by Homo sapiens company. No matter how high the purchase price is, it must be shipped out to be useful.

 Thank you for your support (ω`), and thank you book friend "The Story of Tsing Yi" for your reward.

(End of this chapter)

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