Homo sapiens

Chapter 715 The End

Milky Way.

Yinxin District.

The headquarters of the Fog civilization.

"Haodu, what happened?"

The voice echoed in the empty hall.

A purple mist-like creature floats in it: "Dear Lord, our monitoring spaceship responsible for monitoring Homo sapiens civilization (the Fog people call humans the wisdom human civilization) has been discovered by the other party."

"Discovered? Have they grown to this extent?"

In the middle of the hall, a nearly transparent misty creature let out an exclamation of unknown meaning.

"Hang Lord! What do we need to do?"

"..." Hengzhu's opaque foggy body was gently fluttering like the undulating wind.

"Is there really an end to civilization?"

"Is there no high-level civilization in this universe?"

Hengzhu seemed to be talking to himself, and seemed to be thinking about something, but in the end it looked at the purple misty people in the hall with great disappointment:
"Haodu, do you know?"

"Hengzhu!" The fog in Haodu fluctuated slightly.

Hengzhu said with a low mood: "The civilization of the Wu people has come to an end, and we can't find any way to advance..."

"Even if we beat the other two competitors, our technology will not make much progress. I was already desperate..."

"But the emergence of Homo sapiens civilization has subverted my cognition. They seem to be naturally suitable for researching technology..."

Howe was silent. As the head of the intelligence department of the Wuzu civilization, it naturally has a clear picture of the development of human beings.

A civilization that has only developed for less than 3 years can already be compared with the Wu tribe and the shepherds at this time. What a talent this is.

Envy, jealousy and hatred filled most of the Wu people.

However, as the absolute master of a civilization, Hengzhu's mentality is somewhat different from that of ordinary Wu people.

It is very clear that the potential of the Fog civilization has been exhausted.

This is also the reason why it has not agreed with the Mist tribe to send troops to attack human civilization after it discovered that human civilization was at war with the omnic civilization on the Orion cantilever.

Because it sees no hope, it sees no hope of defeating human civilization.

With the development speed of human civilization, if human beings cannot be wiped out completely, then once human beings make a comeback, the Wu Clan will definitely be wiped out by human civilization.

And it also sees another "hope" in human civilization.

That is the hope of completing civilization promotion.

As the master of the Wu tribe civilization, Hengzhu has lost his potential after generations of memory reincarnation, but he still has a good control over the overall situation.

Now that the Fog Clan has lost its potential, it intends to gain the possibility of advancement by joining human civilization.

Obviously this decision was not so easy to make.

If it weren't for the social operation model of the Wu tribe civilization, which allowed Hengzhu to have absolute power, the Wu tribe civilization would not choose to "surrender" to human civilization.

In fact, in Hengzhu's view, civilizations that have developed to the late stage of the first-level civilization only have "memory information" as their ethnic characteristics, and other things can be easily changed, and they do not have the so-called uniqueness.

Therefore, it only requires that part of the body of the original Wu people can be preserved, and then all other Wu people can be transformed into human forms, and at the same time, it is enough to preserve the inheritance of cultural information for them.

Human civilization here.

He was also caught off guard by this sudden news.

After all, they have never encountered such a thing.

Although human civilization is in the process of expansion, it also retains a part of the genes and various data of the first-level civilization.

The zero-level civilization and primitive life planets are basically innocent, and they are kept in special planets.

However, a force in the late stage of a first-level civilization suddenly said that it wanted to take refuge in itself. This is indeed the first time that human civilization has encountered it.

For a while, there were endless debates within human civilization, and many people wondered if the other party had a conspiracy?Or they intend to steal the secrets of human civilization.

Even if the Fog civilization behaved very "safe", and even took the initiative to develop its own scientific and technological database to human civilization, and agreed to human civilization to monitor and analyze their souls, it still did not dispel the vigilance of human civilization.

All in all, the two parties have been in contact for more than 100 years, but they still have not successfully merged.

Human civilization only agrees to accept the Wu tribe civilization as an affiliated civilization, but does not allow the Wu tribe people to enter the native territory of human civilization.

However, human civilization's research on the Wu people's civilization is in full swing.

Many Wu people have become new human forms, and gradually learn part of the culture of human civilization.

However, human civilization is completely blocked on information related to technology, especially immortality, information reincarnation of human clones, super-individual life and virtual brain world.

The Fog Clan is actually very clear about human beings' precautions, but they also understand very well that this is the price.

Now humans don't trust the Wuzu, that's a matter of course. Only when human technology completely crushes the Wuzu, is the time for humans to completely annex the Wuzu.

And the Wu Clan is already taking the initiative to transform into human beings, that is, making preparations in advance.

After surrendering to human civilization, the Wu tribe civilization has discovered that the scientific research speed of human civilization is indeed terrifying in the past 100 years. After obtaining their scientific and technological materials, they quickly innovated.

Hengzhu is also thinking about the reasons for the rapid development of human beings.

But the human civilization is very closed, and the Wu people don't know how humans do it.

If they knew that human wisdom was bought with life, it would probably cause chaos within them.

After all, not all creatures will willingly accept the rules of natural old age and death.

If human civilization hadn't had Li Qingye leading by example, it would have been difficult to get out of this "dead end" in the development of civilization.

In other words, what the Wuzu wants to break through is not a technological bottleneck, but a "cage" that they have set for themselves.

It's all a matter of perception.

If you don't kill yourself, how can you break the limit.

But for the first-level civilization creatures, they have long been accustomed to "immortality", and with the incomparably sufficient resources to enjoy, who would like to die of old age naturally?

The things about human civilization and Wuzu civilization are not known to the other two civilizations.

Under the containment of the Fog civilization, human civilization rapidly expanded in the cantilever area, while the speed of technological development has been maintained at a very high level.

Galaxy for 30369 years.

Human civilization uses dark matter materials, success and soul technology to successfully complete the research and development of superluminal navigation technology.

The human civilization that has obtained super-light speed navigation technology has the strength to directly crush the entire galaxy and even the surrounding star systems.

But after humans complete the test of the first superluminal spaceship.

Human civilization and Fog civilization completely disappeared in the Milky Way overnight.

The earth at this time is the origin star of human civilization.

After 3 years of vicissitudes, the Holocene Ice Age ended about 2000 years ago, and some primitive tribes began to thrive again after the Ice Age receded.

The ancient legends have been passed down from generation to generation in the mouths of tribal wizards, and the omnipotent heavenly beings in the legends have also become more and more vague and mysterious.

As for those things related to the new humans, it seems to have been completely erased by a mysterious force.

Everything seems to be back to the starting point again.

Thank you for your support (ω), thank you for your support all the time, this book is officially finished today.The new book may take a month or two to prepare, and the genre is probably Xianxia.

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