Homo sapiens

Chapter 60

Chapter 60

In the ward.

Yang Tianci, who had just woken up, had lost more than half of his hair, several spots of baldness appeared on the top of his head, and his eyes became blurred. He looked like an evil spirit escaped from hell.

His weak voice sounded slowly: "Father...how is my condition?"

Yang Haibo's heart was pierced. Looking at his son who was tortured to such an inhuman state, he couldn't accept it for a while. He could only comfort him:
"I will find the best hospital and doctor, and you will be fine."

Although Yang Tianci's brain was poisoned, he hadn't completely become a fool. He heard the lack of confidence in his father's words.

Chang Mei, the mother who was peeling apples at the side, could only hold back her tears and comforted Yang Tianci constantly.

But her consolation, for Yang Tianci, who has been trying to be strong all his life, is tantamount to stinging his fragile heart even more.

Seeing his son in despair, Yang Haibo endured the pain and left the ward.

He returned to his villa with a heavy heart.

Sitting on the sofa, listening to the report of his subordinates, Yang Haibo's eyes were filled with sternness: "Have you investigated all the people Tianci has come into contact with recently?"

His confidant Yang Zheng immediately replied: "Patriarch, I have checked everything. According to the doctor's diagnosis report, the poisoning time of Master Tianci should be within 10 days. The domestic contacts are all people in the company and the family. Found a problem; on the Siam side, the Xu family is also helping to investigate, but there is no reply yet."

"The contact personnel in the country will be carefully screened again." Yang Haibo ordered.

"Yes, I'll do it right away." Yang Zheng nodded.

But Yang Haibo knew in his heart that when his son was poisoned, there was a high probability that it was in Siam.

Although the Yang family has many partners in various countries in Southeast Asia, it does not mean that the other party will do their best to help themselves. The big families are very realistic and do not have enough interests. The investigation on the Siam side may only be superficial. surface.

But what can he do?
It is obviously unrealistic to bring people to fly to Siam by yourself.

Suddenly Yang Haibo thought of another matter, and quickly picked up the phone.

"Hi! What's the matter, father?"

"Tian Cheng, you should return to Yangcheng immediately, remember not to touch strangers casually, and carefully check what you eat."

"What? What happened?" Yang Tiancheng on the other side of the phone seemed very confused.

Yang Haichang said shortly: "Your brother has been poisoned, come back quickly."

"Poisoning?... Uh, I'll go back to Yangcheng right away."

After hanging up the phone, Yang Haibo collapsed on the sofa, obviously recalling his eldest son was a helpless choice.

Originally, he didn't think about the eldest son at all, Yang Tianci was the most ideal heir in his mind, but now Yang Tianci is almost abolished.

If it was an injury like a broken hand or foot, then Yang Haibo wouldn't care too much about it, but the thallium poisoning had seriously affected Yang Tianci's central nervous system. How could an heir with a mental problem lead the Yang family to develop and pass on?
Now Yang Haibo can only take the next best thing and transfer back the eldest son Yang Tiancheng who had given up before.

On the other hand, he was also worried that Yang Tiancheng would be plotted against.

As for the possibility of suspecting Yang Tiancheng's poisoning, Yang Haibo knew this idiot son too well, although he had the possibility of buying someone to kill him because of his personality of cherishing his life for big things and being crazy about small things.

The problem is that Yang Tiancheng doesn't have much power in his hands, and he was sent there by himself, and Yang Tianci was even inserted in, so it is impossible to hide the truth from himself and his second son.


the other side.

Siam, Bangkok.

Xu's Manor.

Brothers Xu Xuekong and Xu Xuemeng are listening to the report of their subordinates in the living room.

"...We investigated the monitoring of the Riverside Hotel, and conducted a joint investigation with the Su family behind the hotel. The hotel staff did not find any problems."

"...The servants, cooks, and bodyguards in the family have all been checked, and no suspicious person who poisoned was found."

Xu Xuekong had a deep expression: "People were poisoned in Siam, which makes it very difficult for us!"

All the subordinates did not dare to answer this question.

Xu Xuemeng, who was drinking tea with a smile on the other hand, said calmly, "Just give me an explanation. Could it be that Yang Haibo will turn against us because of a crippled son?"

"It's a good thing to be able to give an explanation. The question is how to give this explanation. You can't just introduce a cat or a dog, right?" Xu Xuekong reminded.

Suddenly Xu Xuemeng remembered something, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly: "Maybe I have a way, Yang Tianci found out about Li Qingye, the son of the former chairman of Xinxin Group."

"You mean..." Xu Xuekong immediately understood.

Xu Xuemeng shrugged and smiled: "Since we are looking for a scapegoat, isn't this person the best candidate? There is no need to find excuses."


That night, Chen Jianxiong, who was still in the secret base in Bangkok, received information from Xu's manor. The content of the Xu brothers' conversation appeared in his hands verbatim.

"Isn't it good to live? Suicide, or this is arrogance! I have been aloof for too long, and I always feel that I am a superior person."

"It's just a bunch of rubbish, can you take action? I can't help but listen to their screams." Domino's eyes were full of madness and killing intent.

Chen Jianxiong nodded: "Let's do it! Do it cleanly."

The impatient Domino left the stronghold directly with his subordinates.

Under the cover of night, a van was parked on the street two kilometers away from Xu's Manor. In the dead of night, the street looked deserted.

This is a well-known wealthy area in Bangkok. It is relatively quiet and does not have the atmosphere of a civilian area.

Since he had obtained the blood of the Xu brothers before, Domino had already bred poisonous mosquitoes specifically for them.

As the poisonous mosquitoes were released.

Xu Xuekong, who was in the study, was talking on the phone with the person in charge of the company.

Under the crack of the door, a few mosquitoes sneaked in without a sound. The target was very clear, which was Xu Xuekong, who was releasing strong pheromones.

Since Siam has a tropical climate, Xu Xuekong naturally wears short sleeves, and his arm was quickly bitten several times.

After the parasite entered its body, it quickly followed the blood vessels into the brain, and then secreted a large amount of toxin with the help of nutrients in the blood, and the toxin component came from the gene of the coral snake.

The venom of the coral snake has extremely strong neurotoxicity and a special neuromuscular transmission blocking effect. In addition, the secretion of genetically modified parasites is relatively small in the early stage, so Xu Xuekong did not notice any abnormalities in his body.

After he fell asleep, the toxins in his body accumulated little by little, and within five hours, he died of respiratory failure.

The lover who shared the bed with him did not realize that the person next to him had already gone to hell.

This is why Domino chose to do it at night, because at this time, he was poisoned in the first half of the night, but had no obvious clinical symptoms, and when he fell asleep in the second half of the night, he could sleep forever.

The parasite sensed that the oxygen content in the blood dropped rapidly, and immediately triggered the self-dissolving gene, and the parasite quickly disintegrated and decomposed into proteins and other organic substances without trace.

The next day, early in the morning.

"Ahhh..." A sharp soprano sounded in the room of brothers Xu Xuekong and Xu Xuemeng.

Immediately there was a flutter of chaos in the manor, but the two pillars of the family suddenly fell down. For the Xu family, the sky was about to fall.

After all, the two brothers are very young, one is 42 years old and the other is 35 years old. Although they both have children, the eldest daughter is only 16 years old this year, and the other children are even younger.

Now, the other adult children of the family felt that their chance had come, especially the few people who were closer in blood relationship, and they acted quickly.

Around the competition for family property, an open and secret struggle is inevitable.

 Thank you for your support (ω`), and thank you "Book Friends 20220314112350915" for your reward!

(End of this chapter)

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