Homo sapiens.

Chapter 586 Control

Chapter 586 Control
Li Qingye controlled the synchronous robot and went to other exhibition areas of the venue.

Due to the huge investment of manpower and material resources, each subsidiary company of Homo sapiens has its own special technology.

For example, the Coral Construction Group in front of us, in addition to the engineered termites that have been put into use before, they have developed engineered coral polyps.

After several technological upgrades, engineered termites and engineered coral polyps have become extremely powerful.

Engineered coral polyps are specially used to build submarine projects, while engineered termites are used in surface projects, especially in large-scale projects. These two engineered organisms are more useful than engineering machines.

In the coral construction exhibition area, Li Qingye saw a building built on the sand, which was built with engineering termites.

The narrator also tried his best to explain the relevant situation to him: "...This is a simulated desert environment. Under a certain nutrient solution and food supply, engineering termites can quickly build their houses, roads, and dams."

Then the narrator called up the holographic projection.

In the picture is the yellow sand of the Sahara Desert.

However, in the yellow sand all over the sky, there are actually large buildings.

Li Qingye has been in Africa for more than a year, so he naturally knows what this is.

This is the inland of the central Sahara Desert. Even though Homo sapiens built countless seawater canals and a large number of seawater farmlands in the low-lying areas of the Sahara Desert, it still did not turn the inland of the central Sahara into a tropical grassland climate.

Originally, there was nothing in the Sahara Desert, but the wind will gradually push the sand from high places to flow down, and it will also cause sandstorms.

This poses a serious threat to the remodeled areas of the Suez branch and the Numidian branch.

Homo sapiens has been trying to tame the earth's climate, so naturally it will not compromise with sandstorms and desertification, but launched an extremely aggressive offensive.

The Coral Construction Group is one of the main forces of Homo sapiens to attack the desert.

For those large moving sand dunes, they hunted them by hunting.

And how to hunt sand dunes involves the engineering termites in front of us.

Normally, in order to completely wipe out a desert, Homo sapiens will adopt a whole set of plans, including: build a high-footed city, use the high-footed city as a point, radiate lines in all directions, connect the lines to form a network, and then a Mesh Solidification of a mesh.

Among them, Gaojiao City is the command center of engineering termites, as well as a supply station for nutrient solution and food. Disposable plastic pipes are used as lines to let engineer termites expand in all directions along these pipes, and the pipes can transport nutrient solution.

Engineered termites use nutrient solution and protein particles as food, and then use desert sand and soil as raw materials to continuously build various buildings.

Since it is for the purpose of eradicating deserts, there is no need to use steel bars, and there is no need to require the strength of the structure to be too high, as long as the engineering termites can complete the task with the fastest speed and the smallest cost.

There are about 5000 to 7000 million termites in this standard engineering termite colony. With sufficient nutrition, a building with a length of 10 meters, a height of 2 meters and a width of 0.5 meters can be built in one day. The strength of the building is comparable to that of ordinary cement. almost.

It seems that the speed is not good, but in fact, this is just a standard termite colony, and the coral construction group often invests tens of thousands of standard termite colonies at one time.

In other words, the termite colonies that Gaojiao City casts around can build buildings with a length of hundreds of thousands of meters in a day.

After dividing the desert into grids, the Coral Construction Group will invest in a second type of engineered termite, which can spit out special formic acid to quickly solidify the desert surface, and the thickness of the solidified layer can usually reach 2 to 3 centimeters.

In this way, Homo sapiens has wiped out millions of square kilometers of mobile deserts, firmly anchoring these mobile deserts.

The fixed desert has formed an endless spectacle in North Africa, and even in outer space, you can see the solidified area like terraced fields.

This solidified desert was not put there unused, but used to arrange solar panels.

At present, Sahara Energy Group, a subsidiary of Homo sapiens, has laid 37 square kilometers of solar panels in the solidified area of ​​Sahara, and the daily power generation is an astronomical figure.

And because a large number of solar panels are laid in the curing area, the curing layer under the solar panels does not receive too much solar energy, which leads to the fact that the temperature of the ground is not high during the day and becomes colder at night.

On the other hand, because Homo sapiens built seawater canals and seawater farmland in the low-lying areas in all directions of the Sahara Desert, the air humidity in the Sahara region has increased a bit.

The ultra-low temperature at night causes the water molecules in the air to condense on the back of the solar panels, which gradually increases the local surface humidity.

Now the Homo sapiens company has put some organic fertilizer and sand into these grids, and then spread the seeds of various low drought-tolerant herbaceous plants.

Many places have been turned into lush grasslands.

Sapiens Corporation, which has always believed that it can control the earth's climate, is leading the way in this regard.

Li Qingye also participated in several related climate symposiums in Africa, discussing how to control the climate of the Sahara Desert.

And solidifying the mobile desert area of ​​the Sahara Desert is a link in regulating the earth's climate.

Of course, Li Qingye also knows about some unknown and confidential projects, such as ocean current regulation projects.

Regarding how to control ocean currents, relevant researchers from Homo Sapiens have done various simulations and analyzes and come up with many solutions.

For example, dense guide towers are built on the seabed. These guide towers are required to adjust seawater temperature, salinity, pH, seaweed concentration, and oxygen concentration.

This project currently has several test sites, such as several core straits in Southeast Asia, and several ocean currents in the Ceylon Ocean, which are one of the test targets.

Originally, Homo sapiens would not conduct actual measurements of climate control research so soon.

However, as the North Atlantic warm current ceases to flow, which in turn causes systemic chaos in global ocean currents, this gives Homo sapiens a chance.

Anyway, the current global ocean currents are already chaotic, and Homo sapiens can naturally do ocean current control and guidance experiments without being too restrained.

By adjusting the parameters of seawater in and out of the Straits of Malacca and Lombok, many researchers have found that the climate can be controlled.

But this requires a major premise, that is, to completely control the entire earth. Whether it is shipping, land, or glaciers, sufficient control equipment needs to be arranged.

In addition, it is necessary to establish a global climate simulation system, preferably in low-Earth orbit, to build a device that blocks solar energy, such as a low-Earth orbit solar power generation system.

In this way, the intensity of solar radiation to the earth, ocean currents, surface temperature, and air humidity can be adjusted.

Although the climate control mechanism is just in its infancy, Li Qingye is still very confident in Homo sapiens.

After all, this is also the promotion core of a first-level civilization. If the climate and geological activities of the home planet cannot be controlled, then it cannot be called a first-level civilization.

Li Qingye came back to his senses and walked around the venue again before leaving Xingdao with a few security guards and heading to the next stop, Thonburi.

 Thank you for your support (ω`), I have a cold...

(End of this chapter)

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