Homo sapiens.

Chapter 572 The Initiator

Chapter 572 The Initiator

Galaxy 3, February 11nd.

Eight days have passed since the prison break in Gray Lake Town.

Adam, who ran from Gray Lake, was driving a pickup truck near Jackson, Tennessee.

These days, he has released 8 of the remaining 5 test tubes, and the locations are all in the rivers and forests along the way.

The pickup truck passed a highway bridge, and now he saw the unfrozen Mississippi tributary, and the madness on his face was uncontrollable.

Parking the car on the side of the highway bridge, he looked around and found that there were no vehicles or people nearby. He quickly put on a gas mask, opened a test tube, and poured the solution in the test tube into the rolling river.

'Go!With my hatred, completely bury human beings!Hahaha……'

Throwing down the test tube, he hurried into the car and continued driving to the next destination.

Although the City on the Hill council already knew that the freezer at Gray Lake Laboratory had been stolen, it ordered the FBI to investigate as soon as possible.

However, those prisoners didn't all stay in Huihu Town back then, but quickly fled in all directions after robbing a lot of supplies.

This situation caused the FBI to have no way to lock all the targets for a while, and could only capture them one by one.

Homo Sapiens, which is also secretly investigating this matter, because of the winter, the Great Lakes Plain and the northern part of the Mississippi Great Plains are covered with ice and snow, which is not conducive to the activities of insects. Now they can only rely on investigators lurking in the mountains and wilderness to investigate this matter in person. It's over.

This delay, Adam has already dropped a lot of test tubes along the way.

Especially as he drove south, although the weather in southern America became cold, part of the river did not freeze, which caused the contents of the test tube to quickly flow with the river and spread to the entire lower reaches of the Mississippi River.

11 month 17 day.

Even though he was careful, Adam still infected the contents of the test tube.

He was so hot that he had to park his pickup truck on a small town street next to the highway.

After taking a sip of Coke, his vision was a little blurry, and Adam knew that this was a symptom of a high fever.

In less than 20 hours, as the high fever persisted, dense blisters appeared one after another on his arms and face.

"Am I going to die? Hehe..."

Adam, who was a little delirious at first, looked out the car window, and the sky was covered with dark clouds.

"That's fine...I'm going to hell...waiting for you damned..."

His voice became smaller and smaller, and his breathing became weaker and weaker.

Until two days later, an old man passing by saw Adam lying in the car, knocked on the window for a few minutes, but still received no response, the old man hurriedly dialed 911.

Several local detectives rushed to the scene.

"Captain Ball, this guy isn't responding, and judging by the license plate, it's a stolen car."

Bauer looked at the situation and ordered: "Small the window first!"


The broken window hammer smashed the window glass in an instant.

And all the agents took pistols, aimed at Adam, who was lying dead in the driver's seat, and then slowly opened the car door.

A more courageous detective approached Adam cautiously. Due to the relatively cold these days, Adam's body hadn't smelled yet.

"Head, this guy is dead..."

The detective said while looking at Adam's body, and then he saw Adam's face covered with blisters, and the pus-filled blisters made him feel extremely nauseous: "Ugh... so disgusting..."

However, Bauer's face changed slightly: "Jin, don't touch the corpse again, the others quickly back away..."

Too late.

The moment they opened the car door, that stuff was already spreading.

Although Bauer moved quickly, he closed the car door again, pulled up the cordon again, and took a lot of disinfectant to spray and wash his hands.

But those little things have already taken root in their bodies.

The next day, CDC experts arrived there.

Hundreds of residents of the town have developed fevers and blisters, including the detectives who checked Adam's body yesterday.

Seeing this scene and the clinical symptoms of a group of residents, several CDC experts were frightened and at a loss, and quickly sent an emergency call for help to the CDC headquarters in Atlanta.

The CDC headquarters also knew that the matter was serious, and while reporting the situation to the City on the Hill Council, they formulated an emergency plan.

However, before the CDC headquarters made a response plan, more than a dozen areas in the middle and lower reaches of the Mississippi River had fever and chickenpox patients, and the number of cases exceeded [-].

At this time, all the big families of the city council on the top of the mountain have quickly entered the small ecological circle built in secret for refuge.

Because they already know what is going on with these patients.

After all, after the theft of the Gray Lake Laboratory, the Knights knew what was stolen through the archives.


Africa, Oasis City of Atlon.

Inside the Pan Gu world.

Li Qingye received Chen Jianxiong's urgent report immediately.

He looked at the information in his hands, especially some cases that appeared on the northeast coast of Aztec, samples had been taken, and their gene sequences were quickly analyzed.

As a top biologist, Li Qingye saw through the mother parent of this thing at a glance: "Monkeypox...AIDS...and..."

A group of biologists working in the Pangu world were also looking at the information.

One of the biologists frowned: "This thing is terrifying. Although it won't kill you all at once, the repeated attacks on the immune system and reproductive system will cause patients to completely lose their ability to reproduce."

"Hehe, the instigator has no successors? It's their own fault." Another biologist sneered.

"We are also affected and have to find ways to contain the spread."

"How to contain it? This thing can be transmitted by water, and it can also be transmitted by air within a short distance. It cannot be prevented at all, unless it is now a state of emergency and all employees are allowed to enter the small ecological circle."

"Let all branches in Central America first use bio-based armor! At least it can block it."

In fact, they don't need to remind them. At this time, all the branches in Central America are asking employees to wear bio-based armor to cover their entire body when they are working outside.

When returning to the small ecological circle, it is allowed to remove the cover of bio-based armor and move inside the small ecological circle after comprehensive disinfection.

Li Qingye was also left speechless by America's self-explosion this time.

In order to avoid problems with the company's employees, he had to find time to form a special response team, and he himself participated in scientific research.

Although due to the temperature, there has been no super monkeypox infection in other parts of the northern hemisphere for the time being.

But it's only a matter of time.

After all, this thing can spread through water, and there is no way to block the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean.

Although Homo sapiens is eager for the end of the free world, it still issued an early warning to the whole world, telling other regions to prepare quickly and deal with the next fatal impact.

North America was suddenly isolated.

Flights and shipping have come to a halt.

Because the whole world has received relevant information, the number of patients in North America is rapidly increasing at this time, and hundreds of thousands of new patients are added every day, which is simply terrifying.

Homo sapiens has directly suspended the recruitment of migrant workers from North America.

Even though super monkeypox can be treated with antibiotics and antipyretics, the mortality rate is very low.

But its sequelae are extremely terrifying. The patient's reproductive system is directly scrapped, and there are serious disfigurement effects, which are even more terrifying than direct death.

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(End of this chapter)

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