Homo sapiens.

Chapter 568 A heavy burden

Chapter 568 A heavy burden

Galaxy 3, February 10nd.

The Northern Hemisphere is once again covered in ice and snow.

The Arctic ice cap is rapidly developing southward with the help of the icy cold.

The Great Lakes were completely frozen, and the Baltic Sea was no longer navigable.

The production time of open-air agriculture in middle and high latitudes is getting less and less, which leads to a further decline in the total agricultural production.

Even if the four major forces increase the scale of indoor agriculture, there is still no way to make up for the reduction in open-air agriculture.

At this time, a trend quickly spread throughout the free world.

Many ordinary people and middle-class groups all voiced their voices in unison, demanding to reduce investment in armaments and aerospace, and to allocate resources to agriculture and people's livelihood.

And the spread of this trend is very fast, and the outbreak is also very violent.

Affected by this, all walks of life of the four major forces have fallen into a state of shutdown to varying degrees, which has brought crisis to the already precarious market and material supply.

Yet many natural people have had enough.

The weather is getting worse and the burden is getting bigger and bigger. The military industry and aerospace industry are almost becoming gold-swallowing behemoths.

Although finance and medical care are also gold-eating beasts, the problem is that these two industries are profitable.

The military industry and aerospace industry are just the opposite.

Now the entire free world is being suppressed by Sapiens Corporation. No matter how much armaments are invested, there is no possibility of defeating the opponent. This is like a bottomless pit, which makes people feel extremely resistant.

Similarly, the aerospace industry is the same. Homo sapiens has too many advantages in low-earth orbit, the moon, Mars, Venus and other planets. The free world has no hope of catching up, and there is no way to benefit from the aerospace industry.

This has caused many people to be extremely dissatisfied with the large-scale investment in military industry and aerospace.

Among the four major forces, the Freedom Federation and the Europa Federation, all experienced large-scale riots.

On the contrary, Lucia withstood part of the pressure, and his uncle did not have any major problems because of the bloodletting therapy for more than half a year.

Even with the passage of time, the problems within the Europa Commonwealth and the Free Association became more and more obvious.


South Pacific.

Wellington City, New Zeland.

As an island with a temperate marine climate, the original annual average temperature here is around 10-30 degrees Celsius, making it a very suitable place to live.

But since the global cooling, troubles have started here.

For example, in the southern region, winters begin to show a few degrees below zero.

What's more troublesome is that this change is still unstable, and it is easy to have a situation where it is more than ten degrees one week and a few degrees below zero next week.

This kind of irregular short-term weather mutation is too fatal for agricultural production.

This situation led to a 30-50% reduction in pasture production in New Zealand, a 37% reduction in kiwifruit production, a 25% reduction in grape production, and a 31% reduction in grain crop production.

In the case of a global shortage of food, New Zeland can only ask the boss, America, but America is also in trouble at this time, so naturally there is no way to squeeze out food to help New Zeland.

There are several big burdens in the free association established by who called America.

Several of his younger brothers have serious food supply problems.

Maple Leaf Country, which is constantly being eroded by the Arctic ice cap, has less than 30% of its previous food production capacity, and it is now very difficult to even be self-sufficient.

Japan and South Korea, which had no way to be self-sufficient in food, were squeezed by a sudden climate change, even if the population was reduced by more than half, the food self-sufficiency rate still dropped to only 20-30%.

The British Kingdom, another father-son conjugate, also had its own food self-sufficiency rate drop to only 53%.

The granary and pasture of the Kangaroo Country are almost half-destroyed at this time.

The food crisis that plagued the entire free association, coupled with the riots that broke out in various places, further caused chaos within the free association.

New Zeeland naturally has no way to be alone.

Entering October, with the arrival of spring in the southern hemisphere, New Zealand did not feel the warmth of spring, but instead experienced heavy rain for more than a week.

Continuous torrential rain, mixed with hail and high winds, has flooded many farms.

With the arrival of spring in the southern hemisphere, Antarctica's crazily growing ice sheet is also shrinking. In this case, a large number of icebergs are separated from the ice sheet and drift past to low-latitude seas with ocean currents.

Among them, there have been more than a dozen icebergs of different sizes in the waters near New Zeland recently. In addition, along with the icebergs, there is also dense sea fog. These conditions have seriously affected shipping.

New Zeland, which was originally isolated in the South Pacific, only felt more lonely and helpless at this time.

A wave of defeatism is growing in New Zeeland.

On the streets of Wellington City.

Several young people who were drunk picked up beer bottles and angrily smashed the glass door of the bank.

The shattered glass slag splashed out to the surroundings, and dense cobweb shatters appeared on the glass door.


"I'm almost bankrupt! Why do you bastards..."

"I'm not reconciled!"

A few young people roared wildly, then smashed things everywhere, picked up trash cans, seats, glass bottles that could be seen around them, and smashed them at the shops on the street.

And this kind of behavior is like a spark falling on the powder keg. In an instant, many people who were already suppressing their anger also joined in.

Throwing things, setting fire, beating people, broke out in this block, and then spread to the whole Wellington city.

Beep, beep, beep... The police car that sounded the siren was blocked in the streets and alleys.

There were screams, explosions, smoke and flames filling the streets, and chaotic crowds running everywhere.

bang bang bang!After a while there was another short gunshot.

a mess.

The city of Wellington is in chaos.

This sudden chaos lasted for two days and two nights, during which dozens of people were killed and thousands were injured.

Although the chaos was temporarily quelled through violent suppression, the management of New Zeland has already felt the depression that is coming, and there are undercurrents everywhere.

Food is in short supply and less likely to be sourced elsewhere.

New Zeland has urgently contacted Kangaroo Country, the Republic of Pampas, and the Republic of Transvaal that may export food, but the other party has no food either.

Of course, Homo sapiens is the only place in the world where there is enough food.

But the problem is, Homo sapiens company's food is not easy to get!

In fact, it is not only New Zeland that is in entanglement, but Dongying and South Koryo are also extremely entangled.

Although America gritted its teeth and gave them a batch of genetically modified corn, the food shortage was still very large.

Without mobile phones, computers and daily necessities, you can still grit your teeth and survive.

But without food, people will starve to death.

Even the Kangaroo Country couldn't sustain the losses, and took the initiative to slaughter nearly 500 million sheep. While reducing the consumption of forage and feed, it sold the meat of these sheep to ordinary people at a low price, barely stabilizing internal prices.

New Zeland has no choice but to learn from the kangaroo country, slaughter some sheep and beef cattle, and replace part of the grain with meat.

This is also no way.

Although this is done, the consequence is that it will be more difficult to restore the stock of sheep and beef cattle in the future, and it will take a long time.

But they have no choice.

On the other hand, the Nordic region of the Europa Commonwealth also encountered a snowstorm that was bigger than last year after autumn this year.

 Thank you for your support (ω`), the update will be adjusted from noon today to evening, and the normal update will resume tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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