Homo sapiens.

Chapter 532 The advantage is in me

Under the cryo-electron microscope, lunar bacteria wriggled slowly.

Wise-Hernandez carefully isolated a subset of the strains, which he then stored separately in several specially designed cryogenic storage containers.

After half an hour or so.

Naoya Kudo came to the door of the experimental cabin. Wise Hernandez, who received the artificial intelligence prompt, put down his work and went to the door to greet him.

"You came here so soon?"

"My research project is almost finished, let's take a look at your side first."

Wise Hernandez walked in front and said, "I have found a range for the breeding conditions of this lunar bacteria."

"Is it demanding?"

"It's okay. The temperature is 40-45 degrees Celsius. It's better to be in a liquid state containing sulfur and carbonic acid. The concentration has only been measured so far." Wise Hernandez explained roughly.

Naoya Kudo controls the reddish spots in the petri dish: "Is this the macroscopic feature of lunar bacteria?"


Kudo Naoya's knowledge of genetics is not low, which is also a characteristic of new humans. Once the biochip is implanted, the academic level of new humans will become stronger and stronger as time goes by.

The ultra-long lifespan of the new humans allows them to have a young adult period of nearly 70 years.

That is to say, in Homo Sapiens’ internal employee age definition, the period from 18 to 88 years old is considered young and middle-aged, and employees over 88 years old are called elderly people.

The ultra-fast learning ability brought by the biochip, coupled with the 70-year youth period, the superimposed effect of the two is actually very scary.

The young and middle age of a natural person is between 20 and 50 years old. After 50 years old, various abilities will start to decline, especially energy and innovation ability. It is basically difficult to return to the peak state of 30 to 40 years old. .

In other words, the peak period of a natural scientist is actually only about 10 years, and at most no more than 30 years.

This is because the knowledge base of modern science is too large, and many natural people are almost 30 years old when they graduate with a Ph.D.

The average age of Ph.D. graduates from Homo sapiens is about 22 years old, basically 2 years for a master's degree and 2 years for a Ph.D.

Similar to the first generation of new humans like Kudo Naoya, he graduated with a Ph.D. at the age of 29 in Dongying. After coming to Homo Sapiens, he re-learned several majors in biology through part-time work and part-study.

In the new human group, if you don't have a few doctorate degrees, you will be ashamed to say that you are a new human when you go out.

Many veteran scientific researchers of the Sapiens company are truly terrifying, and there are many masters who are proficient in more than a dozen sub-specialties.

Why is the technological development of Homo sapiens company showing a state of rapid change.

The reason is that among the company's 30 billion employees, employees with doctoral degrees have accounted for 24.3%, and the number is close to 7.5 million.

And this ratio is still increasing year by year. Except for some who are really old, or really want to lie down, and those who are underage, other young adults are trying to enrich themselves.

According to the age distribution of Homo Sapiens employees, there are at least 23 billion young adults.

In other words, most of these people will have a doctorate in the future.

Moreover, the Ph.D. degrees of Homo sapiens are not parallel imports, they are genuine elites.

Therefore, Homo sapiens has long ignored these guys for other forces on the earth. After all, as time goes by, the gap between the two sides will become wider and wider.

These two things, life span and knowledge, are like a gap, lying in front of natural people.

Among the group of natural persons, there are indeed not a few elite scientific researchers, but the number will certainly not exceed 100 million.

100 million: 23 billion.

The advantage is mine.

What a gap this is, even if the quality is not mentioned, it is still a 2300 times gap in quantity.

What's more, the scientific research environment of the two sides is also different.

Inside Homo sapiens company, people basically have no worries about food and clothing, and there are not so many intrigues and power struggles.

Even in terms of marital and emotional quality, Homo sapiens within the company is better than other global powers.

Canglan knows etiquette from the facts, which is fully reflected in the marriage of employees of Sapiens Company. After all, both parties are employees of the company, and there is no distinction or disparity between rich and poor.

The girl's family has no worries about food and clothing, so naturally there is no need to sell her daughter.

In addition, the living standards of the left and right neighbors are similar, and there is not so much comparison.

Inside Homo Sapiens, bride price and dowry are gradually losing their practical significance, and are more of a courtesy.

For example, a wedding dress, some jewelry, etc., are the must-haves for employees to get married. There are basically no money, houses or cars.

Although many employees can easily spend tens of thousands of gold dollars, the problem is that it is not necessary.

Moreover, if the woman's parents ask for a high betrothal gift, it is easy to be despised and ridiculed by the neighbors, and it is also easy for the daughter to be looked down upon by the man's family. After all, selling a daughter has a bad reputation.

Living habits and customs are changing rapidly as the material base changes.

Now many young employees, even if they are married, are not the same as the previous marriage model. In the past, when they got married, they married wives and had children. The core was still the patriarchal society.

But now it has changed, because the woman is often an employee of the company, which makes it impossible for the man to maintain his economic dominance.

Many employees get married, some have made do with each other, some are in true love, some simply want to continue the offspring, and some are pure desires.

Only not for money and status.

In a way, the emotional lives of Homo sapiens employees are very simple.

In this case, employees of Homo sapiens companies are happier in marriage and emotions than natural people, which is an inevitable result.

The advantages in all aspects make Homo sapiens company in an absolute leading position.

With such a huge advantage, it is no wonder that the new humans look down on the natural people, especially the Tianlong people among the natural people, who are despised by the new humans to the point of being worthless.

Li Qingye's original goal of shaping the group of new humans has been preliminarily achieved at this time.

Now the natural people and the new human beings can live in peace, but in fact, the first generation of new human beings are transformed from natural people.

But the first generation of new humans will eventually grow old. With the gradual growth of the new generation of new humans and even the second generation of new humans, the relationship between the two parties will gradually change.

This is an almost irreversible process.

Natural people either join the new human race, or they can only be completely extinct. This is the inevitable future.

As for the so-called coexistence, it is basically impossible, because the ecological niches of the two sides are highly overlapping, and now only the resources can barely meet the needs of both sides, so there is no fierce conflict. Once the resources are insufficient, mutual killing will be inevitable.

And the various advantages of the new human beings are very obvious. In the process of fighting each other, natural people are bound to perish.

The only hope for natural people at present is to develop similar biochips as soon as possible, realize rapid learning, and catch up with Homo sapiens companies in terms of talent scale, so as to maintain a balance with Homo sapiens companies.

However, biochips are not so easy to develop.

Homo sapiens company's leading level in biotechnology has been abruptly raised by Li Qingye for decades.

Now with the addition of a large number of new human assistants, it is in the early stages of a technological explosion.

As time goes on, Homo sapiens company's technological development speed will snowball and become stronger and stronger.

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