Homo sapiens

Chapter 35 Are you interested in doing things for me?

Chapter 35 Are you interested in doing things for me?

Garfield, Redis and Harry went straight to Dart Harbor.

It's just that as soon as they came to Dart Harbor, they were directly closed and beaten.

Garfield, who woke up again, saw Harry being imprisoned in the cage, and his face suddenly became extremely gloomy.

Threatening to the soldiers guarding: "Let Ma Da come to see me, is he courting death?"

The soldier glanced at him, then picked up the fixed phone: "Minister Fei Li, Garfield Fernando has woken up."

"Bring him here, the boss wants to see him."


Garfield, who was locked in special handcuffs, followed the soldiers away without saying a word. Until now, he still believed that all this was led by Ma Da, and that Ma Da dared not do anything to him.

Through the elevator and a passage, Garfield came to an office.

"Boss, they're here." The soldiers saluted and reported.

"Stay alert." Li Qingye waved his hand.

Seeing the middle-aged man in front of him, Garfield looked surprised. Since the soldiers spoke English, Garfield, who is from Luzon, naturally knew English.

Who is this guy?Motor's men?Garfield asked with a gloomy face, "Where's Ma Da? Let him come out, don't you even dare to meet him?"

"Mr. Garfield, are you interested in doing something for me?" Li Qingye sat on the sofa and asked casually.

Garfield was taken aback for a moment, and only then did he carefully look at this man. On that seemingly gentle face, there was an unexplainable sharpness and arrogance.

"who are you?"

"I am the founder of Homo Sapiens, a person who will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals." Li Qingye was very direct.

"Homo sapiens company? Where's the motor?" Garfield felt a bad feeling in his heart.

Li Qingye asked back with a smile: "You really want to see him? OK." After speaking, he clapped his hands.

clap clap clap...

The office door was slowly pushed open, and Ma Da and Redis walked in with dull eyes, and then stood aside.

Garfield stared at his eldest brother Ma Da and third uncle Redis, his face became more and more ugly, and his words trembled slightly: "You...what did you do to them? My father won't..."

"Why bother, this kind of verbal threats will only make you appear weak." Li Qingye was still so casual.


Fear like never before...

Li Qingye's gentle and elegant face, in Garfield's eyes at this moment, seemed like a devil from hell.

"Should I become like Ma Da? Or become the master of Luzon? It depends on your choice, and I respect your choice."

The ups and downs of his chest indicated Garfield's intense inner struggle, but when he saw Ma Da's lifeless pupils, he finally couldn't hold on anymore, and said with extreme emotion:

"I am willing, as long as I don't become like a motor, I am willing to do anything."

Li Qingye stood up: "He who understands the current affairs is a hero, the future king of Luzon, Mr. Garfield Fernando."

"Hoo hoo..." Garfield still had lingering fears, his eyes filled with uneasiness and panic.

"Let's go!"

Li Qingye walked out of the office.

And Garfield already knew that he had no choice but to bite the bullet and follow.

When he came to an operating room, Garfield's eyes became more and more frightened, but before he could beg for mercy, his eyes went dark.

Li Qingye skillfully performed a craniotomy on Garfield, and then implanted a biochip.

Noon the next day.

Garfield, who woke up from the anesthesia, saw Li Qingye who had just come out of the operation. He only felt that his head was covered with gauze and a slight tingling pain. This feeling made him very flustered.

Li Qingye said calmly: "Don't worry, I will keep everything in your brain, your password is 708893, just read it silently."

"708893..." As soon as he finished speaking, Garfield's eyes widened immediately, as if he saw some incredible scene.

Then he was immersed in the administrator program, and did not wake up from the shock until the sun went down.

If Garfield had only fear and resentment towards Li Qingye before, then after the baptism of the manager's program, powerlessness, admiration and greed have increased.

It's just that he doesn't know that with the advancement of technology, Li Qingye's improvement on the biochip is almost showing a state of rapid improvement.

At this time, another hidden function has been added to the biochip, which is compound psychological suggestion.

The biochip will constantly impose special screen clips on the host, and then cooperate with various hormones and pheromones to make the host invisible, biased towards Li Qingye.

This is to address the shortcomings brought about by genetic modification, but also to further strengthen the control over the group of managers.

After all, with the expansion of the Homo sapiens company, more and more natural persons will definitely join in the future, and it is impossible for Li Qingye to transform them all into soldiers.

However, in the biochip of the first generation of managers, there are some shortcomings in the program, that is, human desires and emotions are retained.

Perhaps the managers will have to obey Li Qingye's orders because of fear of death, but there are always some maverick individuals in this creature.

This means that, perhaps one day, there will be some individuals who are not afraid of death among managers, and the destructiveness of these special individuals to Homo sapiens companies will be unimaginable.

After all, as an internal member of Homo sapiens company, they still hold a lot of secret managers. Once they launch a reckless attack, they will definitely cause huge losses.

For this reason, Li Qingye began to update the function of psychological suggestion on the manager program and biochip type 2.

This function takes advantage of the dreaming characteristics of human beings, coupled with the hidden stimulation of various hormones and pheromones, it will make the host unconsciously develop a sense of belonging to the Homo sapiens company, and at the same time be loyal to Li Qingye.

This is also the fourth line of defense Li Qingye has set up after biochip control, soldier monitoring, and Gu worms - malaria parasites.

At this time, Garfield only knew that his brain was implanted with a biochip, and there was a manager program in it.

However, he is in a state of ignorance of the hidden Gu worms in the body—plasma parasites, as well as the psychological suggestion function of the biochip and the manager program.

As long as you don't know the function of psychological suggestion from the beginning, or go through professional anti-brainwashing training, there is a high probability that no one will be able to withstand this subtle and subtle influence.

Of course, if someone can handle it, the biochip can also detect abnormalities.

After all, to fight against this kind of psychological suggestion, the brain will inevitably secrete specific hormones and pheromones continuously, which is an instinctive response of biology.

For example, if a manager is filled with thoughts of fear, hatred, disgust, and destruction all day long, his body will also secrete corresponding hormones and pheromones.

Through this kind of monitoring, it is basically possible to screen out dissident managers.

Li Qingye, who doesn't want to intrigue with his subordinates, can only find a way to solve the problem with technology.

It's not that he doesn't know how to buy people's hearts. After all, in the memory of his ancestors, there are many ways to buy people's hearts and cultivate loyalists.

The problem is a means of buying people's hearts, a plan with slow results, high risks, high costs, and low applicability.

And Li Qingye didn't have time to linger.

Not to mention that he only has about 18 years of life left now, even if he has a normal life span, the plan to buy people's hearts will take a long time.

This kind of plan has huge investment, pitifully little benefit, and there is still a lot of uncertainty, so he will only use it if he is crazy.

Isn't direct technology control good?
Very fragrant.

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(End of this chapter)

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