Homo sapiens

Chapter 33 Supervision

Chapter 33 Supervision (addition)
South of Lima.

The headquarters of Haitian Agriculture is set up here. Through the relationship with Motor, a 12-story hotel was acquired and transformed into the company's temporary headquarters.

Zhang Wei, who just graduated from Fudan University this year, feels as if he is dreaming. He originally came to Manila to find someone, but spent half a year in Manila and spent more than half of his savings.

Half a month ago, he met the recruitment of Haitian Agriculture in Manila. At first, he didn't think about applying for the job, but something happened afterwards, which made him the general manager of Haitian Agriculture by mistake.

Glancing at the photo on the phone, it was a group photo. Apart from himself, there was also a young man who was seven or eight percent similar to him in the photo.

'Brother!I must find you. Zhang Wei put away his phone, picked up a document and got busy.

He joined Haitian Agriculture, on the one hand, because of high salary, and on the other hand, he wanted to find his elder brother Zhang Hao who disappeared in Luzon two years ago.

As for why Li Qingye agreed to a freshly graduated college student to become the general manager of Haitian Agriculture, the reason was because Zhang Wei's identity was simple and he had not been severely beaten by the society.

Although Li Qingye has the support of his ancestral memories, it doesn't mean that he likes to work with the old fox and the old fritters. It's better to have less intrigue inside. It would be too tiring to engage in intrigue all day.

A college student like Zhang Wei who has just left the society has a relatively simple mind and is still in a state that can be reformed, and his thinking has not been completely solidified.

The expansion of Haitian Agriculture is very rapid.

Seaweed fields, processing plants, staff dormitories, machinery and equipment, etc., are expanding like mushrooms after a spring rain with the support of a steady stream of cash flow.

The south city of Lima, on the coast on the north side.

On the coastline between Bacchus Town and Coral Town, the contiguous construction sites were formed little by little with the efforts of excavators and workers.

The length, width and height of these ponds are all standard, and there are cement roads in the middle that can provide transportation vehicles. On the side facing the ocean, a 15-meter-high embankment is being built.

The filling of the embankment comes from the mud from excavating ponds, and there are actually hundreds of meters of mangrove forests or beaches between the embankment and the coast.

After all, Luzon is often harassed by typhoons. If we do not do a good job in preventing typhoons, we will suffer a lot in the future.

The three small towns between the seaweed fields were also overcrowded at this time.

Fortunately, the Ministry of Internal Affairs sent 50 security guards over in time. They were not Hua Guo's janitors, but quasi-soldiers with shotguns, bulletproof vests and bulletproof helmets.

Julie, who came to work from Manila, wiped the sweat from her forehead, looking at the hot construction site, she tried her best to adapt to the supervision work.

Not far away is her boss, Blair, director of the Supervision Department of Homo sapiens, a one-eyed middle-aged man who looks ferocious but meticulous in his work.

Julie carefully checked the construction of several surrounding ponds, or used auxiliary tools to test each part to see if it complied with the design specifications.

She cherishes this job very much. Born in a slum in Manila, she has suffered a lot since she was a child, and she went to university by herself.

But Luzon has a degree, and it is difficult to get ahead. Of course, there is at least a little hope.

"Is this up to standard?" One Eye asked.

"Uh... the bottom strength of the seventh section of pool 13 is not strong enough to support... and..." Julie quickly reported every problem she found.

One-eyed looked at the other man again: "Wang, go and check again."

Wang Muyi took Julie's survey report and immediately took people to review them one by one. He was a project supervisor dug from Huaguo by Homo sapiens.

In fact, he has done things like today several times.

Although Wang Muyi felt that Cyclops was doing too much, after all, these days Julie was quite reliable in her work, but the supervision department had special regulations, that is, cross-checking, and a supervision team was not allowed to complete the project supervision work alone.

In fact, this is because they do not understand the working mode of soldiers.

As one of the soldiers, Cyclops himself is very rigid in doing things, even if there is a waste of manpower, he still executes the order without hesitation.

But this is also good, that is, the supervision work is very good.

Before, a foreman gave Cyclops a red envelope, and he took it all as ordered, and then stabbed him on the back. Several contractors have been beaten by Cyclops, and the rest of the contractors are fighting at the sight of Cyclops.

After a while, members of Wang Muyi's team came back.

"Minister Blair, the results of the first exploration are basically in line with the results. Except for the unqualified cement pouring in the sixth section of the No. 14 pool, other places are accurate."

After reading the reports of the two teams with one eye, he ordered: "After you go back, write a rectification notice and let the engineering party rectify it immediately. After you confirm your signatures, send it to my office."

"Understood." Wang Muyi nodded.

"Yes, Minister." Julie also nodded quickly.

The two supervision teams are not just colleagues, but also competitors and supervisors.

If you find problems that are not found in the other party's supervision area, you can get a performance from the other party's team. The performance of the supervision department is divided into five grades of DCBAS. The small-scale unqualified pouring problem just now is a C-level performance.

In this process, it is equivalent to that Julie's team was deducted a C-level performance, while Wang Muyi's team got a C-level performance.

As for the two parties concealing each other, then if something goes wrong, whoever is the second supervision team will bear full responsibility.

If there is a problem with other people's supervision, maybe they just go in and cry behind bars, but Homo sapiens company is not necessarily the case, it may be fatal.

In particular, Cyclops sat in the office all day cleaning the revolver, which put Wang Muyi and others under a lot of pressure.

Of course, Wang Muyi is quite satisfied with the current working situation. With a base salary of 3000 US dollars per month, the company also includes food, housing, and planes, plus performance bonuses. He estimated that he can earn [-] to [-] a year. beautiful knife.

Although domestic project supervision, perhaps the contractor will insert red envelopes, but red envelopes are risky, and if there is a problem with the project, it will be the end of the calf.

What's more, with a relatively satisfactory regular income, who is willing to take risks to make money.

Wang Muyi resigned because his previous engineering contracting company had a falling out and was unwilling to sign.

The main reason was that the engineering contracting company was too dark, and Wang Muyi was so scared that he ran away overnight with a bucket. He met a Homo sapiens company recruiting in Yangcheng, so he planned to come to Luzon to have a try.

Now he doesn't need to give face to the contractor at all. After all, the head of the supervision department, One Eye, is a person who doesn't like oil and salt.

Even if he wants to open one and close one, his subordinates may be the first to rebel. After all, if there is a problem, everyone will recite it together, and the performance deduction will be deducted together, and if the problem is found, it will be a large performance bonus.

There's another Jolie group competing, so no one wants to lie flat.

As for wearing small shoes for subordinates, that involves another department of Homo Sapiens—the HR department.

Homo sapiens company is gradually implementing personnel reform. The focus of the reform is on employee management. Even the general manager does not have the power to directly expel ordinary employees. Only after reporting to the department, reviewing by the internal affairs department, and approval by the personnel department and the chairman can a person be formally expelled. Staff.

Three departments were involved, and Li Qingye had to personally sign and approve it. It was too difficult to operate in secret.

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(End of this chapter)

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