Homo sapiens

Chapter 27 Shuffle the Cards

Chapter 27 Shuffle the Cards (Add More)
The sky in September changes as it says.

After a storm, Kang Nan took Bafaate back to the company headquarters.

Because of Li Jinglan's sudden death, the atmosphere of this temporary meeting was somewhat dull and depressing.

After a series of recent internal adjustments, there are currently 7 people in the management of the company. Except for the deceased Li Jinglan, the remaining 6 people are:

Tashi, Minister of Breeding and Processing;

Lin Qiang, Minister of Transportation and Fishing Division (formerly a captain of Daya Company);

Minister of the Interior Philip (Soldier No. 8);

Fang Xincheng, Minister of Finance;

Minister of Security Chen Jianxiong;

Minister of Logistics Department Fami (recruited by Li Jinglan from Manila);
The former Li Jinglan was the general manager of the company, mainly managing things like business cooperation, personnel and investment.

"I am deeply sorry for the passing of Manager Li." Li Qingye's expression was calm, and the six managers did not dare to express their opinions casually.

He continued: "For the time being, the general manager of the company will be temporarily replaced by Minister Fang Xincheng, and the work of the financial department will be handed over to Jose. Do you have any objections?"

Everyone exchanged glances quickly, but no one expressed any opinion.

Fang Xincheng, who was selected as a general, was also greatly surprised at this time.

And Jose is actually one of the soldiers, and also the dark son who was placed in the finance department before.

Li Qingye chose Fang Xincheng because he liked this guy's honesty.

Since the other party served as the head of the finance department, he has not enriched his own pockets, nor has he done any fraudulent accounts. He has only tried his best to reduce taxes for the company under the premise of legality, and has repeatedly blocked Li Jinglan and others from cheating.

According to Jose's observation, in fact, Li Jinglan had hinted to Fang Xincheng several times before, hoping that the other party could cooperate with some things, but Fang Xincheng refused every time without hesitation, and even reported these things directly to him.

In this regard, Li Qingye finally understood Fang Xincheng's resume, why he didn't hold every job for a long time, and he didn't accomplish anything at the age of nearly forty.

This man is just too straight.

Obviously, this kind of person is definitely not popular in the company. Unless he becomes a management team all at once, the management of most modern companies hate this kind of person. Maybe the chairman of a family business may appreciate it. Such people.

Fortunately, he met Li Qingye. When building the grass-roots team, Fang Xincheng skipped the level of ordinary employees and became one of the management.

But in the management, Li Jinglan has no way to fire the other party, even if he puts on Fang Xincheng's shoes a few times, Li Qingye can see clearly.

Now the company doesn't need someone with strong management ability. In Li Qingye's view, Fang Xincheng, who is honest and responsible, is a suitable candidate.

After all, Homo sapiens is following the path of technological development, and the management ability of the company's management is not very demanding, as long as they have a basic understanding of basic business logic.

For example, eel artificial propagation technology is completely a seller's market, and it is the only business in the world. If it can still turn over, then go home and grow sweet potatoes.

"In addition, Kang Nan is in charge of the logistics department, and Fami is transferred to the general manager's office to be responsible for the project budget." Li Qingye continued.

Fami, the head of the logistics department, didn't dare to speak out. After all, he was recruited by Li Jinglan. Now that Li Jinglan is dead, it's better to be a man with his tail between his legs.

As for the other small shrimps of Li Jinglan's family, they will be handled by Fang Xincheng.

After a series of adjustments, the management of Homo sapiens company at this time has undergone obvious changes.

Chairman - Li Qingye;

General Manager - Fang Xincheng (from Xiangjiang);
Minister of Aquaculture and Processing Division Tashi Diaz (from Luzon);
Lin Qiang, Minister of Transportation and Fishing Division (Luzon Chinese);

Minister of Finance Jose Sanchez (Luzon-Soldier);

Minister of the Interior Feli Gonzalez (Luzon-soldier);

Kang Nan, Minister of Logistics Department (Luzon Chinese);
Minister of Security Chen Jianxiong (from Xiangjiang);
Wang Xinya, Minister of Justice (Malaysian Chinese);

Minister of Personnel Duque Martinez (Luzon mixed-race Chinese-soldier).

The management of the company has been quickly adjusted. Except for the newly added finance department and personnel department, other departments still operate according to the previous framework.

As the soldiers were inserted into the middle and upper management of Homo sapiens company, Li Qingye's control over the company's interior also gained a huge boost.

After all, the internal support department, the finance department, and the personnel department are dominated by soldiers, and the general manager Fang Xincheng is an honest man, and the others can't make waves.

Immediately afterwards, Li Qingye gave Fang Xincheng another instruction, asking him to continue the previous construction project of the Dart Harbor Farm while rectifying the interior.

Those farms will be completed soon, and with the eel fry produced on Caragua Island, Homo sapiens can sell eel fry in small quantities while engaging in eel farming by itself.

After the meeting, Fang Xincheng took the others out of the meeting room.

Li Qingye sat on the office chair.

Through the floor-to-ceiling windows, overlooking the sparkling sea of ​​Dart Harbor, the ebb and flow of the tide, like the ups and downs of people's hearts, is always unpredictable.

He ordered Philip to drive, and escorted by several soldiers and natural bodyguards, he came to a plantation in the west of Dart Harbor.

He bought this plantation a few months ago, intending to use it as a private estate, and the renovation has just been completed recently.

Mango Manor.

Soldiers who completed genetic modification and implanted biochips before are now doing rehabilitation training and memory simulation here, including soldiers-Gao Shanping, soldiers-Moda and others.

Rehabilitation is done to remove the incisions in the skull and head skin.

The memory simulation is to constantly ask the original memory of the subject's brain, and then enter these memories into the database, and list the interpersonal relationships in it, and establish a template database specially for acquaintances.

This can reduce soldiers being found abnormal by their relatives, but this solution is very troublesome and must be customized for each soldier.

Only the high-value Takasugihira, Motor, and the two members of the Fernando family are eligible for exclusive customization.

One is related to the Japanese intelligence network, and the other three are one of the local snakes in southern Luzon.

As long as these people are controlled, Li Qingye's power can expand rapidly.

After watching the training of the four, Li Qingye thought about some of the issues, such as how to deal with the power of the Fernando family.

This family has people in southern Luzon and Manila. Although Ma Da is one of the core heirs, it is not without competitors.

Ma Da's younger brother, as well as his second and third uncles, are not vegetarians. As for Ma Da's father, Jacques Fernando, he is naturally not a simple person who can become the head of the house.

Fortunately, the fact that the motor is controlled has not been discovered, but this is still a hidden danger.

The ability of soldiers to adapt to changes is still too poor.

In order to ensure that the secrets are not leaked and the chess piece of the motor is not abolished, it is necessary to carry out a major cleansing of the Fernando family.

Only by making Ma Da the head of the family can the stability of Fernando's family be ensured. Otherwise, Ma Da's father and brother may restrict some of Li Qingye's arrangements.

'It seems that we need to have a good talk with him. Li Qingye secretly thought of a figure, and immediately arranged the next mission for Ma Da and Gao Shanping, and returned to Caragua Island with Philip.

As soon as he returned to Caragua Island, he informed Chen Jianxiong to come over at noon tomorrow.

 Thank you for your support (ω`), and thank you book friends "Yuming Daoren" and "Sunny One" for their rewards!

(End of this chapter)

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