In the second week, they are full of malice towards me

Chapter 277 Let's Go, Let's Realize This Dream Together

Chapter 277 Let's Go, Let's Realize This Dream Together

It was at the time of "meal time", while the maid was cooking for the father and daughter in the kitchen, there was a sudden sound outside the door, like a soft and sneaky knock on the door.

Boom. Boom
Such a knock on the door immediately attracted the little girl who was playing with "Dad" while her mother was cooking.

The little girl hesitated at first. She originally wanted to ask her father, or call her mother who was cooking in the kitchen. After all, she had never experienced such a stranger knocking on the door.

But soon there was a nice, sweet voice from outside the door.

"Ling, open the door quickly, I am your little mother Leina."

Mama Lena?

Because the other party's voice was so pleasant and seemed to have a kind of temptation, Ling couldn't help walking over and turning the doorknob. It was originally a door that "can't be opened", but this time, Ling really opened a small door. seam.

Through the crack of the door, Ling saw standing in front of the door, a witch whose face was not inferior to that of her mother, very beautiful, but her clothes were more revealing than her mother's, with pink hair, she looked very seductive.

"Auntie, you."

But a very clear, very young, very handsome youth.

After being seduced by the witch's words, Ling finally took off the two buttons of the little skirt on her body, passed them through the crack of the door, and gave them to the witch opposite.

It is at this very moment
The Rubik's Cube of Consciousness, together with the world tree of all machine servants' consciousness, and the world tree with "one share" of Ling's consciousness, through Ling, pulled Liao Ji's consciousness into the deepest part of No. [-]'s fantasy dream.

"Sorry for making you wait so long."

"Oh no, now Ling can't call her father, after all, neither big brother nor sister Ling is Ling's parents."

"People are always changing."

It says nothing else.

The memories of being with the "witch" seemed to have been unsealed, and all of a sudden came up. She thought of what the witch said, so she quickly ran towards the "young father" and held the young man's hand.

This time, under the cloak, it was no longer the blurred face shrouded in shadows.

Then this exercise book is the reality that Zero subconsciously doesn't want to face, that's why there has been no solution, and no one can solve it.

"It's too late to explain Ling, just find something from you. Forget it, find two things and give them to me!"

"What a good boy, then my sister will go first, remember not to tell your mother about this, forget it, my sister will help you, temporarily hide this memory, so that when you are reset, this A memory can still be preserved."

Liao Ji took the maid's hand, and the maid looked at Liao Ji with a shocked expression, and looked at her Lord Ashes, who used to be a gray robed man who was extremely indifferent and said nothing.


"Sister, sister, won't you come in?"

The mechanical wall clock on the wall had already fallen to the ground and was broken into several pieces.

"It's okay, everyone has dreams, not to mention... I like Zero's dream very much."

"So if possible"

"Ling is really happy. I have sister Ling who is willing to take care of me and be my mother. It's a pity that Ling is dead and can't stay with my mother anymore."

"Really, really!"

When Ling was still confused, the witch waved her hand, and the door was automatically closed, and the little girl also seemed to be in a daze for a while, and then she didn't remember anything just now.

It is the death of Ling, the disappearance of Emperor Ashes, and the endless reincarnation of tens of thousands of machine servants.


Soon after, the maid came back after cooking, looked at Ling standing in front of the door, and called her daughter and the young man to the dining table for dinner.

"Call me sister!"

"It's nothing, Ling, you just need to remember one thing. When you feel an earthquake, a tsunami? Or a tornado? I don't know what will happen then. In short, when you feel that your "home" is about to collapse, You quickly grab your father's hand and don't let go, then your father will be able to take you, and your mother will leave here. "

Ling's big eyes were full of doubts, as if she didn't quite understand such a profound word.

which is.
In this "home" hut.

"Ling hopes that brother and sister Ling will have a real child, and Ling will bless you both, come on! Big brother!"

"Sister, what are you talking about?"

Numerous memories about "home" flooded into Liao Ji's mind through Ling, and Liao Ji saw this dream about "home" that Zero has been dreaming for hundreds of years.

"Let's go to reality and realize this dream together, shall we?"

I remembered
She remembered.
Such a huge change seemed to make the "mother" stunned in place and became confused. As for her "young father", she was still indifferent, as if sitting there without a soul, hiding under the cloak.


"Eldest wife?"

"Well, that's about it. Ling wants to go to the outside world. She wants to see the world that the pink-haired sister said, where there is no trouble and everyone can live happily!"

"Yes, I'm sorry, Lord Ashes, me."

The little girl put an exercise book in front of Liao Ji.


The young man shrugged.

"Don't worry honey, I'll take care of it, I'll fix it all, we, we won't be apart, our home will definitely be there."

"Sister, I'm your father's eldest wife." The witch replied without thinking, and puffed out her chest as if showing off.

And then, under the eyes of the maid and the little girl, the young man took off his cloak for the first time.

Liao Ji grabbed the maid.

The little girl looked at the maid with longing eyes, but the maid didn't dare to look directly, she just lowered her head, her silver-gray twin ponytails covered her entire face.

"When the time comes, you will have an answer to your unsolvable question."

Ling Gang opened his mouth weakly, but was glared at by the pink-haired witch outside the door.

At this time, it was the little girl and Ling who was the first to react.

"Sister Ling, can you open the door for Ling?"

"My sister thinks about it too. It's a pity that your mother probably doesn't welcome me." The witch sighed.

"Father, this question is so difficult, Lingling can't do it, can you teach Lingling?"

"Do you want to go out? Do you want to see the vast world outside besides your small room? My sister secretly told you that the outside world is actually free of turbidity, and everyone is living happily."

The violent storm outside the house stopped, the tremors of the earth also disappeared, everything seemed to be at peace, the only thing that was not calm, perhaps was the heart of the maid in the house.

"That's it, Dad is amazing, so it's like this, Ling understands!"

Thunder and lightning flashed outside the window, violent wind and rain, and the earth trembled, as if the world was about to be destroyed.

The maid with silver-gray hair, spiral twin ponytails, and delicate face froze at this moment, as if her computer had crashed.

The gear house that accommodated Wen Xin's family of three also seemed to be overwhelmed. All the gears seemed to be overloaded and might collapse at any time.

Liao Ji was quite helpless about this.

"So what exactly is my sister?"

"Master Ashes, no, you can't lie!"

"Collapse? Hold hands? Dad took us away? The answer to the question?"

If Ling came out of Lingmeng, it is the happiest desire.

The maid in the hut tried to stabilize the world that was about to "collapse", but at this time, the young scientist who used to be like a "mechanical puppet" did something that was not within the scope of zero instructions.

"I never lie."

"You can't even cheat a machine."

"Don't lie, don't lie!"

Amidst the quarrel that sounded like an old couple, Liao Ji and Ling stood at the two ends of Ling, holding the little girl's hand, and walked towards the door together, together.
Open the door of this "home".

(End of this chapter)

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