Facing such a vision, the maid was expressionless. As an omnic, she didn't have such words as exclamation and panic in her dictionary. Although she didn't understand the situation, she quickly turned around and walked towards the place where the gunshots sounded just now. look back.

Judging from the logic, the other party shot and saved her from the monster's mouth, so he should at least have good intentions towards her, and maybe he could get some information from the other party.

But when 86 really looked over, he was still stunned for a moment, as if he had been short-circuited instantly.

What the maid saw was another maid.

It was another one, exactly like her.

The other party was holding a sniper rifle, and when he saw him looking over, he didn't even look at her. He quickly aimed the gun at another location, and continued to pull the trigger, making loud bang bang bang bang.

And when 86 followed the gunman maid's line of sight and looked over, 86 realized that he was in a mess now.
on the battlefield.

Under the blood-red sky above the head, countless grotesque and twisted evil monsters, like the one that Yilin transformed into just now, are wreaking havoc on this land.

They are densely packed and can't see the end at a glance, forming a black tide that wants to swallow everything.

But the reason why this strange wave was forced to stop advancing was precisely because they were subjected to an extremely dense hail of bullets.

The bombardment of the artillery fire precisely landed at the feet of the monster group, and each bombardment could perfectly blast more than a dozen monsters into the sky.

Some gigantic monsters a few stories tall, relying on their huge size, forcibly broke through the bombardment, but every time at this time, beams of azure blue lasers would start to shoot precisely, penetrating through the limbs of the giant monsters. , After disintegrating the mobility of the giant monster, the familiar sound of sniper guns sounded immediately.

The scorching armor-piercing projectile pierced the monster's shell and hit the core inside. The giant beast could only let out an unwilling roar, and then fell to the ground without moving.

Whether it's artillery fire, laser energy beams, or sniper cores, all the resisters of the monster wave on the battlefield are her, them.

That's right.

In fact, compared to the monster tide, although these monsters all exude a strong aura of turbidity, and have become deformed and weird under the influence of turbidity, at least their appearances are different.

But on the other side, all the maids had exactly the same face, all with expressionless expressions.

This is a mechanical army composed of dozens of "she".

It can be seen that each of them is several times stronger than the monsters in combat power, one is worth ten, and the cooperation between them is extremely tacit.

It is precisely because of this that they are able to fight against the tide of hundreds of monsters with dozens of them.

However, there is always a moment when the ammunition is exhausted, the barrel is also overloaded and overloaded, when the overheated and high-temperature weapon has to be cooled, and the suppressing force of the hail of bullets weakens, it is the time when the monster blows the horn of counterattack.

They ran like crazy on the yellow sand land, their eyes reflected the same madness as the blood-colored sky above their heads, and relying on their superiority in numbers, the distance between them and them was getting closer and closer.

When it was shortened to the point of hand-to-hand combat, the maids also put down their guns and held the constructed particle lightsaber in their hands. At this moment, they seemed to have changed from precise gunners to fearless swordsmen.

But obviously.

Compared with the previous long-range attack, once the hand-to-hand combat, the number of monsters is more obvious. Although the thermal lightsabers of the maids split all the monsters in front of her in half, they formed a circle, back to back, like Is a meat grinder among monsters.

But as one of the maids was still hit by the monster's spikes, there was a hole in the battle circle, and a complete collapse and defeat began.

Some of them were pierced through the chest by the monster's tail, some had their necks bitten off, and the wires and sparks in the empty necks burst, and some were squashed flat by the previous giant monster.

Some had an arm cut off by the monster's sickle, but they were still slashing without changing their expressions, killing one and killing another, like a machine. No, they were machines in the first place.

As a bystander, 86 saw these "sisters" of the same kind fall one after another on the battlefield. It wasn't that she didn't want to help, but that she realized that she couldn't move at all.

She couldn't do anything except watch all of this and the battlefield.

in other words
She was "not" in this battlefield.

With the appearance of casualties, the maid troop, which was already absolutely inferior in number, was overwhelmed. The tide of monsters completely submerged this troop, and in the fangs and claws, they turned into monsters on the ground. The broken mechanical wreckage.

In a blink of an eye, the only remaining maid troops were 86 and the sniper who was in the rear like her.

When the sniper emptied the last bullet in the magazine, facing the tide of monsters rushing towards her, this maid made a different move from the previous maid troops.

She dropped the sniper rifle and completely left her back to the ferocious monsters who fought over, and these are just for
She finally set her sights on 86.

the same self
And 86 looked at each other.

Her lips moved slightly, because the sound could not be transmitted because of the distance, but 86 could still quickly figure out what the other party wanted to say to herself after analyzing the movements of her lips and teeth.

That is
"now you."

Before the tide of monsters behind the sniper gun maid approached, there was a loud noise from the ground below her, and then, clods of soil flew, and in the sunken ground, a piece of cloth like the mouthparts of a flesh insect emerged. The mouth of the abyss full of sharp teeth.

This turbid flesh worm that suddenly exploded from the ground directly bit off the defenseless maid at the waist, splitting her in two, and the split electric sparks from the maid's waist turned into a parabola along the corpse. Flickering in the air, the last half of the upper itself fell to the ground, and was quickly trampled into wreckage by the tide of monsters chasing up.

During the whole process, 86 couldn't do anything, but could only watch helplessly, as the wave of monsters continued to rush towards her, engulfing her as well.

"86! 86! What's wrong with you! Hey! You... don't scare me!"

"It's broken, it's broken! Could it be that I accidentally broke a key part of her body?"

"Is it still useful to take a shot like before? No! Now I have to take 86 to find Old Antique!"

When 86's field of vision became clear again, the first thing he saw was the anxious Yilin. When he looked around, he was already back at the fountain under the night.

The previous monsters, the barren land, the maid army, and... the bloody sky have all disappeared.

It was as if everything just now was an illusion in an instant.

Do robots hallucinate?
The answer is definitely no.

The 86's chip was running crazily, and after analyzing it many times, she could only find one explanation.

abnormal data.

It is the part of the external data that the master created out of thin air from his first "fantasy". I am afraid that the scenes just now are this data.

And, while it's weird for a robot, 86 has a strong instinct.

That sniper maid was the one who left her data.


It should be said that the entire maid army, they are all one, and everyone is "Zero" sisters.

What are these sights?Where exactly are they, what are they fighting with, and what is the purpose of leaving this screen capture to her?as well as
What does the phrase "it's your turn" mean again?

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