Mystery: Undead don't die from passing fire

Chapter 283 Angel of the Holy Word

Chapter 283 Angel of the Holy Word
Queens, inside an inconspicuous house.

In the basement of the house, which is as spacious as a temple, Mr. A is wearing a black robe with a hood, kneeling in the darkness, whispering piously.

In front of him was a statue close to 3 meters long. It was a man whose legs were tied upside down by chains and connected upside down.

This hanged man has the unique vertical eye of a giant, and his arms are stretched horizontally in a cross.

Mr. A stood up suddenly, looked at the figure that suddenly appeared behind him, and smiled on his feminine and beautiful face:

"Welcome, we haven't seen each other for a while, right?"

Ember cut to the chase:

"I want to see the true Creator."

Ember's directness made Mr. A slightly startled, but he quickly reacted and said cautiously:
"No problem, but I need to ask the Dark Saint for instructions."

As if afraid that Ember would misunderstand, Mr. A paused and explained:
"The new painting world is in the hands of the saints, and I don't have permission to use it."

Ember nodded lightly:


"I'll get in touch right now."

Mr. A breathed a sigh of relief immediately, and said without hesitation.

Before he finished speaking, he hurriedly left the basement, leaving the embers and the statue of the real creator alone, as if he was not worried that the embers would destroy the statue of the real creator—

After all, their previous encounters made their relationship far from harmonious.

But after a while, Mr. A returned to the basement.

And in his shadow, another figure quietly stood up, and said in a low voice:
"Your Excellency Ember, my lord is looking forward to meeting you, please follow me."

As soon as the words fell, this figure quietly hid in the darkness again, disappeared without a trace, regardless of whether Ember could catch up or not.

And when Mr. A turned his head and wanted to ask Ember, he realized that he had already disappeared without a trace.
The basement of a house in the West End.

A few candles swayed with yellowish flames, illuminating the altars, chairs and round tables around them.

At the edge of the light, in an extremely dark place, a figure seems to exist, sometimes shaking, sometimes stretching, thin layer, no thickness, like a living shadow.

At the same time, beside him, a figure was quickly outlined.

The Dark Saint walked straight into the darkness, followed by footsteps.

Perhaps it is the custom of the Aurora Society, their basements are always extremely spacious, like a temple.

And in the deepest part of this 'temple', there is a hidden room——

A room enclosed by two double stone doors.

The Dark Saint stopped in front of the stone gate, stretched out his hand to Ember and made a gesture of invitation.

Ember slowly stepped forward, pressing both hands on the two stone doors.

Accompanied by a heavy rolling sound, the double stone door slowly opened, opening a gap that could only accommodate one person.


The dark saint watched this scene in silence for a long time, and finally passed through the narrow gap.

The room behind the door was as dim as the basement outside, lit only by a few flickering candles.

Rows of bench seats are reflected in the dim light, which looks like a prayer hall for praying believers.

Passing through the corridor between the two rows of benches, there is an altar-like decoration in front of it.

But on the altar, there is not a holy emblem inlaid like the Church of the Seven Gods, but a painting hanging on the wall——

That is a corner of the painting world, a part separated from the original painting.

And the body of the painting world is obviously not in the Northern Continent, but in the Land Abandoned by God.

The Dark Saint stopped again and stood sideways, watching the embers quietly.

Ember crossed the altar and walked to the painting.

And the moment he reached out to touch the painting, the flickering white light instantly enveloped it.
The white light flashes, and the world shuttles in front of my eyes.

When he came back to his senses, embers had already appeared halfway up the mountain.

Numerous black and red tiny blood vessels protruded from the creeper, spreading towards the top of the mountain like a creeper.

The further down, the denser and thicker the 'blood vessels', and the thicker the creep.

Looking down from a high place, the foot of the mountain is a bloody hell covered with endless creepers, and it is full of blood everywhere.Layers upon layers of 'vessels' are densely packed together, which can naturally cause discomfort deep in people's hearts, making people feel sick and want to vomit.

But on the other hand, the "vessels" become thinner and thinner the higher you go up, and they will shatter when you step on them.

Near the top of the mountain, the blood vessels finally stopped spreading upwards.

The verdant forest comes into view, full of vitality.

But at the same time, this touch of green is also the only superb view in this blood-colored hell.

It was not the first time for Ember to come to this painting world, and he walked straight to the top of the mountain as he was familiar with the road.

There is a village in the verdant forest, from time to time there are children's playful sounds, and there are a lot of people.

And when Ember came last time, there was no one here.

And just when he was about to continue to advance towards the temple on the top of the mountain, a crisp voice stopped him:

"Big brother!"

Ember turned his head, and saw a cute little girl carved in pink and jade, holding a windmill and trotting towards him.

The little girl came to Ember panting, and handed the windmill to Ember, her black eyes sparkling:

"Give it to you."

"Thank you."

Ember was silent for a moment, took the windmill, and thanked softly.

"You're welcome."

The little girl's eyes were bent into a crescent shape, and she asked curiously:
"Big brother, are you a pilgrim?"



The little girl's eyes sparkled and she said excitedly:
"Grandma said that the pilgrims come from far away. They came to us from hell just to go to the top of the mountain to meet the Lord. I want to be a pilgrim when I grow up!"

Ember looked at the little girl's cute appearance that day, and warned:
"better not."


The little girl blinked, and was stunned for a while before she could react.

During this period, Ember had left and continued to move towards the top of the mountain.

The true creator is the creator believed in by the former City of Silver, that is, the ancient sun god.

In the period when the real creator was just born, even his strength had been greatly weakened.

But by virtue of his alliance with the Black Emperor Solomon, he is still the orthodox belief of the Northern Continent.

However, the good times didn't last long, and he was soon defeated in the struggle with the Church of the Seven Gods, and his body was sealed in the Land Abandoned by God.

According to ancient legends, during a certain period of the Quaternary Epoch, Ouroreus the Tail Swallower led a team of devout pilgrims or the remaining believers of the "True Creator", and was chased by many powerful enemies. Embark on a pilgrimage by boat.

For some reason, he abandoned the ship, relying on the help of the "true creator" or his own strength, directly separated the sea, led the devout people through the relics of the battle of gods, entered the "land abandoned by gods", and kept the "Rose of Redemption" , 'Aurora Society' and other organizations of kindling.

In the "Land Abandoned by the Gods", they crossed the barren plains and built temples one after another on the way of "pilgrimage", which is the kind that was later discovered by the exploration team where the "Sun" was.

And you must know that until the Fifth Epoch, He was still one of the orthodox beliefs in the Northern Continent, and there must be many believers in it!

Even if the real creator is an 'evil god', he will not treat his devout followers as consumables.

After all, even if you think about it from the perspective of pure benefits, both righteous and evil gods need a large number of believers as anchors.

No god will abandon its followers at will.

So the question is, where did those devout believers who followed the 'true creator' to the land abandoned by the gods go?
If they were in God's Forsaken Land, why did the temple they built fall into disrepair?
Doesn't the true Creator provide shelter for his believers?

The City of Silver relied on several demigods to survive in the Land Abandoned by God. There was no reason for the true Creator to talk about a god who would not be able to protect his believers.

But from a factual point of view, it is true that no trace of these 'pilgrims' has been found in the Land Abandoned by the Gods.

So, these people are living in the painting world?
Theoretically, it is indeed feasible. As a complete world, the painting world can completely support the survival of millions of people. The painting world of the Church of Steam is the best example.

But this painting world owned by the real creator doesn't look like a type suitable for survival.Large-scale corruption has made the world almost worthless. Relying on the small forest on the top of the mountain alone is enough to feed 1000 people...

While thinking about it, Ember had unknowingly arrived at the temple at the end of the mountain.

Just like last time, the temple is magnificent and huge, but it is still extremely empty.

It's just that this time is different, because there are people at the entrance of the temple to greet the embers.

It was a tall old man.

He was nearly [-] meters tall, with a slightly arched back, all white hair, wrinkles around his eyes, and scars around his mouth. He was wearing a dark clergy robe. He was a rather old priest or bishop.

He bowed slightly:
"Welcome, Your Excellency Ember, my lord has asked me to wait here for a long time."

"who are you?"

The hunched priest still bowed, but his voice became a little louder:
"I am the attendant next to the Lord's throne, 'Angel of the Word' Steve."

While speaking, the old man's figure swelled to a height of four meters, and behind him appeared pieces of dark illusory feathers, their light and shadow intertwined, weaving into four pairs of deep but sacred wings.

Ember calmly stared at the giant in front of him, and said lightly:
"lead the way."

Steve saluted respectfully and stepped into the temple with heavy steps.

There are a large number of statues on both sides of the temple, all of which are giants with vertical eyes.

At the end of the temple, the huge reverse cross is as high as the [-]-meter-high temple.

Numerous huge black iron nails and chains hung a naked, blood-stained man upside down and firmly bound them.

The Hanged Man, the true Creator.

The hanging giant opened the eyes behind the shadow curtain, staring at the embers in a hanging posture.

A terrifying breath descended suddenly, this breath was dark, filthy, and full of depravity!

'Angel of the Word' Stephen bowed his head respectfully, not daring to look at the opened-eyed hanging giant, and exited the temple in a retreating posture, leaving only embers alone with the real Creator.


The lips of the hanging giant opened and closed, making a humming sound:
"I want to make a deal with you."

At the same time as the sound sounded, Ember's ears suddenly heard bursts of ravings with a strong hint of madness.

The madness is like a thin steel needle, piercing the eardrum and piercing the brain, causing pain.

For ordinary people, just hearing His voice is enough to cause a loss of control.

But for Ember, raising his hand can solve it.

What really interests Ember is the language of the 'True Creator'——

It wasn't Hermetic, it wasn't the language of giants or elves, it wasn't even any of the languages ​​spoken in the Northern Continent.

But Ember is very familiar with this, because it is Chinese, Chinese with some kind of weird tongue-playing sound.

If it wasn't for the raving that came with it, the voice would sound weird at best.

But under the blessing of layers of illusory ravings, his voice sounded more like the whispers of an ancient god.

"What deal?" Ember asked back.

The Hanged Giant spoke again:
"You need the Chaos Sea, and I need the Blasphemy Slate."

"You desecrate the slate to me, and I will give you the coordinates of the Chaos Sea."

"In addition, I can give you a piece of information, and the other I am working with another you."

Ember didn't seem surprised, and asked in the usual tone:

"Where's the Tablet of Blasphemy?"

"The Court of Giants."

"You need the key."

"Where's the key?"

"I don't know, my influence in the Northern Continent is limited, you have to find it yourself."

"In exchange, I can give you another piece of information."

"Amon was trapped in the Chaos Sea."

The true Creator's answer is quite honest.

Ember asked nonchalantly:
"If I want to kill Amon, what suggestion do you have?"

The hanging giant was silent for a long time, then slowly said:

"He has left many clones in the Northern Continent. If you want to kill him, you'd better destroy all his clones at once."

Ember was a little surprised:
"Isn't he your son?"

The tone of the True Creator returned to calm instead:
"He hates me."

The answer is irrelevant, but still sincere.

Ember casually asked:

"What else do you want? You'd better make it clear once."

The True Creator said in a deep voice:

"I will give you the coordinates of the Chaos Sea, and you will give me the Chaos Sea."

"Only the right to use."


"Pleasant to work with."

The Hanged Giant was silent, humming:

"Pleasant to work with."

"The key?"

Ember recalled that he once stayed on the Golden Dream for a while.

That time, Edwina's men just happened to salvage a huge black iron key.

Is it possible that it is the key to the giant royal court?

Ember suddenly asked:

"What does the key look like?"

The real Creator was silent for two seconds, and a picture appeared——

It was a huge black iron key, it couldn't be said to be exactly the same as what Ember had seen, it could only be said to be exactly the same.

Ember immediately said:

"I have seen this key."

Edwina should still be in Sonia Hai.

And it just so happened that he also needed to go to the Sunya Sea recently.


The real creator didn't respond, probably because he didn't expect it to be so fast, and it took a long time before he opened his mouth and said:

"When you find the key, you can go to Steve, and he will take you to the Land Abandoned by God."

(End of this chapter)

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