god simulator

Chapter 9 The Barbarian Tribe

Chapter 9 The Barbarian Tribe
The next day, the company was approaching closing time.

"Have you heard? The undressed pervert appeared again yesterday."

Sister Peng said excitedly: "It's still in your Jiuyuan community. I said it was dangerous, right? It's a good thing you took my car yesterday. Otherwise, if you encounter a pervert, you wouldn't dare to think about it."

As a thank you, Lu Yao ordered a small cake and a cup of coffee for her to take away.

After get off work, he rode on a shared electric car and drove all the way.Lu Yao calculated that compared to public transport, battery cars would not be stuck in traffic, and they could take a shortcut to go home. In theory, they are the fastest means of transportation.


Back home, Lu Yao couldn't wait to sit in front of the computer.

On the screen, the winter of the pixel world has passed.The snow all over the ground and trees disappeared without a trace at this time, replaced by patches of sprouts and green grass.

The villains of the garlic tribe further reclaimed the land, and the villains of the forest tribe began to hunt everywhere, and everyone returned to the familiar life.

Looking at the neatly arranged and expanding wheat fields on the ground, even the god Lu Yao felt happy.

The prophet and the shaman were standing outside the temple, seeming to be chatting privately again.

From time to time, the two villains had smiling faces on their heads, looking relaxed and comfortable.

The shaman said: "The ancestors of the forest tribe used to be followers of the old forest god, but that was also a story passed down by the old people. It is said that it happened in the last era."

"The old people said that before the forest god disappeared, this forest covered most of the world. At that time, all wild beasts were friends of the forest tribe, and fierce demons were tamed to become servants. Every forest tribe It has a long lifespan, lives in symbiosis with the trees, and possesses the power bestowed by the gods."

"But that's too far away now, so far that we can't be sure which of them are true and which are false."

"Since the time of the last shaman, the food of the forest tribe has been lacking for a long time. The winter is getting colder, the animals are getting fewer and fewer, and the rainfall is getting less. The shadows of demon believers have begun to linger in it. This forest is withering."

"My friend, now I need to make a difficult decision. We want to move out of the forest and enshrine the temple. Can God Yao accept the forest tribe?"

An exclamation point appeared above the Prophet's head, followed by a light bulb.

"As long as you are a devout believer, you will be protected by God Yao. The garlic tribe welcomes you!"

At the same time, a prompt appeared on the screen.

[The garlic tribe and the forest tribe have merged, and their faith has been slightly improved. 】

[The gift is completely completed, and the wheat is integrated into the world. 】

Lu Yao quickly looked to the upper right corner.

The faith value jumped from 79 to 237, and the population also changed from 38 to 196.

Lu Yao couldn't help punching in the air.


The early investment and patience paid off at this time.

After the formal integration of the two tribes, the people of the Forest Tribe moved out of the forest one after another. They also learned from the Garlic Tribe to build huts, open up arable land, and grow wheat and garlic.

On the other hand, the hunter groups of the forest tribes remained.They regularly went into the forest to continue the hunt, bringing back meat and hides that the Garlic tribe lacked.

Gradually, the people of the Garlic tribe also wore leather vests, and the villains of the two tribes could no longer be distinguished from the appearance alone.

The New Garlic tribe is thriving, but the Zhuyu brothers are in trouble.

I don't know when it started, they walked together and stepped into the farthest area in the west of the forest, where it was already bordered by continuous mountains.

At this time they all sounded the warning and ran all the way to the Horde.

"There are enemies in the forest!"

"The enemy is attacking!"

"Alert, alert!"

The discovery of two heroes sets the tribe into action.

Led by the prophet and the shaman, the hunters took up their wooden spears one after another and stood ready.

Soon, the enemies in the forest to the west revealed their true colors.

They are a group of savages dressed in animal skins and holding stone axes.There were only a dozen savages, but they were very fierce, and they fought with more than [-] hunters.

"Hand over the food!"

"Hand over the food! Otherwise, kill us!"

"If you don't give food, heretics will die!"

Hunters struggled against these wildlings.Fortunately, there are Zhuyu Brothers, these two heroes have shown their worth.

They hold wooden sticks, and they specialize in sneak attacking behind the savages, knocking the sap.In addition, they are very flexible, and it is difficult for wildlings to hurt them.

This method of fighting is simple and effective, making the savages suffer again and again.

Soon the wildlings were driven back, cursing as they left.

"If you dare to resist, you are dead!"

"No food, poor tribe, poor!"

"He refused to hand over the food, we will come back!"

"Wash your neck and die! Heresy!"

Lu Yao looked a little regretful.

The villain of the tribe unexpectedly failed to kill this group of robbers directly, he just beat them away and came back.

He was thinking about whether to use lightning to let the prophets and shamans in the tribe understand the spirit of the gods, and to kill the wildlings and robbers.

At this time the shaman spoke.

"It's a tribe of barbarians. They live on the mountain. They have no wisdom and are as ferocious as wild beasts."

"The barbarian tribe is very powerful. Everyone is a strong warrior. They have been plundering the food of the surrounding tribes. Hand over the food so that they will not be attacked."

"A large part of the forest tribe's food is taken by them."

"They are believers of the devil. They get the power of the devil and can turn into wild beasts. We can't fight them."

Lu Yao was stunned.

It turned out that the black bear last time was a warrior from the barbarian tribe.

Without wisdom, as ferocious as a beast...

It's no wonder that last time, the one who couldn't even recognize the Garlic Tribe and the Forest Tribe, attacked the wrong target, and was executed by Lu Yao on the spot with lightning.

Forest tribes are very wary of demons.They have been threatened and blackmailed by the barbarian tribe for a long time. If even the garlic tribe next to them is also a devil believer, then they really can only turn to the devil.

The barbarian tribe has well-developed limbs and a simple mind, which reassures Lu Yao a little.This group of savages can only rush forward in groups, but they are not difficult to deal with.

Lu Yao looked at the potted plants beside the table: "Little fire."

"God, your faithful servant obeys your orders." The prickly pear jumped out of the potting soil immediately, standing upright.

"Can demon believers turn into beasts?"

"My lord, turning into a wild beast should be a kind of demon ability." Xiao Huo said: "Only a very small number of believers, called 'heroes', can awaken the power of demons and use this ability."

It turned out to be the case.

Lu Yao remembered that the last time a black bear was killed by lightning, he actually kept the whole body, because he was a hero among demon believers, stronger than ordinary pixel villains.

He looked at Brother Zhuyu again.

Both are heroes, why don't you two brothers have any special abilities?

Lu Yao clicked on the panels of the two heroes, and suddenly realized that his assertion was hasty.


[Hero Lv2] Fisherman


Water Seeking Lv1: Water sources can be found in various environments.


[Hero Lv2] Hunter


Tracking Lv1: Can identify traces left by various people and animals.


Brother Zhuyu unexpectedly upgraded secretly.

These two awakened abilities are not combat skills, but their functionality is not bad.

With tracking skills, it's no wonder that barbarian tribes can be found.

You guys are wrong.


Lu Yao turned his attention to the mountains in the west of the forest, where the barbarian tribes lived.

Want to leave after offending the gods?

Not so easy.

(End of this chapter)

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