god simulator

Chapter 558

Chapter 558 Spirit Base Myth
"Of course Baroyer's memory is chaotic and fragmented, what the big boss said is entirely possible."

Wishing Spirit carefully applied a patch.

Negative is quite euphemistic.

Lu Yao let it speak boldly.

What the Yao people talk about is seeking truth from facts.

Baroyer's past occupation was a wishing spirit, which was originally to sell wishes and sustenance, and rarely directly denied or extinguished illusions.After being subdued, it has always walked on eggshells, cautious in its words and deeds.

With Lu Yao's encouragement, Wishing Spirit relaxed a little.

"Boss, Baroyer and Huang Qing didn't know the existence of the Genesis Machine before. Because its authority and confidentiality are higher than Baroyer's, and there will be no spirit race in Huanglong's information Related descriptions, but in fact, the yellow dragon is related to the Genesis Machine."

"Baroyer read some fragmented data. Although many specific descriptions and associations are missing, the main frame is complete."

The wishing spirit said: "The role of the Genesis Machine is to use the world stone, the power of faith and information given to it by the Spirit Race as raw materials to create a new world from the cracks in space, and to make this world operate normally, so that all kinds of life Germinate and multiply in the world."

"The Genesis Machine is just one part of the whole plan."

"Many years ago, the spirit world added a brand-new part of mythology to the kink of the gods, called [Spirit Base Mythology]. The core purpose of this mythology system is to expand and extend the spirit world and the spirit race outward in an orderly manner, implement The location is the void."

On the wishing spirit's head, lines of text popped up rhythmically in the dialog box.

“[Spiritual Base Mythology] is to reproduce more life worlds, find various life combinations, and their suitable environments and world forms, so as to screen out various high-quality world models. These customized worlds will serve as the basis for the spirit race to study the universe. Tools and media, distributed to the Eldar."

"Overall, the spirit foundation myth is divided into four steps: collection, selection, creation, and deification."

"The collection spirit will collect the life of each original world and the rules of the corresponding world, compress and store it in the body in the form of information, and then send it back to the spirit body library, which is the nest of the collection spirit. This is collection. These rule complexes carry Information is called a spirit base."

"The spiritual body library is screened, combined and arranged to form a set of a large number of spiritual foundations suitable for forming the world, and then handed over to the Genesis Machine. This is screening."

"Then, the Genesis Machine will use the World Stone, the Power of Faith, and the Spirit Base to create the world in the selected basic areas such as the cracks in the space."

"Finally, this spirit base world, which has been confirmed to be functioning normally after being created, will be assigned to an Eldar to perform a seance."

Lu Yao understood.

The Spirit Race directly constructs a myth through industrialized processes, so as to create virtual worlds that meet their needs one by one, and then put them into actual use.

From this point of view alone, the spiritual world's control and understanding of the universe in the past still surpassed that of the earth today.

They customize the myth, turn entering the virtual universe into an activity or work that all people can participate in, and make gaining godhood controllable, which is something that the committee cannot do.

Baroyer added: "In the spirit base myth, each process is highly detailed. There are many types of gathering spirits, and different types of gathering spirits have different functions and emphases."

"Like the yellow dragonfly, its collection is through splitting larvae, and there is also a type of avoidant, its collection is through observation and integration into the environment for long-term organic synchronization. These are the two types of docking that the Genesis Machine still retains relevant information descriptions body."

The little man in yellow explained: "The advantage of the yellow dragon is that it can quickly expand the scope and scale of collection, but it will cause great damage to the environment and even cause subsequent destruction. It belongs to the old-fashioned collection spirit. The tail of the boat should be too old and was directly collected. It will not be recycled after being discarded.”

"The avoidance class is more advanced, it will not cause large-scale damage to the environment, and all kinds of individuals in the whole world will not be aware of its existence."

"It collects spiritual foundations through imitation learning and synchronizing with the world rules, which can ensure that the original ecology is not destroyed, and can also obtain information about the evolution of races with a longer timeline."

"But regardless of the old-fashioned yellow dragon or the new-style evasion, they are all in the collection process, they are all order executors, and they are not endowed with the ability to think independently. After returning to the spiritual body bank, they will be cleared. Start the next acquisition cycle."

"The Genesis Machine is the highest authority in the entire creation stage. It also does not have independent consciousness, but because it is the implementer of complex and intensive processes, it has stored records of the entire process and related information."

"If the Mystic Kingdom is completely completed, the Genesis Machine will close the last gap, and then be connected to the spirit world...Unfortunately, it was attacked by the Feather Rahab, and the Creation was not completed in the end. Later, it became the food of the Cursed Insects , also led to the collapse of the entire creation hole, and the latecomers became food for curse insects."

Lu Yao had an understanding.

The spiritual world uses myths as a specific meaning carrier and behavioral tool. Myths are criss-crossed in the kinks of the gods, as if gears bite and interact with each other, and finally build a mythological giant structure that traverses the virtual, real and virtual universe.

The masters and controllers of the giant structure are the spirit race.

If such a giant breaks down or even goes berserk... the chain reaction it will cause is unimaginable.

The destruction of the spirit world and the demise of the spirit race is not sure whether it is caused by the kink of the gods, but the destruction of the spirit world will inevitably cause the disorder and malfunction of the kink itself.

It's a pity that Genesis Machine doesn't know anything about the local situation in the spirit world.

Lu Yao still has a small doubt: when Hermes sealed the collection spirit and brought it to the Mystic Kingdom, it was obvious that he wanted to use the collection spirit as a tool to pry into the Creation Cave.

Why didn't He do it in the end?

For this reason, Lu Yao contacted the messengers of the gods through the temple.

An exclamation mark lit up on the head of the courier wearing a flying shoe hat: "Mr. Yaoshen, have you unlocked the secret of the Mystic Kingdom?"

Lu Yao didn't hide his secrets either, he hid some sensitive information and told him the basic situation.

This is the bridge leading into the leap area.

Lu Yao wants to develop other worlds here, and will cooperate with messengers in the future.

He also expressed his thoughts.

To put it simply, the messenger is a pioneer and a pathfinder. If he finds an extremely valuable world—he can't handle it, Lu Yao will handle it. After the development, both parties will share the benefits.

Take what you need.

"That's great! To be honest, I marked a lot of worlds with high invisibility value, but many of them are extremely dangerous and the environment is complicated. I can't complete the conquest and development independently. If Mr. Yaoshen is willing to take action, then The success rate is guaranteed.”

"Find a suitable and valuable world, and I will tell you as soon as possible."

A smiling face appeared on his forehead, and only then did he talk about the situation in the Mystic Kingdom.

"Mr. Yaoshen, after I inherited the title [Messenger of the Gods], I was guided to trace the legacy of the previous generation of Hermes in the void, which is the Kingdom of Mystic Arts."

"The title [Guardian of the Traveler] is stored in the Secret Art Kingdom, and only a few words are recorded in the ruins of the temple. It is said that this world was originally of extremely high value, and there is a broken space gap."

"The previous generation of Hermes discovered that it was more like a dangerous trap. It has some strange connection with the power of rules, and it spreads to the void, like an invisible thread."

"So he changed the rules of the world and completely cut off these connections. For safety's sake, he is going to investigate further and find out who is behind it, and then develop it further."

Only then did Lu Yao know.

It turns out that Rahab, the feathered man, still has a back hand in the Genesis Cave, but Hermes has already cleared him out.

Behind the creation cave is the secret battle between the pioneer and Yuren.

"Unfortunately, before this investigation was completed, Hermes of the previous generation fell into the battle of sealing the dragon. It was an unprecedented battle of destroying the world. He fell because of this, and the beliefs of the Mystic Kingdom gradually dispersed and became chaotic."

"After I inherited this world, I moved the Hermes believers from the Mystic Kingdom to the Twin Snake Empire. They are also a family of goblins who advocate business."

The messenger said: "At the beginning, Mr. Yaoshen, you took a fancy to this world, and I thought that you should be a hero like Hermes the previous generation, and you have the same views. Now it seems that it is indeed the case."

"The Kingdom of Secret Arts is in your hands, and its value can be brought into play. Only a powerful Lord God like you can be free from the disasters of the past. Even though I have held this world for many years, I dare not and cannot go further because I cannot bear the high risk. Dig deep, get too close to the secret, and you will easily fall into great danger."

"My strength is mediocre, and I know what I'm capable of. I won't rashly do things beyond my ability. All in all, it's a great honor to be led forward by Mr. Yaoshen."

The messenger clearly expressed two strong wishes.

One is that He said that he can put himself in the right position and know which interests he can fight for and which ones do not belong to him.

The second is that he also knows very little about the kingdom of secret arts, and only carried out the most basic and conservative development.

The messenger also had reservations about the Mystic Kingdom before.After receiving Lu Yao's sharing of the past of the Secret Art Kingdom, he actively shared what he knew.

Lu Yao didn't think it was a problem.

The courier and itself are a cooperative relationship between forces, and they are not directly subordinates, and each has its own interests.

It's fine to keep it that way.


End with the Messenger.

Lu Yao specifically told Maocao that he must do a good job in the compensation for the sacrifice of the advance team.

Regardless of whether these people are for money, fame, belief or anything else, they are indeed using their lives to find answers for the Yao civilization.

"Please rest assured, my lord, I will definitely do this well! I will not let the victims be treated unfairly!"

Sanhua Mao Guarantee.

The investigation of the Mystic Kingdom is basically over.

Lu Yao was going to bed and rest, so as to recharge his energy for the next day's trip to the West Pole country.

However, a report from Baroyer changed Lu Yao's plan.

"Big Boss, Baroyer has completed part of the information check on the gathering spirits and the Genesis Machine, and found that some of the spirit bases are still usable. If it's you, the big boss, you can definitely use the spirit bases to restore these lives!"

Lu Yao didn't feel tired at all.

The gods have always been unable to resist such things as creation.

Pinch people, pinch them up.

(End of this chapter)

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