god simulator

Chapter 542

Chapter 542
What Lu Yao didn't expect was that the three girls, all of them slim, would cook so hard after closing the door.

Needless to say, Isabel is the chosen rice cooker, a senior carbohydrate monster, and she cooked three bowls of rice with soup and bamboo shoots.

Lu Yao looked anxiously with her eyes.

You should eat more meat!
Under Lu Yao's reminder, Isabel adjusted the intake ratio, and her diet gradually became more balanced.

On the opposite side, the blindness of both eyes did not affect Wei Yingxue's capture of goose meat in the iron pot.She was ruthless and precise with her chopsticks, like a skilled fish spearman.

Among the three, Song Shiyi is the most restrained and elegant.She chewed slowly in small sips, but the total amount she ate was still a little bit less.

Lu Yao guessed that the muscle memory of the girl group should still be in the body, and the burden of idols has become a kind of conditioned reflex at the nerve level.

Song Shiyi went out and made a phone call, and when she came back, she said, "There is something related to the Arch Guard Division..."

"The Country of the West Pole" is a cooperative project between the committee and the Great Qin Gongwei Division.

What caught Lu Yao's attention was that it was actually related to King Mu of Zhou in ancient times.

According to ancient books, the emperor of Zhou arrived in Kunlun and met the ancient god Queen Mother of the West, completing the dialogue between man and god.

King Mu of Zhou is a very mythical emperor, and is also regarded by some as the dividing point between myth and history.

Before King Mu of Zhou, it belonged to mythology, and after him, it belonged to history.

The cooperation project is to excavate a certain "Western Country" ruins. The degree of danger is relatively low. The committee is an assistance and consultant, which is regarded as technical support.

The committee rated the danger of this project as B, and it can be easily dealt with as long as it is called a god.As for the workers at the level of the gods, under the leadership of the project leader Ding Hanzhen, there will be no problems.

This Ding Hanzhen is what Song Shiyi called "Teacher Zao".

Although he doesn't know the origin of this name, Lu Yao still remembers this name—his memory is getting better and better since the increase in population and beliefs.

When I first came into contact with Quancheng, Lu Yao checked the papers in the database

One of them is "On the Influence of the Falcon God Horus on Ancient Egyptian Civilization", signed by Ding Hanzhen and Zhao Luwei.

It was also from this article that Lu Yao learned that Menis held the title of [White City Decisive Battle] and learned the principle of its power effect, and later subdued him with tribal war chess.

Speaking of which, he and this teacher Zao had already met in another way.

Lu Yao still respects those scholars in the committee.

Without the in-depth research of these predecessors, young people in the future will take many detours, and may be in serious danger because of this.

Song Shiyi admired Teacher Zao very much.

"Teacher Zao is a senior expert of the Headquarters Secrecy Bureau and my guide. He brought me into the committee. He has no pretensions and always advises the young people in the committee to eat and sleep well... His cooking skills are superb. If you go there next time, you might be able to eat his cooking again."

Dare to love this teacher's cooking skills.

Isabel asked: "His ability is related to kitchen and food?"

"You could say the same."

Song Shiyi smiled and said: "He is Siming Zhenjun, also known as Shunmian Gong, but no matter where people are, they should have heard of his other official title, [Stove God]."

"We first called him Teacher Zao, but later, for avoidance and fun, and because he likes to take baths, he evolved into Teacher Zao."

Lu Yao was taken aback.

It turned out to be the Stove Lord!

This one is really heavyweight.

"The Kingdom of the Western Pole", Mu Tianzi, revisiting Gong Weisi, Teacher Song Shiyi's Stove Lord, the Stove Lord personally cooks, plus a relatively safe environment... There are many factors.

Lu Yao felt that there was a reason why he had to go this trip.

It's time to see the world.

So he thought about it and asked Isabel to agree directly.

This made Song Shiyi smile.

"The excavation of "Land of the West Pole" is in the universe, so Miss Mary and Mr. Huang Jia should come, it will be more lively and safer. "

Lu Yao understood.

Song Shiyi's key invitation was only Isabel, and the others were just extras.

No idea what magic Isabelle has over her.

Even if the memory is cleared again and again, Song Shiyi will always be full of interest and affection for Isabel.


Lu Yao originally thought that the dinner party was a mission accomplished, but he didn't expect that a weird inside story would be involved when he asked about the Gandharva.

Gandharpo surrendered to the committee, saying that she was instructed by Chi Guotian to attack Wei Yingxue before, in order to enter the detention center naturally.

The real mission of this woman with a masculine voice is to come and deliver a message to the imprisoned Lord Luohu Xing.

——You must be obedient inside, reform well, and strive for leniency.

This kind of words feels more like the exhortation of the decent protagonist to the relatives and friends of the villain.

Lu Yao was in a fog.

What is going on?
Song Shiyi could only spread her hands over this: "Let's start with the relationship between Luohu Xingjun and Jidu Xingjun."

"In the early days, Rahu and Jidu were originally one, representing the will to do evil, violence, chaos and doom, and then they were split into two parts by the main god [Vishnu], namely [Rahu Star Lord] and [Jidu Star] Mr.]."

"Lord Rahu Xing possesses [Eclipse Star]. His appearance and existence will cause the universe to rot and collapse, and the rules related to the sun and moon will also collapse, and it will also make everything cruel and tyrannical."

"Mr. Luo Huxing of this generation is imprisoned in the Committee's [detention center] and is currently serving a life sentence, but there is also the possibility of commutation and parole."

"Mr. Ji Du Xing is pregnant with [Chaotic Star], which appears and disappears from time to time. He carries bad luck himself, disappears like a ghost, and cannot control his own trajectory. Anyone who sees and contacts Ji Du Xing Lord will trigger disasters."

"After being disassembled, Rahu and Ji are wandering in one virtual world. Every time they appear, they will bring a lot of chaos and disasters. It doesn't matter what they do or not. Their own existence is disasters. .This is a rule-level power..."

Lu Yao listened silently.

He summed it up in his mind.

Lord Luohu Xing, the Anti-World Noble Phantasm, focuses on a ferocious violence and the destruction of the world.He is currently detained by the committee and is serving a sentence.

Ji Du Xingjun, a treasure for people, hyperactivity, highlighting a moldy pen, whoever knows him will suffer, it can be called the antonym of RMB.Currently walking in the vest of Chi Guotian, he is wanted by the committee.

"Because Ji Du Xingjun's style of doing things is difficult to judge. To be precise, because he is too fickle, he sometimes changes his mind temporarily. This behavior made the committee very puzzled at first."

Song Shiyi said: "Soon, Mr. Ji Duxing managed to contact the investigators of the committee. He hoped to cooperate with the committee to reduce Mr. Luo Huxing's sentence. Before passing the message through Gandharpo, one was to show his strength, The second is to reassure Lord Luohu Xing."

"At least that's what He said himself."

Song Shiyi took a sip of barley tea and continued: "Ji Du Xingjun is currently in the Golden Triangle area, and he haunted India and Thailand before. He handed over the list of his subordinates and upstream and downstream partners engaged in transactions in the territory to the committee, and gave a Confession... He also promised that he would not enter our country again. This is also the committee's bottom line."

Although Song Shiyi didn't say clearly whether the committee reached an agreement with Mr. Ji Du Xing.

But Lu Yao could tell that this was a high probability event.

Jidu Xingjun, who does not haunt the country or cross the line, is undoubtedly an object worthy of wooing and solidarity. He is a natural source of external information.

At this point, the smuggling incident about the willing power species has come to an end.

The next step for Lu Yao to prepare is the trip to the "Land of the West Pole" in two days.


The dinner party between Isabel, Song Shiyi and Wei Yingxue lasted until night, and the three of them then went to the shopping mall and sang at KTV.

When it comes to singing, Wei Yingxue is very active, but her tone is not complete.Song Shiyi has a background in an idol group, even if she sings K casually, she is a habit of singing and dancing, and she is full of girl group style.

But Isabel, because she doesn't know how to sing, just rings bells and shakes maracas for them, and eats fruit.

When Isabel came back late, Lu Yao sent her back to Xuzhou.

And just when Lu Yao was about to take a break, he suddenly saw a prompt pop up on the screen.

【God Uji King prays to you. 】

Lu Yao double-clicked the entry.

I saw the [Sun Hunter] King Wuji bowed his head and crawled on the seventh floor of the abyss, and a line of words appeared above his head.

"Master Zhengshen, all 99 suns have been collected. To be on the safe side, I have collected 3 more suns."

Lu Yao's drowsiness disappeared!

It's Cow Taming Midnight!

(End of this chapter)

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