god simulator

Chapter 506 The Box of Imagination

Chapter 506 The Box of Imagination
It was the next day that Lu Yao was officially sent to Huangliang Tower.

Both the Gongwei Department and the Codex Pharmacy Bureau came to the two yamen. The former was because of the involvement of gods and ghosts, and the latter was because of the need to examine and treat patients. The staff were all in casual clothes.

"Sir, just follow what the doctor said, and you'll be fine." Hua Piao'er forced a smile from the side, "I'll be back within ten days at most."

Lu Yao nodded.

He followed the staff into a boxy black commercial vehicle.

Sitting in the car, Lu Yao noticed that the car was still different from the real world he was in.The interior of the car is covered with a white gauze cover, the chairs are all made of wood, and the steering wheel in the cab is wide and shaped like a rudder.

The car drove slowly and at a constant speed.

The world outside Lanruofang is full of traffic. Most people ride bicycles, and there are a few cars. Under the guidance of uniformed traffic police, some long trams pass by the ground track.

The pedestrians on the street are of mixed races, including Asians with black hair and black eyes, Europeans with blond hair and blue eyes, and blacks with dark skin... Lu Yao also saw a suspected Indian wearing a feather headdress, and a plump South American girl .

He was in a strange mood.

This is the world where Qin Shihuang did not die and hegemony was just established.

The Qin Empire became the economic, cultural and political center that dominated the world for a long time.

Elites and people with lofty ideals from all over the world have rushed to this huge empire to learn advanced knowledge and culture. Some of them settled here, and some of them brought what they learned back to their motherland.

Just when Lu Yao was fascinated, the car stopped suddenly.

"Here we are, get out of the car, Huang Lishi."

Lu Yao went out from the car door.

In front of you is a traditional wooden building with cornices and feet, with a pointed roof and an octagonal shape on all sides. There are three floors in total, but each floor is extremely large.

On the upper floor, there is a erected plaque "Huanglianglou Jialu", which refers to No. 6, which belongs to the first grade of Huanglianglou.

He was sent into this building.

After completing the process of filling in the name, drawing fingerprints, being searched of all items, taking off his clothes and changing into special hospital clothes, Lu Yao came to the hospital located in the The dormitory of Room C[-] on the third floor.

There are already two people in the dormitory.

A middle-aged monk with a shiny head, and a lean young man in his twenties with tattoos of ghosts with fangs on his arms.

The monk was facing the wall, his lips moved, but he couldn't hear him speaking.

The young man greeted him cheerfully: "Brother Tai is really a hero, what kind of business did you do before?"

"The study of the state government, the study of gewujian."

Lu Yao also went to the countryside to do as the Romans did, imitating the local customs and speaking.Jianxue is his official position, that is, a physics lecturer at a state university, similar to a modern young teacher.

"Brother is the wife?"

The young man was a little surprised, but he suddenly realized: "The six arts of a gentleman in ancient times originally required both wisdom and courage. Brother Tai is indeed quite ancient, not like those sour talents who have no power to restrain a chicken."

"I wish you the best." The young man cupped his hands: "I used to work in the county iron workshop."

Lu Yao also bowed: "Huang Jia."

There was a strange expression on the other party's face, but then returned to normal.

People here like to call names, but Lu Yao himself prefers Huang Jia's original name.

Zhu You looked normal.

But if you insist on it, his name is reminiscent.

Zhu Youshu is well-known, and it is a witchcraft recorded in various documents in ancient times.

Lu Yao looked to the corner to the side, and the monk was still chanting silently.He was wearing a gray monk robe, his eyes were dull, and he looked like a walking dead.

"He is this?"

"It's okay, it's like this every day."

Zhu You laughed: "This is Master Huiyuan, the owner of the White Horse Temple in Luoyang, but I don't know what book I read, which made me become demonic, and was diagnosed as insane by the imperial hospital. It's just that in Luoyang Huangliang Tower was full at that time, so it was moved to Shunqing Mansion."

It was only later that Lu Yao found out that the Tibetan owner was the librarian of the Buddhist scriptures pavilion of the temple.

Zhu You said: "Master Huiyuan thinks that the whole world is fake, the world is meaningless, and it will tend to collapse at any time."

"This is just a fantasy box built by people with great perseverance. The gods are all fake. There are no gods and no emperors. Everyone is the projection of nothingness and fantasy, and only a few people exist. Speaking out in public caused a lot of riots. It’s okay to say these things in private, but it’s troublesome to say them in public.”

Lu Yao thought about it carefully.

This monk's understanding is worthy of reference.

"Actually, I know you, Brother Huang Jia."

Zhu Youdao: "Although we are not in the same house, we have heard your name before. Are you really a descendant?"

"...I don't think so."

The other party showed a disappointed expression, but he was still not reconciled: "But I heard, didn't you say here before that your name is [Crippler], and you come from the outer world... Did you come here to conquer a treasure of the First Emperor? ?”

Lu Yao was taken aback.

Unexpectedly, there is actually a connection with the creeper here.

Hold on.

In other words, before me, the identity of the yellow armor was held by creepers?
Is it just a coincidence with a small probability that the Creeper named himself Huang Jia and the word Lishi?

Hearing Lu Yao's insinuation, Zhu You was a little puzzled: "Brother Huang Jia, I don't understand. When you said the name before, do you mean your name?"

"Did I remember that I didn't use a pseudonym before?" Lu Yao said deliberately.


Zhu You had a confused and confused expression on his face.

"Well, I don't know, but your name is Huang Jia. If you are not called Huang Jia, what is your name?"

Asked him and got no answer.

In Zhu You's cognition and memory, Huang Jia is Huang Jia, but he has only heard about deeds in the past, but has never seen anyone.

Lu Yao changed the subject instead: "Then which room did I live in before that?"

"At first it was B[-], and then it was transferred to A[-]." Zhu You blurted out.

The number of patient dormitories in Huangliang Building is particular.

Category A represents the most dangerous patients. They live alone and are not even allowed to leave the house. Meals and toilets are all carried out in small rooms.Like a death row prisoner, contact with the outside world is prohibited.

Type B refers to individuals with more complicated and severe symptoms, who need to take large doses of drugs, and are restricted from going out on a daily basis, and can only come out when they are ventilating.

Class C patients are mild patients who can come in and out at will on a daily basis and complete treatment and rehabilitation in a more relaxed way.This group is usually those who are about to be discharged from the hospital, or patients who are not prone to harm and destruction.

According to Zhu You, because of a sudden illness, Huang Jia advertised that he was a god [Crippler], and inquired about the treasure house of the first emperor everywhere.He recruited the patients, doctors, nurses, and guards here, and made them obey his orders.

The Creeper promised that as long as they complete this mission, they will ascend to heaven, connect to their own kingdom of God, and become gods.

After he was subdued, the dose was increased and he was sent to a Class A ward.

"That should have happened three months ago? No...it seems to have happened four months ago..." Zhu You thought hard, but the time he said was always the same at a time.

"I don't remember very well."

There is no clock in the dormitory, but there is a fixed pendulum clock in the public area outside, whether it is a simple activity area or a dining hall.

There are one to twelve hours on the pendulum clock.

When Lu Yao arrived at the dining hall, he saw that the pendulum clock showed three quarters in the afternoon (11:45).

After eating sweet potatoes, tofu soup and a small salted fish for lunch, he put the dinner plate back in the storage window.When he came back, he found that the time had reached a quarter of e (19:15).

Nearly 7 hours passed in a few steps.

The sky outside the window also darkened, and the orange-red sunset caused many patients to watch in front of the glass window.

Lu Yao finally realized.

There is a problem with time in this world.

At night, he woke up suddenly after falling asleep, and found that it was broad daylight outside. He went out to look at the pendulum clock, and it was already the time of the next afternoon.

The only lucky thing is that the overhead timer is still intact, running according to a certain constant or in line with Lu Yao's biological clock.

Countdown display [234 hours: 19 minutes: 57 seconds]

In the standard time system perceived by the body, Lu Yao only spent one day in Huangliang Tower.

Lu Yao slowly summed up an experience.

The time in the world of the Qin Empire is not completely continuous, and there will be jumps.Time sometimes jumps forward and sometimes backward.

For example, Lu Yao just fell asleep on his front feet, and suddenly he found that he was standing in front of the pendulum again, and the time pointed to the lunch time.

The time in this world will flicker back and forth, but fortunately, the frequency is not too high.

The people in the Huangliang Tower couldn't feel it at all, only myself, an outsider who broke the seal and entered it, could feel this way.

Could it be [Advanced Immunity] that caused the local spells to fail here?
Lu Yao is not sure.

He just had a vague feeling that this sealed dungeon world might be much trickier than he imagined.Perhaps this countdown is not used to limit the gods, but to protect the players who enter here.

The last [Squirmer] who entered the seal did not get what he wanted, and was subdued and locked up, indicating that the combat power here is probably enough to deal with the title god.

It's not a good idea to force it.

Now more information needs to be collected.

If you can find other players, even better.

Taking advantage of Zhu You's nap at noon and the monk chanting scriptures silently, Lu Yao left the dormitory.

There are two people in the activity area.

A young girl is holding a book titled "You Fuso Kabuki Boys" and is reading it attentively.The only problem was that the book was upside down, but she read it with gusto.

But among the patients in Huanglianglou, she was considered relatively normal.

The other is an old man with gray hair. He has dark skin, heavy bags under the eyes, and a white beard. He looks like an Indian or Southeast Asian.He was stooped and thin, with long arms and fingers.

The old man was sitting at a table, writing and drawing on paper with a charcoal pencil, and his fingers were blackened by the charcoal pencil.

When Lu Yao saw the painting, he frowned.

What was drawn on the paper was a starry sky, with a sun-like sphere in the center, but two long poles grew out from both sides of the sun.

The surrounding stars are not regular star-shaped or spherical, some are shaped like teapots, some are like clay pots, some are like swords, there are all kinds of strange things.

The old man seems to have a clear standard for the image of these things, so he has been scribbling the lines to modify and correct their appearance.

Lu Yao suddenly realized something was wrong.

What is painted is not the starry sky, but the universe.

The old man didn't look up, he just kept his head painting, talking casually.

"You also came here for the treasure house of the first emperor, right?"

"Would you like to cooperate?"

(End of this chapter)

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