god simulator

Chapter 18 God Doesn't Play Dice

Chapter 18 God Doesn't Play Dice
The word "sacrifice" made Lu Yao refreshed.

He clicked on the temple, and there was a golden item in the [Sacrifice] slot.


[Golden dice]: Each roll consumes 2 points of faith, and if you roll a 6, you will get a sacrifice.

The source is unknown.


Seeing this description, Lu Yao's excitement dissipated.

The Yanchi tribe offered a gambling tool as a sacrifice.

Now Lu Yao is very sensitive to the value of faith. When he saw the description of the golden dice, a word popped into his mind.

The visitor is not good.

At the heart of gambling is fraud.

Every roll consumes 2 Faith, where did the Faith go?

Reminiscent of the merchants of the Yanchi tribe, and their style of worshiping three gods.Lu Yao suspected that a certain god was behind the golden dice, using the Yanchi tribe to scam everywhere.

Looking at it from another perspective, using golden dice to defraud other gods of their faith deposits is much more ingenious than Lisa's laborious robbery.

As for hitting 6 to get a sacrifice.

The probability of this thing is completely out of control, it says it hits the mark, and if it says it doesn't hit it, it misses, highlighting a blatant black-box operation.

Einstein said it well, God does not play dice.

But since the Yanchi Tribe sent something, there was no reason not to accept it.

Isabel once said that if there are unnecessary sacrifices, you can throw them directly into the fire of faith, turn them into firewood, and gain some faith.

Lu Yao directly threw the [Golden Dice] into the bonfire in the temple, and it disappeared in an instant.

Faith +10.

Sure enough, it was worthless.

Lu Yao observed the current geographical environment of the garlic tribe.

The basin and plain are the base camp of the garlic tribe, and there is still a lot of land that has not been developed and utilized, so there is no space problem in a short time.

The forest stretches all the way to the north, blocked by the river to the east.There are mountains to the west and desert to the south.

Although the world map continues to expand in the continuous exploration of the pixel villains, there are no other crowds around.

If you want to develop quickly, it is the best way to trade and even integrate with other tribes.

At present, the only safe channel for the garlic tribe to connect with the outside world is the mountains, to be precise, the Yanchi tribe behind the mountains.The import and export are firmly controlled by the Yanchi tribe.

Another potential passage is the oasis of the Bedou tribe in the south, and it will take time for Isabel to get through there.

Different from the strong conquest policy of the barbarian tribe, the civilization strategy of the Yanchi tribe is very flexible. Currently, it is actively trading with the Garlic tribe, and there is no conflict of interest between the two sides in a short time.

The situation is fairly stable.


After the Garlic Tribe invented their own characters, several resource bars were added to the game panel, and there was another significant change: the little pixel people have learned to think simply, and the question marks above their heads are no longer the privilege of prophets and shamans.

Lu Yao clicked on the question marks of different pixel villains to read their thoughts.

"When I woke up today, I felt very hungry. After I was full, I was not hungry, but the next day I would be very hungry again. Since I will always be hungry, is there any point in eating?"

"The weeds in the wheat field grow faster than the wheat. No matter how you pull them out, you can't pull them out cleanly. If the wheat can grow like weeds, it will grow by itself, and you can't eat it no matter what, that would be great."

"Meat is delicious, so is wheat, and garlic is also delicious, but it's best to eat them together. This secret is probably only known to me, hehe."

"The prophet is old, and the shaman is also old. Should I inherit the prophet or the shaman? What a headache."

Among the many thinking boxes generated by the tribal villains, a farmer's idea caught Lu Yao's attention.

"There are a lot of weeds and bugs this year, and there is a drought. The wheat harvest may not be good. Everyone in the tribe is counting on wheat. If there is no good harvest this year, they will starve in winter."

Not just this one farmer, but several others expressed the same concerns.

They are professionals who take care of the farmland and are very sensitive to the environment and food.

Lu Yao opened the webpage and searched. After screening and verification, he determined the next remote support tribe item.

He went to the kitchen and took a large potato and put it on the mouse.

——May I ask you to give [Potatoes] to your believers?


As Tudou entered the pixel world through the temple, many villains in the tribe sighed.

"The gods have sent down gifts again!"

"Potatoes, potatoes!"

"Potatoes that grow when buried in the soil! Potatoes that are resistant to drought!"

"A more productive potato than wheat!"

"A brand new food!"

Especially the farmers in the fields, all of them had smiling faces above their heads.

"Great, the gods really blessed us!"

"God Yao knew that this year's harvest was not good, so he gave potatoes as a gift!"

"No one will starve this winter! No one will starve!"

"Praise God Yao!"

The farmers quickly planted potatoes in the newly opened fields, and started a new round of sowing and caring for grain.

While the pixel villains were busy, the dry season gradually passed, the earth regained some vitality, and the sky also rained a few times.

But autumn didn't last long, and the sky began to snow, and winter came again.

As farmers expected, the wheat harvest in the fields was poor this year.In the list of food items, wheat has dropped from 8% in the past to 4%, potatoes accounted for 3%, and meat accounted for 2%. The yellow light on the grain reserves as a whole.

Fortunately, the potatoes were replenished in time, otherwise there would be a huge food shortage this winter, and even cause population loss.

This is also the advantage brought about by the progress of civilization.

People will think, worry and observe, and there will be more exchanges and attempts.

As the god behind the scenes, Lu Yao can also see various subtle changes in the pixel world from the doubts of the pixel villain, so as to make targeted adjustments and responses.

During this not-so-long winter, two things happened to the garlic tribe.

The first thing is that the Yanchi tribe came to buy some grain at a high price.

According to the villain of the Yanchi tribe, because the drought lasted for too long, most of the other tribes that the Yanchi tribe came into contact with fell into a food shortage this year.The Garlic Tribe is considered to be a relatively rich food area.

The second thing is that a group of immigrants totaling 22 people came from the Yanchi tribe.

Among them were 2 carpenters, 2 pharmacists, and 1 saltman.

For the first time ever, Garlic Tribe has attracted a group of professionals.

They migrated here on their own initiative, on the one hand, because they lived in the Yanchi tribe in the past, and they had some understanding of the Garlic tribe and Yao God beliefs, and on the other hand, it was because of the drought and food shortage this year.

Nowhere else do garlic tribes have a better chance of getting enough to eat than in food producing areas.

Carpenters have the skills and experience to cut down trees, they go into the forest in winter, have already started to cut the wood, and then process it into rough lumber.The first wooden house of the Garlic tribe was built by two carpenters.

The emergence of the pharmacist made up for the gap that only the shaman in the tribe had mastered healing skills.The two pharmacists usually go into the forest to collect herbs and treat patients, saving many lives.

Salt people are people who specialize in making salt.He found some rock salt in the mountains to the west. Although the yield was not high, he also found another way to obtain salt for the garlic tribe.

Lu Yao poured a glass of Coke with ice and tore open a pack of cucumber-flavored potato chips.


Looking down at the busy labor of the little people in the tribe, Lu Yao felt as if he had merged with them, and his body became stronger.

Dude doesn't play dice.

Brothers only want to be steady and happy.

(End of this chapter)

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