Back to Causeway Bay.

"Old top!"

"Big guy!"

"Hello, sister-in-law!"

The parking boys and horses on the side of the road all came over.

"Busy your own business!" Gu Sheng nodded casually.

Lu Xiangdong got out of the car and hid behind Gu Sheng, and asked in a low voice after the others were sent away:

"Brother-in-law, what will happen to those people?"

If it seems familiar, Gu Sheng remembered that Lu Xiangdong also asked himself when Dai Fuqiang was before.

But the situation is different, Lu Xiangdong was really worried about Dai Fuqiang last time, but he hasn't seen Dai Fuqiang since then.

This time it was mainly to avoid my cousin and find something to say there.

"Take care of yourself first!" Gu Sheng sneered.

Gang Sheng already walked over with a frosty face, pinched Lu Xiangdong's ear and twisted it half a circle, and dragged him to the bar.

"It hurts, it hurts! Cousin, let go!" Lu Xiangdong cried out the pain all the way while bowing his waist.

"Are all women born with this?" Gu Sheng looked at the backs of the two and lit a cigarette.

"It's like men are born with this!" Gu Sheng slapped his hips a few times, and then laughed.

"This is a racial talent!"

"Brother Sheng, that's incisive!" A Dong threw the key to the parking boy, walked over and said with a smile.

Gu Sheng didn't bother to visit Hong Kong students, so he took Adong Shafu and Tian Yangsheng for a stroll in Causeway Bay.

He used to like walking around at night to see the night scenery of Causeway Bay.

This is my place!
But now that I've watched it more, I'm not interested in it anymore.

"The law and order in Causeway Bay is much better! It's all because of my outstanding contribution! The Governor of Hong Kong should really give me a certificate!" Gu Sheng said as he walked.

In the past, there were many pickpockets and bag snatchers in Causeway Bay, but now there are far fewer of them.

The main reason is that the streets of Causeway Bay are now almost full of Gu Sheng's people. Those rotten boys who commit crimes here will often have their hands and feet broken. They can't survive here, so they all go to other districts.

The better the law and order here, the more tourists there are, and the merchants are making money, the better his income will be!

"Brother Sheng will also become a justice of the peace at that time, then we will be arrogant, and other clubs will go around when they see us."

"Maybe that day will come!" Gu Sheng laughed.


The next day, Ah Wu took people directly to Yokohama on the boat to get through the route.

From Hong Kong Island to Yokohama, it takes about five days by boat.

In the evening, Gu Sheng took people to the Ocean Palace Restaurant and called Zuo Tai.

"Liang Sheng, let me introduce you. This is my wife Su Su, my brother A Dong, and Tian Hong, A Fa, A Heng, and A Zou, all of whom are my right-hand men!" Lian Haolong pulled Gu Sheng to introduce.

"Mr. Gu!" Su Su smiled and nodded at Gu Sheng: "Your name is all over the rivers and lakes, and now I finally see a real person!"

Su Su is not as old as in the movie. She is in her 30s, which is the time when she is mature.

Gu Sheng looked at it twice, but he wasn't very interested. As we all know, he likes 18-year-olds.

Everyone else also said hello. In fact, except Ah Wu and Ah Fa, everyone else had met before.

"This is our hall master of Hongxing, Zuo Tai, you are all from Tsim Sha Tsui, you should get closer in the future!" Gu Sheng embraced Zuo Tai and said.

"This is Adong."

Gu Sheng thought for a while, then pointed at A Dong, paving the way for him.

As for Shafu, Tianyangsheng and others, there is no need to introduce them. They are not out to hang out, and they don't need these.

"It's said that Hong Xing is a fighter, but Mr. Gu has a lot of masters here, which is really admirable." Luo Tianhong smiled, and then asked Tian Yangsheng: "What's your name?"

Tian Yangsheng glanced at Gu Sheng, and seeing that Gu Sheng didn't respond, he said, "Tian Yangsheng."

"Such a skill, but a low reputation, Hong Xing is really talented!" Luo Tianhong played with his taste.

Tian Yangsheng shrugged.

Everyone sat down and chatted.

"Mr. Gu, I heard that you, Hong Xing, opened a casino in O Island?" Lian Haodong asked very interested.

"Yes, please join me if you are interested!"

"Of course. I don't play a few times for a while, and my hands feel itchy! I haven't been to Ao Island for a while, and I will definitely bring a few friends to join me." Lian Haodong laughed.

"Welcome, welcome. If you have any troubles in Ao Island, the people who go directly to the casino will definitely take care of it for you!" Gu Sheng laughed loudly.

He did know that Lian Haodong was addicted to gambling.

He also knew that Lian Haodong had internal support in the police station.

This guy is much more scheming than he looks on the surface, and his wrists are also very ruthless.Lian Haolong's final fate also had his part.

"I heard that Hong Xing is spreading branches and leaves in Ao Island. It seems that the rumor is true?" Su Su also asked.

"It's just a little business. After all, Ao Island is He Xin's base! But if you are loyal and trustworthy, if you want to develop Ao Island, I can help!" Gu Sheng said with a smile.

"Then I believe it, maybe we really have a chance to cooperate." Lian Haolong said with a cup.

You must know that Tsim Sha Tsui is not the only one of his family. Besides Zuotai, there are Tang Jun and Ni's family.

Especially the Ni family, but a big banker, can be ranked in the top ten clubs on Hong Kong Island, and their strength is not weaker than Zhongyixin.

Although the population of O Island is less than one million, the market is bigger than Tsim Sha Tsui. Every year, a large number of gamblers flock there to spend.

If the market of Odao can be opened up, it will open up a new source of income, which is a great thing.

"I've always said that money can't be made, and eating alone won't last long, and cooperation will have a future!" Gu Sheng and Lian Haolong clinked their wine glasses, and took a sip.

"Mr. Gu is very knowledgeable! He is so open-minded!" Susu raised her glass, "Mr. Gu's words are worth a drink!"

"You are a husband and wife fighting together!" Gu Sheng laughed.

After a meal, the two sides got to know each other a lot.

When he went back, Adong was also surprised. Before that, Gu Sheng rarely treated people like this, even the members of the Li family didn't care, and Lian Haolong actually showed such face to the loyal and trustworthy.

"Just ask if you want to!"

Gu Sheng leaned on the back seat, feeling a little drunk, and said with narrowed eyes after noticing A Dong's expression.

"Brother Sheng, Zhongyixin's business is all usury and fans. We don't touch any of them, and we don't have any business contacts. But I think you seem to value loyalty and faith?" A Dong asked doubts in his heart.

"Of course I value it!" Gu Sheng thought in his heart, with so much money in Zhongyixin's account, how could he not value it?
For the sake of money, we should also look at loyalty and faith.

"In the past, I was the person in charge of Causeway Bay, and I only had to manage the place in Causeway Bay. Now I manage the whole of Hongxing, and most of Hong Kong Island. Naturally, it's different from before!" Gu Sheng said in his mouth.

"And in the future, we won't be able to fight and kill like before! Zhongyixin is quite strong, stronger than ZTE, Hetu, and Changle, and it's worth wooing."

Speaking of Changle, Gu Sheng suddenly remembered that Changle also wrapped [-] red envelopes for himself before.

Damn, did Changle's rushing to the street look down on me?

Find an excuse to trouble them another day.

After listening to it, A Dong seemed to understand but half understood.

"Stop!" Gu Sheng shouted suddenly.

From Tsim Sha Tsui to Causeway Bay, you need to go through the Hung Hom Tunnel in Kowloon. When you arrive in Kowloon, Gu Sheng thinks of someone.

He picked up the phone and called Li Xinxin.

"it's me!"

"Why are you calling me at this time?" Li Xinxin was lying on the bed reading a book, but when she received the call, she turned over and lay on the bed with her legs back, with a smile on her face.

"I'll pick you up." Gu Sheng said.

"What, miss me?" Li Xinxin was in a good mood.

After returning from Holland, she went to the bar to look for Gu Sheng once, but Gu Sheng never looked for her.

"Yeah, I'm dying to think about it! Change clothes quickly, I'll be there in half an hour!"

In the middle of the night, Li Xinxin lay beside Gu Sheng, constantly poking his body with his fingers, pressing down the skin and then bouncing it off.

"You're a child!" Gu Sheng patted her.

"Several of my students are going to be young and Dangerous, and I can't persuade them. What do you think I should do?" Li Xinxin focused on Gu Sheng.
"Let them come with me, I'll arrange a job for them." Gu Sheng said indifferently.

There are many places where his subordinates need people, such as the parking lot in Causeway Bay, the security company, and Jinfeng's career. They need people everywhere.

"But I just don't want them to mess around!" Li Xinxin raised her head and said.

"You are their mother?" Gu Sheng snorted, and said mercilessly: "You think you are just treating them well. Apart from satisfying yourself, how can your thoughts help them? They have no choice. Studying If you can’t get in, you don’t have any money at home, so what else can you do if you can’t go out and hang out?”

Li Xinxin was silent for a while before saying: "But I still want to work hard, some of them can still be saved. There was a student who used to study very well, but then changed..."

"That's easy, let them see those who have been cut off and turned into cripples. Those who can be saved can go back to study, and you can't do anything else!" Gu Sheng's fingers slid down her back, I feel like I can reopen the war.

Those students only saw the majesty of the young and Dangerous boy, but did not see the time when the young and Dangerous boy was beaten to death, maimed, and unable to do it alone.

Just ask him to arrange an on-the-spot beheading for those bastards.

Li Xinxin stared at Gu Sheng for a long time.

"Look at what?"

"Did you go through a lot of these things?" Li Xinxin asked softly.

"When you come out to hang out, you just step on a coffin with one foot. We see you every day. The two clubs went to war, and dozens of people were hacked to death. Severed hands and feet are scattered all over the ground. It's a common thing!" Gu Sheng thought for a while. , is indeed quite common.

Such as Hong Le, such as Hong Tai, such as those associations in Causeway Bay.

Li Xinxin buried her head in Gu Sheng's chest and hugged him tightly.

Gu Sheng felt that this little girl was probably overwhelmed by maternal love.

"It's too cruel to them, can you tell them about it? Many people regard you as an idol, and I have heard them talk about you. They may not be able to listen to what you say!" Li Xinxin said.

"Damn, what are you kidding?" Gu Sheng patted Li Xinxin on the back.

He's not interested in wasting time on useless people.

Only people like Yalang, Xiaochun, and Liang Xiaotang who seized the opportunity to become famous can make him take a look.

"Promise me, okay?" Li Xinxin begged.

"How can I have time? I have to go to the island country to discuss business the day after tomorrow!" Gu Sheng turned over and mounted his horse again with his gun.

...Omit [-] words again...

Early the next morning, Gu Sheng went to the bathroom to pee to see if there were no forks, and he immediately felt better.

Liuwei Dihuang Concentrated Pills still have to be taken consistently.

When going down for breakfast, Li Xinxin asked, "Are you going to an island country? I've always wanted to travel, but I never had the chance!"

There was expectation in the words, if Gu Sheng took her there, she would ask for leave directly.

"To talk about business, not to play." Of course Gu Sheng would not take her there, he still wanted to go to the island country to have fun, and bring a woman to get in the way.

"Oh!" Li Xinxin honestly stopped mentioning it.

Send Li Xinxin back after dinner.

Gu Sheng went back to Causeway Bay to think about it. He wanted to take A Dong there instead of letting A Dong stay at home.

It's a pity that after much deliberation, there is no suitable candidate who can preside over the overall situation, so A Dong can only be allowed to sit in Causeway Bay.

I am even more vigilant in my heart, and I have to hurry up and train two talents.

At present, it seems that Liang Xiaotang is still doing well, and he is doing well on the island of Ao.

As for the others, it's hard to find smart people among the young and Dangerous, but Gu Sheng wants to poach someone.

And Liansheng's Jimmy.

Although this guy got rid of his godfather Le Shao later, but this guy has a good brain, and he doesn't want to be a gangster at all, and he just wants to do serious business.

At the beginning, he joined He Liansheng because he was bullied as a hawker.

Before this guy has other thoughts, he can still use it.

"Contact Zhan Mi from Liansheng and say I want to see him!" Gu Sheng called Awen directly.

In the afternoon, the class was held again, and the two who had performed well in Huoshizhou before were recruited.

One of them is Fei Zaiping, and the other is Chang Mao Xiong.

Gu Sheng didn't care about the rule of holding a class once a year at all.

Times have changed!If the younger brother performs well, he will be promoted when he should.

Open once a year?The younger brothers have all run away!
Moreover, his power expanded too fast, and his manpower was simply not enough.

Among the two, Gu Sheng is more optimistic about Chang Maoxiong. After all, this guy looks like Chang Wei, so he is not a good person at first glance.

"Thank you, boss!" After the two of them took office, they respected Gu Sheng.

"From now on, you can just call me Brother Sheng! What is the most rare thing in this era? Talent! You two are talents, do your best in the future, and don't let me down!" Gu Sheng walked out with his arms around their necks.

"Brother Sheng will definitely not be disappointed!" Fei Zaiping vowed.

"The site has been arranged for you, the younger brother will hire it himself." After going out the door, Gu Sheng pushed the two of them forward, and there were already many people waiting for them outside.

They are all boxing gym people.

These two people have just taken over, and they have a group of usable fighters under their command.

Thinking about it, the strength will expand very quickly.


In the evening, Zhan Mi came to the UV bar alone and was brought in front of Gu Sheng.

"Mr. Gu!"

"Sit down!" Gu Sheng pointed to the opposite sofa with a cigarette in his mouth.

"Do you know what I want you to do?" Gu Sheng asked with a smile.

"I don't know, I'm just a little shrimp, how do I know what a big guy like you wants to do. I don't even know how Mr. Gu knows me." Zhan Mi said honestly.

"You are a talent!" Gu Sheng pointed at him and smiled.

"It's a pity to win in Helian!"

When Zhan Mi heard this, his eyes changed a bit.

"I heard that you like doing business. It just so happens that I also like doing business. Would you like to come and help me?" Gu Sheng said.

"If a big man like Mr. Gu has a crush on me, I'm sure I have nothing to say. I'm afraid Young Master Ke Le will not agree!" Zhan Mi didn't understand why Gu Sheng was interested in him, so he directly pushed it to Young Master Le.

"Young Master Le!" Gu Sheng sneered, and then said to himself.

"I said, you are a talent. If you want to do business seriously, you have no chance with Liansheng. You can't wash your whites in one day there! He Liansheng is a pool of black water. How can you wash your whites in it?" ?”

Gu Sheng smiled and said: "Especially Le Shao, he is a fan, if this thing gets on it, it can't be washed off!"

"Our Hong Xing is different! I have known for a long time that the times have changed, and the way of playing gangsters in the past is no longer feasible. In the future, if you want to make money in an open and honest manner, Hong Xing will go ashore sooner or later. This is also an opportunity for you. You can Go back and think about it."

"As for He Liansheng, I will naturally tell them."

Zhan Mi was a little moved when he heard this.

As Gu Sheng said, he has always wanted to do serious business, and he also wanted to find opportunities to wash his hands and go ashore.

If, as Gu Sheng said, Hong Xing wants to clean up his crimes and do a good job, it is indeed an opportunity for him.

But he still didn't agree immediately.

Just say think about it!
Gu Sheng estimated that he would agree in all likelihood.

The next day, Gu Sheng left Adong to watch the house, took Shafu and Tianyangsheng, and a few fighters from the boxing gym, and a group of more than a dozen people went directly to the island country.

Finally came out.

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