Wizards chase the truth

Chapter 182 [178] The Son of Darkness Exterminates the Spirit of Nature

Chapter 182 [178] The Son of Darkness Exterminates the Spirit of Nature
In the black clouds, there is a lot of curse aura, which is exactly the same as the black spots in Wang Ya's palm.

The dark wizard 'Ralys' of the Ring Tower of Nature.

Did you actually catch up here?

Naturally, Wang Ya thought of what happened in Tianyi Wizard City and the Black Core he had taken from the opponent.

It seems that he has always held a grudge, and through this hidden curse method, he has locked his position, and when he goes out, he will take the opportunity to strike.

Wang Ya frowned, and the expression under the black mask did not show much fear.

On the contrary, after discovering this curse method, this hidden danger can be eliminated, and at the same time, the hidden danger of Rui Lisi can also be solved today.

"I once said, you'd better not come out of the dark place for the rest of your life. The result of coming out can only be one, and that is death."

The black floating clouds gradually gathered together, and under the aggregation of a powerful particle energy, a huge distorted face was formed, and a thick cursed black energy was emitted from the holes in the facial features.

A large number of black souls also emerged from it, the number was extremely large, and they yelled words such as cannibalism, flesh and blood, and souls. The loss of the black core seems to have a great impact on Riris. The quality of the black soul is much weaker than that made by the Tianyi wizard.

There are even many Linghus that use extraordinary creatures to recharge their numbers so that they can use the crowd tactics.

A sneer appeared on the corner of Wang Ya's mouth. He is not what he used to be now, and he is no longer afraid of any enemies at the level of third-level wizard apprentices.

Just about to make a move, let me confirm his current methods by the way.

What surprised him was Kazean Tuen. He actually took the initiative to attack. Before Wang Ya, the extremely terrifying particle energy fluctuations suddenly erupted all over his body, and even many black souls who were approaching the entanglement were washed away by this momentum Dazed.

The gap between the two is really too big, even the breath can't bear it.

These black souls are better than second-level wizard apprentices, and the number is very small.

Wang Ya also didn't see the faces of Luo Dan and the other black souls. They should have been killed by Rui Lisi.

The eruption of Kaziantun was obviously out of the surprise of Rui Lisi. The face of the black cloud layer fluctuated instantly, and there was a faint tendency to collapse.

"This is... how come, extreme wizard apprentice, what a joke."

Rillis panicked a little, why did a limit wizard apprentice suddenly appear.

No, it should be that ordinary blond wizard, why is it an extreme wizard apprentice.

Through the curse method on Wang Ahalak, she can roughly perceive the surrounding atmosphere.

Obviously, she wasn't very strong in terms of breath perception, so she decided to take action and keep the two of them here completely.

It would be even better if it could cause some conflicts and frictions between the dark land and the rotten land.

No matter how powerful the third-level wizard apprentice is, it is impossible to fight the ultimate wizard apprentice.

Especially the strength of the opponent, even in the natural ring tower, it is rare to be able to match it.

If Rilith knew that there was an apprentice extreme wizard, she would never make a move.

The original idea fell into a passive state, and Riris screamed, bursting out with all her particle energy and almost all her soul power.

A steady stream of black souls spewed out from the huge black face of the cloud, submerging towards the support of the two.

But the black face was moving in the opposite direction, trying to escape.

Kazeantun didn't do much, but just burst out a wave of particle energy, covering his whole body with a faint layer of dark energy glow, straightened up, took a step forward, and stepped out of the back of the flying griffin.

Stepping on the void, it seems to be stepping on those black souls.

The densely packed black souls cleared out a large area in an instant, leaving a large area of ​​blue sky and white clouds.

Let the ghosts cry and howl, the lifeless scene is much clearer.

Wang Ya's pupil contraction is not a simple method. It seems that there is not much particle energy involved in it. In fact, there is an invisible high-pressure force around Kaziantun, which is caused by the biological force field.

The incredibly powerful biological force field, obviously without the intervention of any elemental particle energy, has achieved what Wang Ya's phantom domain can only achieve.

'Everything around is under the control of Kaziantun, this range is 100 meters! ! '

Wang Ya's pupils glowed with a dark blue fine luster.

'It's unbelievable, is this the true power of the ultimate wizard apprentice? '

Kaziantun took a step in the void, and with every step, a large amount of black souls were wiped out and vanished into thin air. It was ten times stronger than the third-level wizard apprentice, and twenty times the spiritual power rushed out.

There is an extremely obvious medium reaction in the void. Under this high pressure, a reaction that affects reality occurs. A large piece of Mars emerges from the void, forming a meteor-like scene.

Chi Chi!

The rush of sound waves came with the blooming of Mars, and the center of the scene was Kaziantun, and the traces of Mars surrounded him as he moved.

His figure disappeared.

Wang Ya's pupils changed again, and his vision did not lock onto the figure of the other party.

The next moment, in front of that huge black face, Kaziantun's figure appeared. The expression on Remnant Meng's face was extremely gloomy, and he was full of energy and had no place to vent.

The right hand was held directly, as if grasping the core of the black face, and it was torn violently.


The black air collapsed, and more black souls couldn't bear the pressure, and died one after another. The huge black face also disappeared, and the cursed breath shrouded Kaziantun's whole body.

Thick black also appeared on the face, which was the situation where the curse power was wrapped around the whole body and was about to strike.

And the curse aura is very strong, curse it viciously.

"Idiot of the Nature Ring Tower, didn't your extraordinary course teacher teach you that in front of the extreme wizard apprentices, you only need to do one thing when encountering low-level apprentices, and that is to run!!"

Kaziantun's tone was very cold, the terrifying biological force field suddenly retracted, the black air covering his body became more intense, and black spells appeared on his skin.

The next moment, the extraordinary spiritual force merged into the biological force field, coupled with the diffusion of particle energy, the even more terrifying biological force field bounced back, occupying the upper, lower, left, and right areas of each hundred meters.

The curse power that shrouded the body, the curse medium that caused the curse witchcraft disappeared completely!

Wang Ya finally understood the difference between the third-level wizard apprentice and the ultimate wizard apprentice.

The extraordinary spiritual power of the former metamorphoses to the point of affecting reality and can cause physical damage.

The latter is all-round powerful, not just the extraordinary mental power that can affect the destruction of real physics.

The quality of individual particle energy is also extremely high, and it can also be integrated into the biological force field together with the extraordinary spiritual force, and directly control the environmental feedback within the range of the force field.

If the enemy is in the biological force field of the extreme wizard apprentice, he will be completely manipulated by the five senses, and even the feedback to the real world.

The retina receives sunlight, which is a kind of feedback, the ear hears sound is a kind of feedback, breathing, and touch are also feedback
The ultimate wizard apprentice is a threshold, and the official wizard is to step into that threshold.

Battles at that level are no longer pure sorcery battles, but require biological force fields to occupy more of the battlefield environment, and the division of strength and weakness will be clearer.

From a first-level wizard apprentice to an extreme wizard apprentice, and then to a formal wizard, various means of strength gradually improved, and finally gathered in the formal wizard stage.

Wang Ya was surprised, and seemed to have a little more understanding, as if he had grasped an understanding of perfect balance.

Still too shallow, this feeling is fleeting.

Rui Lisi's figure emerged from the clouds in the distance, her complexion was pale, and her breath was extremely weak. Seven or eight black souls supported her body and had already run a long distance.

"In the face of the absolute gap between spiritual power and particle energy, any witchcraft is so vulnerable."

"The same goes for running away,"

Kaziantun snorted coldly, his robe swayed under the rising wind and waves, his hair fluttered, and the wind and cloud seemed to be his foil.

Surrounded by Mars, the wind pressure swept across, like a meteor, sprinting towards Riris' position.

The two flying griffins had long been far away from the battlefield. If they were covered by the terrifying biological force field, they would turn into blood mist in an instant, leaving no bones left under the pressure.

Wang Ya stood on the flying griffin on the right, and Harak on his shoulder combed his feathers with a beak.

"You have only one chance to kill me, and it won't take more than ten seconds."

Wang Ya said suddenly.

There are no people around, only the endless void, white clouds, the sky and the Martian scratches left by the high-pressure friction covering a range of [-] meters in front.

There was a mocking smile on the corner of his mouth, "Ryris, the spirit of nature, doesn't even have the courage to make a move?"

Spreading out the palm, on the white skin, the black mantra markings became more and more obvious, as if protruding from the subcutaneous surface to the surface of the skin, and surging, it looked very ugly.

It stands to reason that the power of the curse will be greatly weakened or even disappeared if Riris' method is broken by Kaziantun.

But the curse power of the black spell on the palm has increased by a full three times.

"Then go to hell, curse-blood feud."

The voice of resentment emerged directly from Wang Ya's mind, and the black mantra in his palm broke through the skin suddenly, turning into an illusory phantom of a woman, somewhat similar to a black soul, but more ethereal and virtual.

Wang Ya frowned, "Curse the origin, you are really willing."

When the memory surfaced in Tianyi Wizard City, he received the core of black from the phantom.

It should be at that time, contaminated by the source of the curse on the core of the black.

Sure enough, no wizard should be underestimated.

The dark wizard Rillis is also powerful, and the methods she planted are extremely hidden.

Even if it is hidden, it will not be able to display extraordinary functions, and it will not be able to listen to words and conversations. At most, it will give vaguely sensitive location information.

If the extraordinary ability is exposed, although it can be monitored and listened to, it will be discovered by Wang Ya.

Out of this consideration, Rui Lisi made this method not to be used.

"This is your back-up, or do you have the confidence to rely on this to kill me!" Wang Ya's tone was still vicious, and Kazean Tuen should soon find out the abnormality and turn around.

That's why Wang Ya said that there was only one chance and ten seconds for Rui Lisi to kill him.

If the opponent still chooses to make a move, then the method this time is definitely not the same.

Red flames appeared all over Wang Ya's body. He stretched out his left hand and snapped his fingers lightly.

Field Expansion - 'Phantom Demon'

Within a range of 70 meters, red rays of light appeared. These rays of light have a somewhat dreamlike color, like ribbons, reflecting the arc light, very beautiful.

Beneath the beauty is absolute danger. There is an extremely high temperature, which is enough to melt extraordinary metals into molten iron.

The normal exponential power has also reached '38'

The strange thing is, there is still no way to dispel that phantom of blood feud.

Seems to target 'soul'

The expression under the black mask remained unchanged, and the extraordinary spiritual power burst out instantly, and the power of dreams came with it.

Dream witchcraft 【Worth winning】

This time it really worked, and the phantom of the blood feud was directly washed away.

It's not right, it's too weak. Here it comes! !
Wang Ya turned around abruptly, but it seemed that she was a step too late. Her pupils reflected Rui Lisi's ferocious appearance with disheveled hair, and her body was covered with dark rippling robes, with strong extraordinary fluctuations, making her look very extraordinary.

He held a rusty cross sword in his hand, and there seemed to be blood on it that hadn't dried up.

A smile appeared on her face, because the cross sword pierced Wang Ya's heart.

"King Ahraq, it is your honor that you can die under this special weapon. When I picked it up in the mortal period, I understood its specialness. Anyone who is stabbed will definitely die. Whether witchcraft, mortals, or supernatural beings."

"It's not in vain. I borrowed the shadow robe of 'Master Darkbat' in exchange for such an opportunity. Kill you, with the shadow robe, even the ultimate wizard apprentice, don't even think about noticing my existence."

Rilith let out a long breath, and she was also under great pressure.


There was a sudden crack in the black mask, which made Riris stunned for a moment. When the mask was broken, she saw that handsome face, and the eyes next to the mole, with a smile on her face. With a sudden jump, there was an inexplicable sense of panic.

(End of this chapter)

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