After I was forced to be a survival game NPC

Chapter 530 The Ship of Destiny

Chapter 530 The Ship of Destiny (7)

She didn't feel anyone in the next bed at all!
It was too quiet, there was no sound of breathing, is the person lying on the bed really Chen Ziqi?

Su Nanzhi looked at the raised shadow on the bed next door, his back felt chilly.

There was an untimely knock on the door, a very small sound, and the person who knocked seemed to be very cautious.

"anyone there?"

A timid and high-pitched voice came clearly into the room.

Su Nanzhi's limbs were cold, how did this sound penetrate the door?And she felt that the sound was not outside the door, but inside the house, accompanied by the gentle sound of waves outside the window.

"Is anyone there?" The voice came again.

If you can't answer, you will be unlucky if you answer.

What's even more frightening is that Su Nanzhi felt the sound of waves coming from the bathroom.

I don't know how long it took, but the voice didn't appear again, but the cold and strange atmosphere in the room was always there.

Su Nanzhi huddled under the quilt, holding a soul-suppressing nail in her hand. When the drowsiness struck again, she heard someone talking outside, there were men and women, there were many people, as if they were arguing or discussing.

What about that feeling?
The voice was not low, but it seemed to be covered with a layer of veil. No matter how hard you listened, you couldn't hear it clearly. There were only a few fragments of words——

do not leave.

Get out of bed and take a look, maybe you can see who is talking outside.

However, she had to pass by the bed where Chen Ziqi was asleep first. Was it really a human being talking outside?

With so many people talking in the aisle with the door open in the middle of the night, the other passengers should be able to hear them too.

Su Nanzhi's idea appeared briefly, but was soon dispelled, and the system would not go out until the system issued a task.

This time, the other side.

Gong Su lay on the bed and finally fell asleep, only to be awakened by voices outside.

He turned over irritably, looked at the dark door, "These NPCs came back from drinking too much, why are they arguing outside?"

The sound outside continued, and Gong Su was restless, but he would not be so stupid as to run out to see that the light from the bedside lamp fell on the phone.

He raised his hand and called the front desk to complain.

"Sorry sir, we'll send the staff to deal with it right away." The voice of the staff came from the phone.

A few minutes later, the elevator stopped on the fifth floor.

The woman in the uniform of the staff looked at the empty passageway and felt apprehensive. There was a storm in the middle of the night, and the ship was shaking, but it was still stable.

The soft light fell on the somewhat old carpet, and the coolness floated in the air, slowly permeating the clothes.

Even if she didn't see anyone, she had to go and have a look.

Slight footsteps sounded in the unoccupied passage. The woman stood outside the room where the tourists complained, with a puzzled face. She didn't see anyone, and she didn't hear the noise the tourists said.

The door of a room in the back was closed suddenly, and the low volume seemed a bit intrusive in the middle of the night.

She looked away and returned to the housekeeping office.

"There is no one in the passage. It is probably the sound from the next room. I didn't hear the sound when I went."

At another station, the man in uniform put down the phone in his hand, "The customer has complained again, saying that there is noise outside, so let's adjust the surveillance first."

The man looked at the computer screen with a nervous look on his face. He was unlucky enough to be assigned this status and was still working shifts in the middle of the night.

There was no one in the surveillance, and the time was adjusted forward by 10 minutes. There was no one in the passageway, but there was indeed a noise coming out. The sound was too mixed to make it clear what it was.

(End of this chapter)

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