Chapter 154

do not know why.

Mei Yeqin felt extremely relaxed in front of Pei Dai.

Maybe it's because she stood in front of him with nothing|nothing|, and he just blushed, wanting to find a hole to get in?

Or what, Mei Yeqin is not quite sure.

After simply taking a shower, she got used to enjoying the treatment of Pei Dai blowing her hair.

She didn't seem to be burdened by his kindness to her, and said that she was responsible for herself, and she was quite old.

Mei Yeqin was a little annoyed at the thought of this, and pushed Pei Dai with her hands.

After Pei Dai felt Mei Yeqin's resistance on his lap, he asked softly.

"What's the matter, Qinqin, what's wrong?"

She pushed his hair-drying wrist, "I don't want to blow it, you go and wash up."

Rarely, basically none, except for the time they broke up, Mei Yeqin never resisted, or in other words, never refused him to do anything for her.

It was the first time after many years that Pei Dai heard or felt her resistance again, so he lowered his eyebrows.

"Okay, then sit down and wait for me."

Following Pei Dai's taking away the hair dryer, followed by the sound of footsteps, and the closed bathroom door.

In the quiet air, there was a slight irritability of Mei Yeqin.

She has always liked, or admired, Pei Dai's pure youth and his straightforwardness. This strange relationship is dominated by her.

Only this time, she was slightly awkward.

I don't know where the awkwardness is, is he too obedient?
Mei Yeqin didn't know until the man came out.

She found that after all these years, he still looks like he can't get tanned, and he is even fairer than her. Looking at his thin body, he is actually very attractive, with a very high muscle content.

She is almost in her 30s, and she still looks fresh. On the contrary, when she looked in the mirror just now when she went to wash up, she felt that there were wrinkles at the corners of her eyes.

"Qinqin, I'm done washing, shall we go out?"

He always wants to ask her habitually every time he does something.

After Mei Yeqin frowned slightly, she suppressed the inexplicable emotions in her heart. "Um."

Pei Dai stepped forward and stroked her hair. When Mei Yeqin was stunned, he heard the man say.

"The hair is dry, so I won't catch a cold, let me go."

As he spoke, he took Mei Yeqin's fingers very naturally, and walked out the door with interlocking fingers, went to the underground parking lot, and fastened her seat belt.

Sitting in the driver's seat.

Mei Yeqin, every time I'm with Pei Dai, I feel that he is as soft as the wind, but pervasive. In fact, for so many years, when I was studying abroad, I would occasionally hear the sound of that boy, but it was nothing more than a sound.

For a long time, she felt that her desires were unrestrained, and during the time she was studying abroad, she could find someone to comfort her casually.

There are also people who chase her, but whenever she really wants to do something, Pei Dai's beautiful face will flash in her mind.

Every time she thinks about it, she feels that the blond and blue-eyed and handsome boys around her are all so unsightly.

Not as good as Pei Dai, she even felt that she had attracted him, if not for herself, she felt that Pei Dai's lighthearted temperament seemed only suitable for becoming a monk in the world of mortals.

When the car stopped, Mei Yeqin looked at Pei Dai's side face. He looked handsome, but he couldn't be considered handsome.

She doesn't know if her heart is moving, but she just feels very comfortable, very comfortable after so many years.

"Qinqin, get out of the car, this Cantonese cuisine is very good, you will like it."

When Pei Dai opened the door for her, Mei Yeqin came back to his senses.

It's not that she likes Cantonese cuisine, it's just that the taste is light, and she also likes umami, so she prefers to eat more Cantonese cuisine, but after studying abroad for many years, she already likes cold meals.

Bread, pasta, steak, stuff like that.

Cantonese cuisine was my favorite when I was young.

When Mei Yeqin followed Pei Dai in, she chose a relatively remote location in the hall.

Mei Yeqin doesn't like to be noisy, Pei Dai knows it.

When ordering, when Pei Dai handed her the menu, Mei Yeqin waved her hand to indicate that she didn't want to order.

Then Pei Dai ordered a bunch of dishes at once, all of which were dishes that Mei Yeqin liked to eat in the university.

After ordering, the waiter took the menu and left, and Pei Dai realized that the line of sight was looking at him all the time.

"It's all my favorite."

Pei Dai can naturally hear the implication of Mei Yeqin's words, it's because you didn't order what you like.

Looking at Mei Yeqin who was drinking tea from a teacup.

"Qinqin likes it, and I like it too."

He is very dull, but he can always say something, like words of admiration or confession, but those eyes are too clean, so that Mei Yeqin can't feel any distracting thoughts.

It can only be simply understood that the dishes they like are the same.

But after finishing speaking, Pei Dai was only nervous. He felt that his words were an expression of his thoughts, so he could only hold a teacup to cover up his nervousness.

But taking a sneak peek at Mei Yeqin, her performance was so ordinary, it was inevitable that she felt a little disappointed.

The dishes are served very quickly.

Both of them are the kind of people who don't talk when they eat or sleep, so they are very quiet when eating.

It's just that Pei Dai looked at Mei Yeqin as if he didn't eat much. He took the serving chopsticks and sandwiched some of her favorite dishes for her.

Seemingly eating almost, Pei Dai let out a sigh of relief, but it's not because she didn't eat much, the food here was not as delicious as expected.

At this time, Pei Dai was thinking how he could let Mei Yeqin eat his own home-cooked meal if he had the chance.

Isn't there a saying that if you like someone, you can grab her stomach first.

He felt that his cooking skills should be pretty good.

It's just that the quietness of the two of them eating was suddenly interrupted by the noise in the restaurant hall.

"Okay, Jiang Chenghua, do you want to abandon me?"

A woman called her name loudly, causing Mei Yeqin to put down the bowl and chopsticks.

Jiang Chenghua...

Jiang Sui's father was also Qinqin's brother-in-law.

"Jiang Chenghua, why do you always have the bad habit of abandoning your wife and children!"

The noise became louder and louder, and there were even crying.

As Mei Yeqin's face became more and more ugly.

"Jiang Chenghua, I saw that this woman looks very similar, Mei Yeyun, are you still unable to let her go!"


When Mei Yeqin's patience reached its peak.

Inside the hall.

One | slap | palm.

Cheng Man was a little dizzy, all the people in the hall, those who were watching the excitement, those who were fighting, were stunned for a moment by Mei Yeqin who was rushed out.

The woman has a slender figure, thin, wearing a simple cardigan, with cold eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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