Chapter 227
But he didn't see Shen Jiayu's things in the living room either.

He probably hasn't been here for a long time, but the house is cleaned very cleanly. It should be that the nanny comes to clean it regularly.

Shen Jiayu came out of the sink with a glass of water, saw Wen Miao was still looking around, came over and asked her, "What are you looking at?"

Wen Miao asked curiously, "Is this where you live?"

Shen Jiayu said "hmm", put the water glass on the coffee table in front of her, and said, "I used to come here when I was a freshman in high school. The bar used to be on the street in front, very close."

After returning to Jiangzhou, the bar here was closed.

The staff in the bar are basically wandering prodigal sons, they are people who live in all over the world, no matter where they are, so most of them followed Shen Jiayu to Jiangzhou.

Wen Miao took two sips of water meaningfully, and put down the glass again.

In this hot day, she really didn't like to drink hot water. The air conditioner in the room had just been turned on for a few minutes, and the temperature hadn't dropped yet, so Wen Miao was a little hot.

Shen Jiayu glanced at her and asked softly, "Go take a bath and sleep?"

Wen Miao thought for a while, then asked in a low voice, "Can I have a meal before going to bed?"

Shen Jiayu laughed because of her words: "Are you hungry?"

Wen Miao nodded vaguely.

She is not very hungry. The plane meal on Jianghang is a chef invited by a five-star hotel. So let him eat something.

"What do you want to eat?" Shen Jiayu got up and went into the kitchen.

Judging by his posture, do you want to do it yourself?

Wen Miao followed like a little tail, and saw that Shen Jiayu had opened the refrigerator. There were quite a lot of things in the refrigerator, but they were basically drinks, and mineral water took up most of the space inside.

Shen Jiayu glanced at it, and gave her a bottle of pure milk: "Go out and eat?"

With sharp eyes, Wen Miao saw a box of eggs and two tomatoes in it. Maybe she could make scrambled eggs with tomatoes, but the idea of ​​cooking only flashed in her mind for a moment, and then she killed it without hesitation. in the cradle.

Wen Miao remembered the time when Shen Jiayu had food poisoning and she was sent to the hospital, so she decided to forget about it. You have self-knowledge, she was born without diamonds, so don't overwhelm yourself with the porcelain work.

Opposite is a big shopping mall.

The first floor is a supermarket, and the second and third floors are places to eat. It’s past twelve o’clock, but there are still only a few people who come out to eat. It may be because the college entrance examination has just ended and they are still playing outside at this time Most of the people are students who have just finished the exam.

The escalator was crowded with people, and finally went up to the second floor, where the eyes were full of black and surging human heads.

On the third floor, the situation is the same.

Seeing that there were so many people everywhere, Wen Miao dragged Shen Jiayu to the supermarket on the first floor without knowing how long it would take.

Anyway, Shen Jiayu is not picky about food, so it can be solved anyway, so Wen Miao simply went to the deli section of the supermarket to buy something to eat for dinner. The shopping cart is gradually filled with all kinds of snacks.

Before Shen Jiayu wanted to push another shopping cart, Wen Miao hurriedly grabbed him, paid the bill and went home.

During the meal, Wen Miao's mouth was never idle, chatting with Shen Jiayu, and in the end he didn't eat much, but talked a lot.

Shen Jiayu has also been listening carefully, with a very patient appearance, occasionally laughing and answering her softly.

This way of getting along is exactly the same as before, as if nothing has changed, and the almost year-long blank time between the two of them has never existed.

Wen Miao talked a lot and asked a lot, but she didn't mention Yu Xi's matter.

She didn't know if now was a good time to talk about it, so it was better not to mention it.

After eating, Shen Jiayu went to pack his things, urged Wen Miao to go to bed, Wen Miao clinged to him for a while, and then went back to the room to take a shower.

As soon as she entered the room, Wen Miao saw the shopping bag on the small table in front of the French window.

It was brought back from the supermarket just now.

Why did Shen Jiayu put it here?

Wen Miao walked over with some doubts, opened the bag and looked inside, basically all the contents were taken out, the bought snacks were piled on the coffee table in the living room, the milk was also put in the refrigerator, and only A light colored rectangular carton.

Wen Miao reached out and took it out, opened the outer box twice, shook out the contents of the box, and then, the expression on his face paused.

The colon on her head got bigger again.

She stared at the underwear for a while, then picked it up with a puzzled expression on her face, and shook it twice, this...

It seems a little small.

No, this is not the point, the point is when did he buy it?
It's very sweet.

It just wasn't posted in the right place.

Wen Miao raised her neckline, glanced inside her clothes, and fell into deep self-doubt. She didn't say that, but she was really a little small...

She suspected that Shen Jiayu took children's money.

Carrying the "children's style" into the bathroom, after taking a shower, Wen Miao tried it on purposely, and found that she was a little nervous, but right now she didn't bring anything else, so she could only make do with it.

After wiping her hair with a towel, Wen Miao opened the bathroom door and walked out.

This is Shen Jiayu's bedroom, which has an independent bathroom. He gave this room to her, and went to the next room by himself. Wen Miao brushed her hair absently, and walked slowly to the door.

She didn't go out, only opened the door, and looked into the living room through the crack of the door.

The living room was pitch black, and there was no movement. Shen Jiayu was not in the living room. Wen Miao hesitated for a moment, but still moved lightly, took two steps outside, stopped at the door of the next room, and looked inside.

The door of the room was not closed, Wen Miao didn't see him, the light in the bathroom was on, and there was a faint sound of splashing water coming from inside, it should be taking a bath.

Wen Miao stepped back lightly.

Lying on the bed for a while, Wen Miao picked up the phone and checked the time. It was already two o'clock. She was sleepy when she was in the car just now, but she couldn't fall asleep when she really lay down.

After a few minutes, there was a sudden movement in the living room outside. It sounded like Shen Jiayu had come out of the room after taking a shower. Wen Miao listened for a while, but there was no movement in the living room again.

She didn't hear him coming back into the room.

Stay in the living room all the time?
Wen Miao waited for a few more minutes, but there was still no other movement. Without any further hesitation, she raised her hand to turn on the bedside lamp, sat up from the bed, and got out of bed.

(End of this chapter)

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