put wildness in his heart

Chapter 124 What kind of friend

Chapter 124 What kind of friend

Just like the girl just now, when she was being bullied by the foreign class, Wen Miao also stood up and protected her behind her without hesitation.

Shen Jiayu's mood seemed to go downhill at that time.

He suddenly realized that she spoke for him that day not because he was a different one to her, but because she was the class monitor.

So if it was someone else who was discussed that day, she would do the same.

Wen Miao is actually very pure and doesn't have complicated thoughts. When she treats you well, she simply treats you well. She doesn't want anything from you, and she never asks for anything in return.

She doesn't even care if you remember her good or not, so she will treat the students in the class equally.

Whether it's a boy or a girl.

Whether familiar or unfamiliar.

Attitude makes no difference.

This recognition made Shen Jiayu's mood more subtle.

Ah...it turns out that he is also one of the indiscriminate, no different from others.

It's just that he suddenly found that what he wanted didn't seem to be just these.


There is no late self-study in the past few days when the sports meeting is held.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, the competition is basically over, and the students leave school on time.

After making a dinner appointment with He Yin, Wen Miao separated from him at the overpass.

There was no one at home, parents were on a business trip, Wen Yan hadn't finished class at school, and Wen Miao didn't want to go back so early, it was meaningless to be alone, so he walked slowly along the river bank to the business district.

It is the season of the end of winter and early spring, the warmth has not yet arrived, the severe cold has not disappeared, and the sky is getting dark early.

It was only seven o'clock, and the surrounding area was already full of rich and deep twilight. The wind came from the river, with the faint sound of waves in the distance.

Jiangzhou is a typical modern city, and the pace of life only slows down at night.

Wen Miao was caught in the army of elderly people walking their dogs, and walked along the river for nearly 10 minutes. When she stopped, she realized that she was near West Street. She looked around, and her feet had already turned around honestly. Direction, cross the sidewalk and turn into West Street.

Walking a little further, Wen Miao saw the signboard of "Floating Life Like a Dream". Instead of going in, Wen Miao stopped at the corner across the road, thinking whether to send Shen Jiayu a message on WeChat and ask him where he is not here.

Shen Jiayu walked so fast after school that she didn't even say a word to him.

At that time, the students had just returned to the classroom, and He Yin was still discussing whether he should invite Boss Shen to have dinner together. When he turned around, he found that Shen Jiayu's seat was already empty.

He Yin was still puzzled for a long time: "What happened to Boss Shen?"

"I don't know." Wen Miao shook her head and became puzzled, "Why do I feel that he is not in a good mood?"

"I can feel it too." He Yin nodded affirmatively, "I thought it was my illusion, was it because of what happened just now?"

He Yin guessed: "Because you didn't make friends with a beautiful woman?"

What He Yin was talking about was that a girl in the art class asked Shen Jiayu for contact information just now.

Wen Miao recalled the scene she saw just now:

The girl's ears were red, and she looked at Shen Jiayu's face shyly and timidly: "Shen, classmate Shen Jiayu, can I be your friend?"

Shen Jiayu didn't seem to understand the hint: "What friend?"

(End of this chapter)

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