pearl gem

Chapter 409 A Dream on the Plane

Chapter 409 A Dream on the Plane
Lu Youyou never responded to the message, which made Xie Yuqing a little worried.

But thinking of her unpredictable scheming methods, I feel that there is no need to worry about them. Maybe she didn't reply on purpose and laughed at her for being troublesome.

Green brush him...

Xie Yuqing searched online, and after a while the plane took off, her mobile phone lost signal, so she went to turn on the computer.

After confirming the settings that popped up, she found that the network speed of this computer was extremely fast. After logging in to WeChat and replying to a few messages, she looked around and entered a line of URL as if she was guilty of guilt.

In recent months, the "Treasure" website has only been opened twice. Speaking of it, a certain colleague drank too much after entering the club and shared it in the WeChat group in the middle of the night. The number of types is too many.

That colleague was very annoying, but it is a normal need to be comforted, so Xie Yuqing became curious, and then opened the door to a new world.

It's strange to say that when watching these films, she realized that she is also a normal person. The feeling in that aspect has not been obliterated by the side effects, and it is very good to sharpen her mind.

Of course, there is such a glamorous reason on the surface, but in fact it is purely to "appreciate the performance" and understand the diversity of life.

However, when Xie Yuqing clicked on the half-watched movie last night, she found that there was no sound.

She glanced at the volume on the webpage, but it was not muted.

Turned on the volume again and took a look, it was normal.

So she turned the volume up, then dragged the progress bar, and looked back.

Hell, still no sound.

Just wondering, suddenly there was a knock on the door.

Xie Yuqing was startled, quickly closed the website, and threw herself on the bed.

Then he cleared his throat and asked, "Who is it?"


A concise word came in through the door, maybe she was guilty, and always felt that his voice had some strange deepness.

"I'm sleeping, what's wrong?"

Her superfluous explanation made the people outside the door silent for a moment, and she said something paradoxical——

"Remember to turn off the computer's Bluetooth."

Then it was like gone, silent.

Computer bluetooth?

Xie Yuqing's expression froze, and suddenly realized something, a rush of blood rushed to the top of her head.

She buried her head in the bed and rolled around, completely humiliated now!

After being ashamed for a while, sleepiness really came to my head, and Xie Yuqing fell into a deep sleep.

After an unknown amount of time, she was woken up by a knock on the door.

The plane has landed.

She followed Yu Qing to get off the plane in a daze. After getting off the last gangway, the man in front suddenly turned his head, looked at the spray paint on the fuselage and said, "It's time to fix it."

She turned her head and glanced, and there was indeed a small piece of paint missing from the capital "R".

The sun is shining brightly.

But it's strange that I can't feel the cold and heat of the temperature.

Walking along the long lawn, in a short while, I left the airport.

They were walking on a very busy street, everyone's faces were blurred, and she was suddenly pulled into a shop.

"I have a treasure that allows you to freely choose to do it again in your life, do you want to try it?"

Unidentified male and female voices seduced her ears, and she saw herself in a shrine lit with red candles and sesame oil, and the fortune teller took her to the shrine.

She took a closer look, and found that there was no statue of a god in the shrine, but a dead leaf the size of a palm, flapping as if alive.

As if sensing someone approaching, the dead leaf suddenly sprouted countless filaments, overwhelming her towards her.

(End of this chapter)

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