pearl gem

Chapter 401 Is Our Family Complicated?

Chapter 401 Is Our Family Complicated?

A revenue of 100 billion sounds like an unattainable figure, but Xie Yuqing felt a kind of embarrassment, blocked Yu Qing's sight, and said to him, "Don't pay attention to her, let's go."

"Don't say that. Auntie is an elder. It's normal for her to want to know about my situation." Yu Qing gently pushed her shoulder away, and said to Qin Siyun, "I'll ask someone to sort out the information immediately."

He made a phone call with his back turned, explained a few words briefly, and then said to them, "Wait a minute, they will be there soon."

His mysterious and high posture made Qin Siyun frown slightly, and his eyes wandered between the two who were pulling slightly.

10 minute later.

A dozen or so men in uniform black suits stood side by side in the ward, standing upright, each holding a thick document in his hand.

"My family does all kinds of business. In North America, it is mainly retail and contracting business. This is the account book for this year."

"Europe has a wider road, railways, tourism, hotels, real estate development...all of these are done."

"Oh, we do less oil, and the annual net profit is about 1000 billion yuan. The economic downturn in the past two years, so we can barely maintain it."


After a while, two small hills of high-end ledgers were piled up in front of Qin Siyun.

She watched in astonishment as the indifferent man slowly introduced her "family property", and almost thought she was hallucinating.

What kind of character is this?
Either she was crazy or he was.

Either that or the world has gone crazy.

"Oh, by the way, if Xie Yuqing stays in China to develop in the future, I will donate all the property under my name to the society and stay here with her." After Yu Qing said the last sentence she wanted to say, she stood beside her.

It was the first time to see him so well-behaved, like a good baby, Xie Yuqing raised her hand and silently closed her chin.

Although she had known about his family on the Internet long ago, just listening to the string of astronomical figures, she felt that people are really incomparable...

Ah, no, he is not a human being, he is clearly a god who descended from the earth.

It was just a bit of a surprise that it fell beside her.

"No, why are you donating it?" She couldn't help but ask, "Wouldn't it be better for the society to keep it in your hands?"

As soon as she opened her mouth, Qin Siyun came back to her senses, stared at the handsome man for a few seconds, and said, "I want to have a private chat with my daughter."

"Okay." Yu Qing waved his hand bluntly, sent all his subordinates out, and then said to Xie Yuqing, "Then I'll go down and watch for you first."

"Okay, thank you." Xie Yuqing smiled gratefully at him.

After everyone went out, the ward was instantly quiet.

Qin Siyun got up, patted the two stacks of running water materials on the ground with her hands, and a trace of thought flashed across her face.

For a moment, she spoke naturally as if she had never been separated from her daughter for many years, "His surname is Yu? I have never heard of a wealthy family surnamed Yu."

"He takes his mother's surname now, and his real name is Aric Russell." Xie Yuqing was a little unnatural, and kept looking at her father on the hospital bed.

"The Russell family?" Qin Siyun was surprised, "Acquainted in England?"

"No, we're from a high school." She paused for a moment, and generally said, "His family situation is a bit complicated."

"Is it more complicated than our family?" Qin Siyun asked back, seeing her embarrassment, and said lightly, "Now that you are older, you have your own opinions, and you can handle your feelings. As long as you don't regret it in the future, you want to Just do whatever you want."

(End of this chapter)

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