pearl gem

Chapter 309 I Like Aric More Than You

Chapter 309 I Like Aric More Than You
But he just asked, "Since I have such a tall image in your heart, do you still like me now?"

For a moment, Xie Yuqing wanted to deny it.

It's fine to say anything, but I don't want to make him too proud.

But in such a long time, she can always see a ray of light and shadow accompanying her to spend the long time with her.

After a long time, she turned her back to him, "Do you think I'm so casual, just sleep with a man......"

Her voice was tense, but in the next second, Yu Qing hugged her from behind, "So I like it, then..."

"I like you now, but it doesn't mean I will like you in the future." She let him hold her, but interrupted him, "I thought about this before, but I still couldn't confirm it. The liking for you now is the sequelae of being rejected at the beginning. I still really like you..."

"What do you mean?"

"When I was in high school, I just thought you were different, rebellious, good-looking, standing out in the crowd, and I liked you, superficial, right?"

"After I went to the UK, I 'know' Aric. When I think of you again, I feel more like a kind of surprise and envy. Although I am rebellious in my heart, I always think that if I don't go home tonight, I will make my parents worry and make them regret. But in terms of behavior, he was very cowardly, not as chic as going his own way. You were the side I wanted to be the most at that time, so I was attracted to you."

"Compared to you, I seem to like 'Aric' more, he appears in my every day, he will send some things I casually mention, he will share his life, he will calm my emotions, without him With your company, I may not last that long."

"But after I cut off contact with Aric, my life continued. I seemed to be attracted by his mystery and companionship, and imagined him to be who I like, but whether I like it or not...Maybe if he appeared at that time , so I can be sure."

"Sometimes I wonder what kind of feeling it is to like? If I think about it every day, then I definitely like it, but if I need to pay some price for it... I seem to be afraid , fearful, do you like this kind of feeling of worrying about gains and losses?"

Xie Yuqing's tone was troubled and troubled.

She wants to be a frank person, to be outspoken when she likes it, and not to lie if she doesn't like it.

However, she was indeed confused.

Because there were too many other factors mixed in the years of his life, she was not sure whether the emotion she had been thinking about for a long time in her heart was pure love.

If not, it will fail.

The person holding her listened patiently, was silent for a moment, and asked her softly, "Then every time you see me, are you happy?"


Definitely happy.

He will always bring a kind of joyful and sour joy, even if he is bickering, his heart is very happy.


"That's why I don't want to think about the future." She sighed faintly, and now that the chatterbox had been opened, she said, "When two people are together, it seems that a simple liking is enough, but the moment is happiness. Now, what about the future? Can love with too much background difference last forever?"

"I'm a bit sensitive and cowardly when it comes to dealing with feelings, maybe it's because of the influence of my parents... Am I just getting into a dead end..."

In the end, her voice was so soft that it was almost inaudible, but she let out a breath.

(End of this chapter)

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