pearl gem

Chapter 271 Could there be some gossip I don't know about?

Chapter 271 Could It Be Some Gossip I Don't Know About?
Speaking of narcissism, it's not that Xie Yuqing can't understand the feeling of not being able to love.

She also experienced fruitless sadness and loss.

However, everyone is an adult, and there should be a tacit understanding and understanding.

She has acted so alienated, can't she explain the problem?
What's more, the last side of his heart was not a deep memory for her.

So she typed a lot of merciless words, and just at this moment when she heard her name, she was furious and cursed without thinking.

However, as soon as the word "scroll" was uttered, Xie Yuqing felt something was wrong.

So the second half of the sentence "your sister's" was swallowed back on the spot.

Then she regained her sanity, realized that she had pissed off Lu Xing, and immediately cursed herself, and decided to pretend to be asleep and talk in her sleep.

She silently pressed down the phone, buried her head and remained motionless, but her ears were pricked up, listening to the movement around her.

After a long time, there was a voice that was easy to cough, "How long will it take to arrive at the pier?"

Lu Xing also cooperated, "There are still 10 minutes left, have you been to Muqing Temple?"

He changed the topic by himself, as if nothing happened.

The young players in the back row did not dare to speak loudly.

"Why is Qingshen so angry all of a sudden?" Shen Chen whispered to his teammates, "Did you quarrel with Ares?"

AD whispered, "Qingshen and Brother Lu just quarreled because they knew each other? Could there be some gossip between them that I don't know about?"

Xie Yuqing couldn't hear the gossip of her team members, but she was relieved to hear that Lu Xing changed the topic.

She maintained this posture of bowing her head, unlocked the phone, and saw a long paragraph of words she had just typed.

At this moment, she lost her anger a little, Xie Yuqing went through the eyes again, and simply deleted them all, and deleted the dialog box by the way.

When getting out of the car, Xie Yuqing intentionally waited until the last to get off, looking like she just woke up from sleep.

"Are you there?" She yawned, her gaze deliberately looking around was a little dull.

The unique style of the Zen Wharf has the feeling of a small Potala Palace.There is a commercial street between the square and the wharf. Chain stores, vegetarian shops and special products are standard, but Lu Xing has repeatedly emphasized that it is expensive outside, and you have to buy special products in the mountains.

During the 10-minute voyage, Xie Yuqing was neither embarrassed nor embarrassed, and just sat next to Lu Xing.

Lu Xing talked eloquently about the entire mountain island, ranging from a restaurant to a certain ancient tree on a certain mountain road.

The others were drowsy and didn't want to talk to each other, but Xie Yuqing was very supportive and answered the conversation like a fan.

In the end, Lu Xing was so embarrassed that he said to her, "If you are sleepy, you can ignore me."

"No, no, no, I'm not sleepy." Xie Yuqing shook her head quickly, with a gentle tone and a hint of longing, "I really like the feeling of gaining knowledge."

——Although she didn't listen much.

However, upon hearing her unusually gentle voice, the team members sitting opposite seemed to be woken up suddenly, unanimously straightened their backs, and cast expressions of awe and horror at her.

Even Yi twitched the corners of his mouth, trying to say something but held back.

Arriving at Shandao smoothly, they were picked up by the hotel bus that had been waiting at the pier for a long time, and then drove up the mountain road leisurely.

The topography of the mountain island is in the shape of a rhombus, resembling a dragon lying on the sea, with an altitude of about 300 meters, extending to all sides with continuous ups and downs.

Most of the mountains are hilly lands. The hard granite has been weathered and eroded in the long geological age, and developed along the vertical high-angle joints. The surrounding mountains collapsed, forming a landscape with many isolated peaks and abrupt landscapes.

(End of this chapter)

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