pearl gem

Chapter 257 Could It Be Deliberately Trying To Induce Someone To Hook It?

Chapter 257 Could It Be Deliberately Trying To Induce Someone To Hook It?

Xie Yuqing wasn't surprised by her kindness, but she didn't buy it either, "If you really care about me, why don't you tell me the real identity of your husband, so that I won't suffer from enemies."

Hearing this, Zhou Yueying's usual smile faded slightly, "With me here, anyone who threatens you will not come near you."

Obviously will not tell her husband's real identity.

However, she added, "At the beginning, you refused to cooperate with us, and many people who were implicated by you hated you. I'm targeting you, otherwise those people would not be the only ones looking for you today."

Xie Yuqing looked at her and said calmly, "You don't admit that Weisheng Jue Ling is a husband, and you don't admit that we met in Jinkuo Villa, but when you were in Wanli, you helped me several times, why?"

At that time, every time Zhou Yueying came to Wanli to learn about the progress of the project, she would bring a lot of supplements to visit, and merged their group into Xingluo. Unfortunately, it was useless. Zhong Yao was obsessed with her blood, and sometimes even asked people to break into her in the middle of the night. They left her residence and took her to the laboratory to draw blood.

That demon is dead now, but the "sir" behind him makes Xie Yuqing afraid.

She imagined many possibilities, but she just couldn't figure out the reason and purpose of that person choosing her.

"As I said, you fit my eye." Zhou Yueying said seriously, "Except for those who follow you, sir has given a death order this time to see the Star of Behanli."

"Why?" Xie Yuqing said, "Those treasures are so attractive?"

"He's not doing it for the treasure." Zhou Yueying paused, "That's all for now, you can do it yourself."

Seeing that she turned around and was about to leave, Xie Yuqing's eyes flickered, "Wait a minute."

She took out a precious stone bracelet from her pocket and threw it over, "Although I don't know how you guys got the news, I'll give you something, so stop harassing me and the people around me."

Zhou Yueying caught it, put it under the street lamp for a second look, then threw it back, "This is fake."

She was so sure, Xie Yuqing had the bottom line in her heart, but she said in surprise, "No way, I exchanged this with Star3, how could it be fake?"

Zhou Yueying said, "The one in your hand is indeed not true. I said to the outside world that the Star of Bethhemli is in your hand. There are other reasons."

"Isn't it intentional to lure someone into the bait?" Xie Yuqing said in surprise.

Zhou Yueying smiled and waved at her, put back the earphones that she had taken off earlier, and when she spoke again, her voice was a little more seductively lazy, "This car is for you, see you next time~ Miss Xie .”

Then, with graceful steps, he crossed the road without looking back, and disappeared into the deserted street.

Xie Yuqing put the bracelet back into her pocket, and involuntarily touched the bracelet covered by the cuff of the sweater. After thinking for a while, she walked towards the red sports car by the side of the road.

Lexus' latest sports car, the key is inserted in the car.

But unfortunately, she can't drive.

Xie Yuqing glanced at Jiang Xueli who was soundly asleep, hesitated for a moment, and called Jiang Tianle anyway.

Jiang Tianle came very quickly, and when he saw his girlfriend who was drunk and unconscious, he thanked and thanked Xie Yuqing.

But at the same time, he was a little worried, "How did she drink like this?"

Xie Yuqing saw through his uneasiness at a glance, but asked, "Has she never been drunk?"

(End of this chapter)

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