pearl gem

Chapter 237

Chapter 237
Said it was a high school reunion, but in fact Xie Yuqing didn't have much impression of most of the students in the high school class, and the few who did... only one came.

It was the Chen Cheng Jiang Tianle was talking about.

Her high school classmate.

However, Xie Yuqing didn't recognize her a little bit.

The cute girl with short ear-length hair in my impression has transformed into a sexy goddess today, with exquisite makeup, famous brand luxury goods in conversation, and charming femininity in her gestures and gestures, which made her a little afraid to strike up a conversation.

However, she thought she would be lonely, but in fact everyone was very warm to her, especially the male classmates who hadn't even said a few words before and couldn't pronounce their names, they all took the initiative to show their affection to her.

Their purpose was also very simple - they chased her to ask some gossip about Team Sky and other teams, and their pure game spirits burned.

The id "Sunny" has been well-known in the LPL for the past two years.

An up master with a coaching talent of max was appreciated by everyone through a hardcore analysis video, and became the head coach of a wealthy club, leading the team to win the world championship amidst doubts and criticisms; and such a "cool article protagonist" "The protagonist is not only a girl, but also a young and beautiful girl.

How inspiring and incredible!
These two points alone are enough to push her to the throne of "Legend".

And as an active coach, she has become a living sign of LPL after winning the championship. Even in the advertisement of the game video half a year ago, her position was changed to the middle.

It's just that she didn't realize it herself, and those who praised her on the Internet were all fans' spontaneous Amway behavior, and it was the offseason, so she didn't think about the official praise at all.

However, she didn't feel much, but whether it was an audience familiar with LPL or a cloud player who was not familiar with LPL, they all admired her and were very interested in her.

So after finally meeting in reality, people who bragged to their friends several times that "the head coach of the Sky team is my high school classmate" naturally couldn't help but gather around and make friends.

The so-called Yu Yourong must be like this, even if Xie Yuqing once left them with only the negative impression of being "cold" and "not easy to get in touch with", it has become a unique characteristic in the face of real fame.

Twenty people came to this gathering, plus about [-] family members, which is not too many, but it is not too small in the age of going their separate ways.

The tourist bus stopped at the subway entrance for an hour, and after receiving everyone, it drove to its destination.

Although Xie Yuqing chose a seat in the back, from time to time someone would come over to say hello, strike up a conversation, and ask her if she still remembered herself.

Frankly speaking, Xie Yuqing was not familiar with them when she was in school, and her name got stuck for a while, let alone any deep memories.

She came to the party for the person brought by Jiang Tianle.

As a result, Jiang Tianle said that his girlfriend worked overtime today and would only meet at the hotel at night.

Xie Yuqing was a little disappointed, but also patient. She concealed her social fear along the way, pretending to mingle with her old classmates.

The bus went west along the national road, along the way there were some half-old buildings and few shops. It was not until the traffic lights at a big roundabout that the road became alive again.

As if entering a brand new world, the parking lot is built on the mountain, and a chain star hotel is located between the east and west mountains.

Xie Yuqing was lucky enough to get a single room, and after checking in, she joined the WeChat group and was about to take a rest when suddenly a familiar voice came into her ears:
"I just entered the lobby, there are a lot of people, where are you?"

(End of this chapter)

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