pearl gem

Chapter 230 I'm so stupid, how can I make any poison

Chapter 230 I'm so stupid, how can I make any poison

The mysterious halo on him was repeated one after another, Xie Yuqing thought for a long time, and decided to take a big gamble.

She picked up her mobile phone and called Lu Youyou.

"Hey, last time you said that they asked you to find the Star of Bethhemli?"

"You tell them that the Star of Behence is indeed in my hands, but they want to give something in exchange..."

When Lu Youyou received her call, there was a smiling woman sitting in front of her.

5 minutes ago, she went to a convenience store to buy something, and she was blocked by two people just after paying the bill, and then she was "invited" to a hotel.

I took the VIP direct elevator, and the person who greeted me at the door was not the lobby manager, but a burly man with tattooed arms in winter.

She was also unlucky, she stayed at home peacefully for a few days, thinking that the danger was over, and she bumped into Shuaishen again just a few steps down the stairs.

At this moment, the woman who smiled kindly pouted at her, signaling her to let her voice out.

——"You tell them that the Star of Bethhem is indeed in my hands, but they want to give something in exchange..."

The woman leaned forward slightly, reached out and turned the phone around, and said, "Oh? What do you want?"

The joking and smiling voice was not Lu Youyou's voice at first glance.

Xie Yuqing was taken aback for a moment, then pulled out the phone and clicked on the recording.

"Zhou Yueying?"

"It's me, long time no see." A woman's smiling voice sounded from the phone.

She frowned slightly, "Where's Lu Youyou? What did you do to her?"

After a while, Lu Youyou's murmuring voice sounded on the phone, "I, I am..."

Xie Yuqing breathed a sigh of relief, "Zhou Yueying, do you have a psychological problem? Last time it was kidnapping, and this time it was kidnapping again. You just have to catch someone to squeeze?"

"I can't help it. Mister doesn't believe what I say, so don't let me touch you." The other side smiled at Yan Yan, and his tone couldn't hear any displeasure, "But I know, that thing is on your body."

"Is that why you poisoned me?"

"Well, you have to ask your 'good friend'." There was a pause, and then Lu Youyou's panicked voice sounded, "Me? I didn't. How could I poison you? Where am I going? To buy poison?"

"It's hard to say. There are a lot of rat poison on the Internet. If you are smart enough, you can make your own poison."

"...I, I'm so stupid, how can I make poison!"

Listening to their argument, although there was a voice of impatience and a voice of coldness, they were obviously not the ones who poisoned.

Xie Yuqing had a clue in her mind, so she couldn't help interrupting them, "Since you didn't do it, then go and investigate the person who poisoned it. I believe that with your ability, the result will come soon. I'll wait for you."

After speaking, she quickly hung up the phone.

When dealing with people like Zhou Yueying, don't make too many mistakes.

But after hanging up the phone, she let out a long sigh.

Many images appeared in her mind, and she pressed her forehead, but a call came in again.


Maybe it was because of her bad tone, she hesitated on the phone before asking, "Xie Yuqing?"

Xie Yuqing paused, a little uncertain, "You are..."

"I'm Jiang Tianle, I just met yesterday!" Jiang Tianle's voice was cheerful.

"Oh, what's the matter?" Xie Yuqing lowered her tone.

"It's like this. I want to organize a high school reunion on the weekend, to climb Longshan Mountain, and play around there for two days. Do you have time?"

"Uh, I probably didn't…"

(End of this chapter)

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