pearl gem

Chapter 196 I Have an Amazing Guess!

Chapter 196 I Have an Amazing Guess!

"My name is Cynthia, a member of Star Luo."


"We have a cooperative relationship with Wanli's research and development team. The brain nerve project you are researching now is invested by our husband... I heard that Miss Vita's blood is very helpful for research."

"……Do you know me?"

"Miss was joking, we haven't seen each other before."

In the claustrophobic space, with a flashing smile, Xie Yuqing suddenly opened her eyes and woke up from the chaotic nightmare.

She was lying on the bed, panting heavily, her heart beating violently.

After a while, it gradually calmed down.


He must have been influenced by Lu Youyou's information to dream of her.

Some things, she gradually figured out after she went to Wanli.

It's just that, after climbing out of the nightmare for so long, she didn't want to think about it anymore, and fell into the abyss of memories.

She wiped the sweat from her forehead, took out her phone and glanced at it, it was 02:30 in the morning.

Every time I have this kind of dream, I always wake up in the middle of the night.

Xie Yuqing couldn't fall asleep a little bit, tossed and turned for a while, and simply played with her phone.

The link Boss Zhong posted has been reported and deleted, but the forum is still very active in the middle of the night, and most of the entertainment groups are discussing this matter.

[About the fact that the level 10 boss spread rumors and ran away with his tail between his legs, I laughed...]

【Is Ershui Yudi really ascending?The group is actually discussing him? 】


[No one analyzed Yu Qing's Weibo post?I have an amazing guess! 】

Swiping to this title, Xie Yuqing couldn't help but click in and take a look.

[Meng Po Li - [level 7] very famous:

I carefully shared Yu Qing's Weibo post, and found a blind spot that no one mentioned...

"Coach Qingtian and I have known each other for a long time, and it was a coincidence that we were photographed twice." Thinking carefully about this sentence, I suddenly had a bold guess, could it be that Qingtian is the white moonlight in the MV?
They have known each other for a long time, but they deliberately did not say when they met; it was a coincidence that they were photographed, which shows that they have always known each other in private. A singer, a game coach, what kind of intersection can they usually have?Unless they are classmates!
And he had an affair with Qing Tian, ​​the studio didn't come forward to refute the rumors, but this time they sent a lawyer's letter immediately, the contrast is too obvious!

I guess they've known each other since high school!
Wait for an insider to speak out! 】

I'll go, the insider calls the expert directly.

Xie Yuqing was surprised at first, but then felt a little sympathy for Yu Qing.

Any subtleties will be magnified and speculated by people, "We have known each other for a long time"-this kind of words can be read in voice-over, although a blind cat meets a dead mouse, but it is represented by dots, no wonder Yu Qing always A cold world-weary face.

However, the comments below did not buy this idea.

[Why do you have to explain when you met?Who are you, why should you tell me? 】

[Don't pick up such details, it's not necessary. 】

[The host doesn't know Ershui too much... With his personality, it's good to be able to explain a few words, not to mention why can't singers and coaches have an intersection? The Sky has no sponsors? 】

【Stupid [despises]】

[You want to spread rumors again, don't you?Want to get a lawyer's letter? 】

An outright rebuttal.

Xie Yuqing clicked on Weibo and looked around.

The hot search terms on "Yu Qing Weibo" are still at a high level, because he just won the Asian Award and gained a lot of fans from passers-by, and the topics are all talking for him.

She turned over and was swiping vigorously when suddenly an unfamiliar number called.

At this point, who is it?

She hesitated for a moment, but picked it up anyway.

(End of this chapter)

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