pearl gem

Chapter 179

Chapter 179

Xie Yuqing had a long nightmare.

The dream was full of intermittent crying, a dark room and festering skin.

She woke up in a convulsion, her heart pounding.

It looked like it was burning again.

Xie Yuqing felt limp and weak all over, and the muscles in her body were throbbing with pain. She turned on her phone and saw that it was only two o'clock in the morning.

She took her temperature and it was 39.5 degrees, which was considered a high fever, so she took some antipyretics and took it, then turned up the heat and shivered under the quilt again.

After returning to China, Boss Zhong gave her a lot of supplements such as ginseng and bird's nest. I don't know if it is a psychological effect or it is effective. In the past two years, she has never had a fever and rarely has a cold.

But this repeated fever made Xie Yuqing realize her fragility.

She has always thought of herself as a tough person. After going through those days full of conspiracy and calculations, even with her two arms that were almost useless, she still did not lose her faith and courage to live.

However, the current phone call easily disturbed her mind.

Too useless.

Xie Yuqing asked herself silently, did she live a comfortable life for too long and dare not look back?

Not to mention whether the goal of those people is her or not, even if they really came for her, she still has the ability to protect herself now.

So what are you afraid of, Xie Yuqing?

Anyway, no matter what, the Star of Bethhemli was determined not to be handed over.

She only knew and wanted to understand many things after joining Wanli.

In the second half of the night, after Xie Yuqing fell asleep in a daze, she felt hot and cold.

Wake up again, the sky is just dawn.

Xie Yuqing was very hungry, but she stayed in bed for more than an hour before ordering a takeaway, forcing herself to get up.

She is very tired and wants to stay in bed, but today she has to record a show, an important friendly match to test the waters, so it is unrealistic to ask for leave.

What's more, today should be the first time that Dancer and Ice have been in the same frame after many years, and she has the desire to gossip.

Of course, it was also to complete the arduous task assigned by Boss Zhong.

"Eating melons" can be described as the primary productive force of human actions in modern society.

Thinking of the pair of old lovers who were about to kill and love each other in front of the camera, Xie Yuqing suddenly felt that the sense of burnout was swept away, and she went to the theater with 12 points of energy.

It's just that she overestimated her physical fitness.

Since she sat on the coach bench for more than an hour, and the camera couldn't capture her, Xie Yuqing was drowsy. Several times, her head almost fell to her chest, and she was awakened by herself again after a sudden shake.

She glanced at the chief director's prompt to hold high on the stage——

【Speech by Wang Wei】

"There's nothing to say, whoever loses is Sun Za!"

Wang Wei made a rapper provocative gesture with an arrogant expression.

Everyone on the stage made various expressions in coordination.

Only then did Xie Yuqing realize that it was Yu Qing and Zuo Ruixuan's turn to compete against each other.

The winning team will get a valuable substitution.

She barely pulled herself together, turned her gaze, and noticed Zuo Ruixuan's serious face looking at the big screen.

It looks tense.

Xie Yuqing couldn't help but cast her eyes in another direction, but unexpectedly met a pair of dark eyes.

Yu Qing's sitting posture is still like a stiff neck, her face is tilted towards her, and her eyes are looking back at her, but the eyes are really not kind, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are ugly.

His gaze was full of presence, Xie Yuqing touched her cheek involuntarily, suspecting that there were flowers growing on her face.

She muttered and moved her eyes away, and after a while, she glanced over again.

Yep, just happened to be caught by him again.

(End of this chapter)

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