pearl gem

Chapter 168 The Confession

Chapter 168 The Confession
Xie Yuqing was puzzled at first, thinking that Jiang Xueli's heart was sprouting, and she fell in love with a boy who was embarrassed to go to the appointment alone.

But she is not a fool, and found out something was wrong on the third day.

Eat together, introduce your identity, ask about your background...

This is clearly a blind date for her!
Xie Yuqing had a headache.

She didn't know if Jiang Xueli had seen something, so she tried to find her a boyfriend in a different way.

But after going through so much, where does she still have the peace of mind and the interest to fall in love?
To put it bluntly, she doesn't like any of these dull and childish boys.

Just as Christmas was approaching and the holidays were approaching, Xie Yuqing decided to have a good chat with Jiang Xueli, but she received the letter first.

The letter stated that she was asked to take the Star3 and go to London to make a deal with a person who had what she wanted.

As for what it was, the letter did not say.

Relying on her trust in Dr. Weisheng, Xie Yuqing decided to take a trip without doing any psychological construction.

Before the holidays, though, the school organizes a networking party.

The whole town is full of Christmas spirit.

Christmas trees, snowmen and colorful lights can be seen everywhere, winding small streets and narrow alleys, and ancient buildings seem to have life, telling a heavy history.

"Vita, hurry up, the dance is about to begin."

Jiang Xueli, who was well-dressed, put on earrings, and when she saw in the mirror her roommate who was still packing her suitcase leisurely without even changing her dress, she couldn't help but urge her.

"Go first, I'll be there later." Xie Yuqing responded.

"Okay then." Jiang Xueli didn't urge any more, put on a fur shawl, picked up a small snake head bag, and stepped on the sky.

Seeing her go out, Xie Yuqing breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that yesterday's heart-to-heart talk had some effect, and she finally gave up on being a matchmaker.

After tidying up the suitcase, Xie Yuqing leaned back and lay sprawled on the bed.

Party or something, it's not for her.

Besides, she didn't want to go out in such a cold day.

However, not long after the flag was established, Jiang Xueli suddenly called with a hasty tone, saying that she had something to ask her and told her to go downstairs quickly.

Xie Yuqing was puzzled in her heart, thinking that she couldn't say something on WeChat, and she had to meet in person to say it.

But when she went downstairs, she knew why.

A huge love heart surrounded by red candles, and a handsome man in a navy blue suit and bow tie stood awkwardly in the center, holding a bouquet of beautiful blue enchantresses in his arms.

The first thing I said when I saw her was, "VVita, I like you, let's date."

Xie Yuqing was shocked.

This is her senior brother from her department. They just had a dinner together under Jiang Xueli's "matchmaking" three days ago.

Other than that, the only thing she knew about Shige was "there is such a person".

She touched her hair that hadn't been washed for two days, and the bangs on both sides were oily. She was a little embarrassed, "Uh, I have a boyfriend."

As soon as this remark came out, no matter whether it was the elder brother who was holding flowers with a nervous expression on his face, or Jiang Xueli who was sneaking behind the crowd of onlookers, they couldn't help being stunned.

Brother subconsciously turned his head and glanced, as if he wanted to question Jiang Xueli: You didn't say she has a boyfriend!

Jiang Xueli was also puzzled. When they talked about looking for a boyfriend yesterday, she didn't say that she had a date!

Unless the roommate is not interested in him, find an excuse.

Jiang Xueli was like a bright mirror in her heart, but she realized her carelessness, pretended not to be there, and tiptoed away.

No need to think about it, the next scene will be very embarrassing.

(End of this chapter)

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