pearl gem

Chapter 104 An Idle Person

Chapter 104

Her mouth!
When will I be able to take the drama route...

Xie Yuqing thought about it silently.

In an awkward silence, the two walked across the platform and came to the back kitchen.

The kitchen is big and clean.The floor was spotless, and there was no stain or grease on the wall of the stove. The air was filled with the aroma of barbecue and pastries.

Three people in black overalls and transparent hoods were packing meals at the stove, one was a little older; the other two looked like they had just graduated from college, a man and a woman, and they all looked more reserved.

"Hawk! The new intern," the nurse called to the fat cook.

The chef looked up and frowned immediately, "How many times is this, how can the kitchen need so many interns?"

The nurse said succinctly, "The person the vice president wants."

The chef waved his hand impatiently, "Don't pressure me with the vice president... okay, she's the last one. If there are any interns in the future, let that surnamed Jin take them!"

Hearing this, the nurse showed an unhappy expression, but because of the presence of other people, she rolled her eyes at him and left.

The chef also snorted, turned his gaze to Xie Yuqing again, noticed that she seemed to be extraordinarily delicate with delicate skin and tender flesh, immediately frowned even tighter, and asked her, "Chinese?"

Xie Yuqing nodded obediently.

"Are you an adult?" the chef asked again.

...does she look that small?

"I'm about to graduate from college." Xie Yuqing replied helplessly, then lowered her head depressedly and glanced at herself.

Obviously growing well.

What look?

"There is nothing to do in the kitchen. There is usually a housekeeper to clean it. You don't have to clean, you don't have to mop the floor, and you don't have to worry about anything."

"You don't have to worry about purchasing, that's what the nurses need to be responsible for."

"Your task is to deliver meals to the restaurant with these two young people every day, and cook meals for the guests, or if any guest makes a request, you have to be responsible for delivering the food to the lounge."

The chef chewed his gum, explained the situation of the back kitchen in a perfunctory tone, and then continued to pack the meals.


Xie Yuqing couldn't help hesitating for a moment, "Is it all right to just deliver the food?"

The chef glanced at her, "Why, you still want to take my job?"

"No, no." Xie Yuqing shook her head like a rattle, "I just want to learn something and enrich my knowledge."

"Graduates from prestigious schools, you are theoretically invincible at best, and know nothing at worst." The chef didn't like her, but his tone softened, "Okay, you first do what I told you, I Only then can I rest assured that other work will be entrusted to you."

"Then what should I do now?" Xie Yuqing asked.

The chef pouted at the hook on the back of the door and said to her, "It's almost time, go change your clothes and prepare to deliver the food."


The staff changing room is located in the corridor between the back kitchen and the restaurant.

Xie Yuqing held her overalls, and as soon as she entered the changing room, she smelled a strange odor.

Much like the fermented stink of dirt deposits.

She couldn't help but look around, the bright and tidy dressing room was cleaned very cleanly, and each locker was as clean as new.

There was a large garbage can in the corner, and the smell could only come from there.

Xie Yuqing didn't dare to take a big breath anymore, she held her breath for a while, quickly changed her clothes, closed the cabinet and ran out.

As soon as I went out, I happened to meet the interns who came out pushing two dining cars.

She greeted them in a friendly manner, and then followed, observing the layout as she walked.

(End of this chapter)

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