Nanzhi and Shen Miaomiao looked at the sky in the distance in the yard, a little dazed.

Is this an attack with fire?
What about Shen Wenchen?
The smile on Nanzhi's face stiffened a little, and Shengsheng seemed to sense her panic, and suddenly burst into tears.

"Sister Nanzhi, I'm crying all the time."

Shen Miaomiao panicked when she saw the little baby crying suddenly, and could only carry her towards Nanzhi.

As soon as they passed, they saw thick smoke rising into the sky in the distance.

Suddenly, Shen Miaomiao was also stunned.

"What's going on here?"

"Miaomiao, take care of Shengsheng for me. I have to go out."

Nanzhi knew that Shen Wenchen had already led people to open up the isolation zone early in the morning, and the moat outside the city had been filled with water early.

But the method of fire attack has always been a method that they have been hesitant to use.

If the endless mountains were ignited, the fire would not be controllable by them.

Then why did you suddenly choose to use fire attack today?

She was going to take a look.

What the hell happened.

"Sister Nanzhi! You are still in confinement! You can't go out!"

Shen Miaomiao was very panicked, but before she could grab someone, Nanzhi had already hurried out of the courtyard.

Shengsheng in her arms cried so hard that her face turned red, and Shen Miaomiao was also dumbfounded.

"Miaomiao, where did Fatty go?"

As soon as Nanzhi left, Mother Lin and Aunt Guihua came towards the yard.

As soon as she entered the door, she saw Shen Miaomiao holding Shengsheng in the yard with a worried look on her face. Mother Lin subconsciously felt that something had happened.

"Sister Nanzhi, she, she is out."

Shen Miaomiao's face was very anxious.

Sister Nanzhi is still in confinement, so she just comes to the yard to bask in the sun. Running out is the last thing she should do.


Aunt Guihua's eyes widened, she looked at the wide open courtyard door, slapped her thigh, turned around and went out to look for someone.

Mother Lin was also dumbfounded. She put the soup aside and strode out to chase after him.

For a while, only Shen Miaomiao was left, holding the crying baby and crying without tears.

Why does this little ancestor keep crying!

Don’t you see that everyone is happy and harmonious?

"Don't cry for life, don't cry for life, my aunt is here."

Shen Wenchen and his party could never find any trace of the other four monsters in the mountain forest.

"General, fire is coming!"

A subordinate with sharp eyes saw thick smoke billowing up in the distance.

These trees themselves were already completely dead. It had been snowing and raining heavily. The weather had been good over the past month, and the branches had long been dried and crispy by the sun.

If we don't leave, even if we don't use it for half a quarter of an hour, the fire will burn all the way here.


Shen Wenchen glanced at the fire in the distance, got on his horse and led the team to the right.

Over there is the river bank, and they can bypass the ring of fire from there on their way back to the city.

The group of people got on their horses one after another and rode through the mountains and forests.

Without the initial caution, trees collapsed where they left, blocking the road behind them.

The fire grew stronger and stronger, and soon all that could be seen was the blazing light of the fire, and the world beyond the firelight could not be seen at all.


When Liu Jie saw Nanzhi running over in a hurry, he couldn't help but have doubts in his heart.

He remembered that the wife had not just given birth to the young master, so why did she run out on her own?
"Where's Wen Chen?"

Nanzhi didn't even bother to take a breath, and pointed at the thick smoke outside the city and asked.

"General, the general is taking people out."

Liu Jie stammered.

"Which side of the road is left?"

"City, east of the city."

"Tell someone to come with me."

Just as Liu Jie was about to retort, he saw Nanzhi's solemn look, nodded immediately, and ran away.

Nanzhi looked solemn.Now that Shen Wenchen has taken people out and asked Liu Jie to light a fire, it can only mean that all the escaped monsters have not been strangled.

In order to allow them to retreat safely, there must be one gate that is not lit to facilitate their retreat.

Those monsters with nowhere to escape will naturally not miss this opportunity.

Just as Nazhi thought.

When she and Liu Jie arrived with their people, one of the soldiers guarding the city had been stabbed through by the monster.

When the monster that was gnawing on flesh and blood saw Nanzhi and the others approaching, his vertical pupils suddenly shook.

Throwing the prey down, he jumped off the city wall.

The people had been evacuated to the center of the city early. At this moment, there were only about twenty people like Nanzhi and the dying soldiers on the city wall.

Perhaps because it had just eaten, the monster's shriveled body had swollen a bit, and it was now turning to look at Nanzhi.

This woman looks tastier.

eat her!
The parasite in his brain twisted wildly, controlling the monster's actions.

Nanzhi had just given birth and was still a little weak. When he saw the monster coming towards him, he picked up the bow and arrow beside him.

She is also a general's wife after all, and she always needs to learn bow and arrow.

He bent his bow and nocked an arrow, and hit the monster's left eye with an arrow.

Unexpectedly, it just lowered its head slightly, then stretched out its hand to pull out the arrow from its eye socket, and threw it aside.

Seeing it getting closer and closer, Nanzhi was startled.

It missed the mark just now, but it was getting closer and closer, and the bow and arrow were not suitable.

Seeing it heading toward Nanzhi, Liu Jie drew his sword from his waist and faced it head on.

The monster moved extremely fast, without any of the sluggishness it had in the morning.

Liu Jie was young after all, and he was already beaten to the ground with just two moves.

He was hit with a palm in the chest, and he felt like stars were popping up in his eyes, and then he vomited blood and fell to the ground.

The expressions of the soldiers on the side changed, and they could only stand in front of Nanzhi with their weapons.

They have to protect the lady.

During the confrontation, a fiery ball flew over from the side and hit the monster's left face.

The flames exploded instantly, and the monster's head turned sharply to the left.

Seeing this, Nanzhi bent his bow and shot an arrow through its head.

The yellow and white liquid flowed down the river. The monster was still staring at the low house on the left until he died.

"Come out."

Nanzhi took a few deep breaths and looked towards the low house.

After three seconds, two little heads poked out from above.

"Ah, mother."

Shen Zhiyu shouted.


Looks like I'm going to get beaten today.

"Why are you here?"

Nanzhi didn't get angry, but frowned and asked.

"I guessed that grandma was coming, so I followed her."

Shen Zhiyu's face turned red and he stammered.

"Be careful."

Nanzhi didn't ask any more questions, just gave a warning.

"Yes, Ma'am!"

Yuan Bao responded with a smile, and then pulled Shen Zhiyu down to possess him.

They want to hide!

We can't let those monsters find out!
Nanzhi asked someone to take Liu Jie to the camp.They each took explosive balls and weapons to defend themselves, and then climbed onto the city wall.

Three monsters were climbing on the city wall and were about to jump up onto the city wall.

"Fire arrows!"

Nanzhi drank it, and the blossoming fire ball instantly lit up, burning the three monsters until they screamed.

Perhaps because they were injured, they struggled to climb. Now they were burned by fire, and two of them had fallen off the city wall.

There was only one left that was unwilling to give up and continued to climb upwards.

(End of this chapter)

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