Chapter 252
"This milk strawberry, and this infinite lemon, I want these two too, that's all."

Wu Ling looked at Pu Jindao at the side.

"Okay, I'll pack it for you now, do you want to send it with the eternal rice?"

"I'll take these away, your other immortal rice, when the time comes, send me to the Tiangong Restaurant on the Gourmet Beach when the rice is ready."

Wu Ling followed Pu Jin and the two came to the counter.

"Tiangong Hotel? I've written it down. Okay, then please pay for the goods here first." Putin said while calculating, wrote down a price list, tore it off, and handed it to Wu Ling.

"Let's swipe the card." Wu Ling didn't even bother to talk when he saw the ingredients that started with [-] million as a unit.

Passed over the gourmet bank card directly.

"Okay, please wait a moment." After Putin finished speaking, he took the card and quickly swiped the card to go through the formalities.

Soon the formalities were completed, and Wu Ling took the bank card.

"Where do you want to move these things, I'll ask someone to deliver them to you, sir." Putin looked at Wu Ling and said.

"Just move downstairs." Wu Ling looked at Pu Jin and said.

"Okay, then I'll move it for you." Putin said as he walked over to hold the potted plant and walked outside. Wu Ling looked at it and hesitated to speak.

"Okay." He replied, walked over and carried things slowly.

Bring all the plants to the wagon underneath and set them down.

"Okay, everything has been moved down, Mr. Wu Ling, I will send it to you after the eternal rice is harvested." Pu Jin looked at Wu Ling and said.

"Okay, see you then." Wu Ling waved his hand and drove away in the carriage.

"It's strange, this stone horse is so exquisitely made, it can still move, it's unbelievable." Putin looked at Wu Ling who was driving away in the carriage, shook his head, turned and returned to the tree hole, and started contacting to prepare for harvesting rice.

And the other side drove the carriage to the Butterfly Plain and blew a whistle.

Not long after, there was a corresponding call from a distance, and a big bird flew over quickly from a distance.

When Suzaku landed in front of him, Wu Ling held up the carriage and jumped onto it.

"Come on, let's go back, Suzaku." Wu Ling said after putting down the carriage and rubbing Suzaku's head.

"Chirp." With a cry, the Suzaku immediately flew towards the hotel.

As Suzaku flew up, the giant rock horse on the plain turned into light spots and dissipated like weathering.

He took the Suzaku back to the courtyard.

Wu Ling took a cartful of ingredients underground, held them up and left, and went to a new place to build a soup lake to raise lady fish, which happened to be near the buffet paradise.

It will be more convenient to eat in picnics in the future. These ingredients are rare, and naturally they will not be sold. It is best to grow them and eat them yourself.

Came to the neighborhood and began to expand the land.

"You're back, Wu Ling, what delicious food did you buy?" Bonnie asked beside the carriage to observe the ingredients.

"They are all very rare ingredients, and they are all delicious things. Why did you come here? Bonnie."

Wu Ling was working on the design while asking.

"I saw you brought a lot of things back from the top of the tree. I'll come and see what's delicious." Bonnie smiled and sat on the edge of the carriage and looked at Wu Ling.

"There are really a lot of delicious ones, do you want to plant them? Can I eat them now?"

"Some rare ingredients need to be cultivated, and I will tell you what can be eaten later, don't worry."

As Wu Ling said, he walked over and took the thick corn soup and put it down in the dug lake.

"Okay." Bonnie sat aside and watched Wu Ling busy. At the same time, she glanced at the purchased creatures and swallowed.

"Why are these animals not active at all?"

"Use anesthesia to put them in a state of paralysis and fall asleep, so be quieter." Wu Ling said as he glanced at the disappearance of the water tank, the thick soup was immediately absorbed by the land, watching the people who kept overflowing the thick soup from the big pit Bisque corn.

The growth of this thick soup corn is normal, but the new land cannot grow at a sudden speed.

After preparing Tanghu Lake, the underground water flow route was constructed, due to the structure of the basin.

It is enough to draw water directly from the fountain in several areas, and let the water irrigate this area, and these trees will soon grow up.

It won't take long to create a fertile land.

After building the water flow, start to plant the brought plants.

Among them are many rare plants, plants such as spray pear are rare plants outside.

Morning roses can also be planted, just design a device to collect the morning dew of the morning roses and wait for the morning dew to be collected by yourself.

This kind of rose can be used to make scented tea, and morning dew can also be used to make perfume.

"These dried persimmons are edible, and strawberries are also edible..." Wu Ling introduced to Bo Ni while planting them.

"Those small trees occupy a lot of land. Are they any special plants?" Bonnie looked at Wu Ling and asked.

"This is a spray pear. The fruit that grows is filled with delicious pear soda, and the serving is very large. It is a fruit that can be used as a drink."

"But because the fruit has no seeds, we can only use the technique of cutting off branches to regenerate and cultivate new pears, which are difficult to cultivate ingredients."

Wu Ling thought for a moment and answered.

"Oh, can I speed up its growth?" Bonnie looked at Wu Ling and asked.

"After a while, the nutrients here are still too scarce, and they can't absorb any nutrients even if they accelerate."

After Wu Ling replied, he walked over and lifted the anesthesia from the purchased animals and put them back in the wild.

It doesn't matter if there are birds, even if there are birds, they dare not take off, and they are free to raise them.

As for the golden quails, they can be raised directly in a safe place. These palm-sized quail birds will probably be eaten up if they are stocked here.

"Hey, you put them all away, don't you want to eat today? Wu Ling." Bonnie looked at Wu Ling and asked.

"The taste is not as good as my improved ingredients. Let them be stocked for a while before eating." Wu Ling looked at Bonnie and said.

"Well, I thought I could eat delicious food today, but it seems that these are not delicious." Bonnie scratched her head and replied

"After a while, it will be delicious. Well, it seems that the time is almost up. I'll go back to the restaurant first."

Wu Ling waved his hand and walked towards the other side.

"Okay, then I'll go back to eat first, and I'll call Yamato to go back to eat later."

"No problem." Wu Ling replied and walked towards the basement kitchen.

When I came to the basement kitchen, I contacted Jim and asked about the menu and started cooking.

After preparing some golden dumplings and golden ramen, have someone deliver them.

Then go and take the golden quail you brought back to the buffet paradise in the courtyard to find a cheese prairie with a large number of cheese grasses to put it down.

I circled a place, got a bird, and I kept it for feeding, and occasionally threw some grains into it to feed.

Wheat and corn are both good choices, or you can throw some bliss rice to feed them.

See if the eggs laid by this golden quail are delicious.

After finishing the processing, I clapped my hands and went straight back to prepare the food for lunch.

When lunch was ready, Yamato and Bonnie were called back for dinner.

After a casual lunch, a few people came to the beach of the buffet paradise to sit down and enjoy sunbathing, swimming training and diving.

(End of this chapter)

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