Monster Collector's Ultra Tour

Chapter 329 Rest In Peace, Father

Chapter 329 Rest In Peace, Father
Without the slightest hesitation, Beria adjusted his breathing, as if he had made up his mind, gathered the last energy, gathered it into Dissum's light, and shot directly at Gedd.

Facing the incoming attack, Gedd had no intention of dodging. Even though he is only in the original form now and does not have the powerful power of the emperor, it is enough to deal with Beria.

The red arc danced, and the repulsion of energy disrupted the surrounding energy. With the combination of Geed's arms, a burst of destruction directly rushed towards the Dissum light.

The two rays of light collided fiercely, and at the same time, the memory in Beria's heart, everything he had been insisting on, was conveyed to Gedd through this last light.

What Ged saw in front of his eyes was the memory of the Ultra War, and the memory of Beria taking his friends to challenge the Ambellas because of his own arrogance.

"Is this... Belia's memory..." The two energies collided with each other, and Ged couldn't believe it. Beria didn't say a word, but he had conveyed everything he wanted to say.

The memory of being defeated by the Ampera Stars together, the memory of wanting to gain power, the memory of touching the plasma spark tower, and the memory of being expelled from his hometown.

I must make those who look down on me pay the price. For this, I must have strong power, power, no matter what, I want to be strong enough to conquer everything!
The cry in Beria's heart was conveyed to Geed. This time, Geed entered the inner world this time, but it was Beria's inner world.

It is the world that has been closed for a long time, covered by endless storms, and untouched. Maybe, Sero once touched it when Beria was resurrected.

But now, these are the things that Beria wants his son Jedd to see, and it is the only time Beria opens up to other people.

Here, Gedd saw Beria's memories more clearly, knew what Beria was like once, and also saw the Kingdom of Light in Beria's heart.

It was a beautiful place, and it was also the place where Beria grew up. Although, Beria felt that these kingdoms of light were full of emeralds, and it was very boring without other colors.

But to this day, Beria still remembers every detail of his hometown, his past, and how good his friends who he hates until now had a good relationship.

However, from the past, Beria was a rare cold and arrogant fighter in the Kingdom of Light. He basically had no friends, except for the good old man Otto, and no other comrades in arms.

Because of this, in Beria's heart, Otto's father was his most important friend, and he was the only one in Beria who said that he would not give up when he became the captain of the Space Guard.

However, all pride was destroyed during the Ultra War. At that time, Beria, who was the strongest fighter in the Kingdom of Light, was out of his own pride.

Ignoring the dissuasion of his friends, he challenged Ampera alone, but the result was very cruel, and Beria was defeated by one move.

In order to save Beria, the father of Otto was in danger, and at the critical moment, he awakened the true power and took away all the honor.

In terms of jealousy, Beria felt strangely that he didn't have any jealousy towards Father of Otto, but he felt extremely angry.

Then, under the guidance of that voice, he came to the Plasma Spark Tower, touched the Plasma Spark, and was expelled from the Kingdom of Light, his own home.

"I hate...hate those guys! I will make all the guys who look down on me pay the price! All, all!" Beria's angry roar reached Zedd's heart.

Ged also saw the past of Beria and Sai Luo, was defeated by Lin Yang and Sai Luo, and was exiled in hell, resurrected again and again, and revenged again and again.

He was defeated again and again, and in these processes, it was hatred that supported him. In these resurrections, Beria had already lost the pride of being a strong man.

Now, seeing Ged and Xiaolu, Beria saw his past self. Although this kid is a product of genetic engineering.

But it has exactly the same appearance as Beria. It is these that make Beria see what he has lost.

If, in the past, I did not choose to touch the plasma spark, would the situation be different?

What a joke!The majestic Emperor of the Galactic Empire!How could he have such an idea? No one could kill him completely, not even those guys from Kingdom of Light.

Neither can Otto's father, neither can Sero, nor can Lin Yang. Those who can do this kind of thing are those who can be recognized by Beria.

Only Gedd...

"You're already tired, that's enough... Take a good rest." Jed opened his eyes, reflecting Beria's scarred figure.

Making up his mind, he used his last strength to push the light back in one go. The intense light hit Beria, and fiery sparks exploded.

The shock wave generated by the explosion dispelled the last darkness around him, and Beria's figure also disappeared into the flames of the explosion.


Before dying, Beria uttered such a cry, and it was this last voice, which became Beria's only last words in this world.

"Rest in peace...Father." Ged watched the loss of Beria, this warrior who had been resurrected from hell countless times, this time, he will not be resurrected again.

At this time, the power to reset the orb came, and Gedd did not resist. Under the traction of this power, he flew towards the frontier universe.

In the empty space-time tunnel, nothing can be seen except the distorted space-time turbulence, but Geed doesn't feel lonely.

Even if we are in two places, even if we are not in the same time and space, even if we are not in the same dimension, our hearts and bonds are always connected.

This is, the driving force for Gedd to move forward, it is these fetters that created Gedd today and wrote a story called Gedd!
Brother, Laiye, Moeya, Rem, Peggy, Sero, Ren, the store manager, Zena-senpai, everyone...

"I'm back!" Facing the light in front of him, Zed rushed in with all his might, and he already felt everyone's call.

The surrounding space-time turbulence flows quickly, the scene changes, the familiar world, the familiar city, the familiar scene, Gedd shouted and rushed out of the space gate.

At the same time, his own strength also reached a limit, turning into light spots and reaching the ground, Xiao Lu, who was out of breath, heaved a sigh of relief, stood up and embraced the blue sky.

Wait, what about Blue Sky?

Xiao Lu sensed that something was wrong, and looked around, the flames of war were everywhere, and the gray and dark clouds enveloped the sky, as if the sun had been extinguished.

The whole world has lost its light, and the army of monsters and Reginalds are all over the world, as if some organization has carried out a big cleansing of human beings.

"This... what's going on!?" Looking at the devastated city, Xiao Lu's eyes widened in disbelief, he couldn't believe what he saw.

However, everything around it shows that this is the frontier universe where Xiaolu is located, and this universe has encountered the greatest crisis in history.

In the sky, the icy time-space destruction bomb exudes scarlet light, and the palm fortress as huge as a planet stops at the outer periphery of the earth.

And in the power supply in the center of the fortress, a figure standing proudly carrying the ultimate fighting instrument, this posture is the fusion of Lebrondo and Beria.

However, Xiao Lu could still tell that the figure looked like the guy who was defeated by Xiao Lu just now.



(End of this chapter)

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