Full-time Mage: Ice and Snow Emperor

Chapter 765 A Book That Records Everything

"What do you mean?" Ye Qingcheng couldn't understand, why did she become a clown by herself now?

Mu Rou knew that this would happen, and the Great Elder Jiang Ye also knew his own ending?So the Great Elder Jiang Ye took the initiative to die?
She, Ye Qingcheng, just happened to be unlucky?
In that case, Xiaobai...

"Xiao Bai knows the ending, but it can also be said that he doesn't know the ending." Seeing the doubts in Ye Qingcheng's heart, Mu Rou took the initiative to explain to her.

This matter is very complicated, and it cannot be explained clearly in a few words.

"I still don't understand...how on earth do you know what will happen?" No one in the Jiang family should have such a means of predicting the future!
"How do I tell you... Do you know why, those of us older generations will spoil Jiang Bai unconditionally?"

In fact, the Jiang family of this generation did not develop well. Jiang Xuanji's death was too strange, taking away most of the Jiang family's top combat power.

At this age, if it wasn't for Jiang Bai, they would be just two four-line forbidden curse mages. Besides, Jiang's family would not have a third four-line forbidden curse mage!
There is no five-line forbidden curse mage, two four-line forbidden curse mages, and the rest of the elders are only double-line forbidden curse. Only a very small number of elders and the older generation have the strength of three-line forbidden curse.

Such a force is not weak, but it is indeed too weak for the Jiang family that has been passed down for thousands of years.

At that time, she and Jiang Wudi were really walking on thin ice, afraid that one step would lead the Jiang family into the abyss.

It is under such conditions that they choose to believe in Jiang Bai unconditionally, and even change the current situation of the Jiang family according to Jiang Bai's ideas. This is obviously an abnormal behavior!
She, Mu Rou, is the world's strongest Psychic Mage, and now she has become the world's strongest Healing Mage. She is not some silly and sweet elder who spoils her grandson.

Jiang Wudi, as the old patriarch of the Jiang family, without the fifth-line forbidden curse mages and the fourth-line forbidden curse mages, and the Jiang family suffered a blow to the power gap, it took decades to restore the Jiang family. It is not a simple existence.

So!Why!Why do these two people with deep city government trust and spoil Jiang Bai so unconditionally?

"This...isn't it because of intergenerational relatives?" Ye Qingcheng has never thought about this issue. After all, she doesn't know Jiang Bai very well.

She only knew that Jiang Bai was the son of her sister Ye Qingguo, and she was willing to give her life and everything for her sister's son.

"How is it possible? It's impossible for the Jiang family to have close to a hundred Forbidden Curse Mages, tens of thousands of super-level mages, and millions of people to obey the orders of a child unconditionally?"

"We haven't been confused to that point, and Jiang Bai is not worth it for us to do this, of course, the premise is that he is just an ordinary child."

Jiang Bai is not yet qualified to command the entire Jiang family.

"There is a book on the ninth floor of the Zhaixing Pavilion in my family. It is a very magical book. Everyone can see different things in that book."

"The main body of that book has been staying on the ninth floor of the Zhaixing Pavilion, but sometimes it will appear in various unknown corners and be picked up by someone with predestined relationship."

"That book is not a prop passed down from the Jiang family's ancient times. When the Zhaixing Pavilion was established, that book did not exist, and it was not recorded in the archives of the Zhaixing Pavilion."

"Even if Jiang Wudi and I entered the Zhaixing Pavilion when we were young, we never saw this book, or to be more precise, we couldn't see that book!"

"I searched through all the ancient books of the Jiang family, but none of them recorded the existence of that book, as if that book shouldn't have appeared anywhere."

That's right!Just invisible!

Couldn't even notice that book existed!
There seems to be something magical about that book!
She will choose who can notice her!
At the same time, according to different people, the content seen by the other party is also different!
"Book? No matter how magical a book is, what is the use of it?"

Ye Qingcheng doesn't think a book is important.

"Hehe~ What if I told you that that book records a lot of things that happened in the past, and some things that didn't happen in the future?"

That's right, a book is really not important, but the things recorded in that book are very important!

According to the ancients, that book is the so-called Heavenly Book!
Those who get the scriptures win the world!
Being able to see what happened in the past, and what hasn't happened in the future, such a prop is an artifact that no one can refuse!
"Predict the future? Observer's diary! Could it be that the book records the final outcome of our world!" Ye Qingcheng suddenly understood the importance of that book.

Is this the reason!That's why it's all predestined!The ending has already been set! ! !
"No, although I also thought that the ability of that book was to predict the future at first, but according to my interpretation many times, I think that book is a diary?"

"There are a lot of things recorded on it, but the things recorded are not so detailed. Most of them are just a few words and some key words. If it weren't for the Jiang family's huge amount of ancient records, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to interpret the information on that diary."

The combination of some inexplicable information becomes part of what this diary can show you.

"At the same time, what Jiang Wudi and I saw in that book was also different. The few words I saw indicated that I would die of old age due to the exhaustion of magic energy in the past few years. Only a source full of life can have the possibility of salvation."

Regarding the possibility of her own death, Mu Rou had long been prepared, and the Jiang family had sent strong men to search for the fountain of life, but it hadn't had much effect so far.

As a result...Jiang Bai brought herself a "source full of life" so that her life continued.

"That is to say, that book can make people see their own destiny?"

At the crossroads of fate, the path chosen in the future is on your own body?
"Almost, but not quite."

"The key point to change your destiny has appeared, and the clues have been given out, but how to choose in the end is your own business?"

This is interesting, the diary can be changed according to itself, once the fate is changed, the results on the diary will also change?

Or...if the absolute result is written in that diary, then the process is already doomed?
Can not understand, the relationship between cause and effect?
"So Jiang Ye's ending is doomed?" Ye Qingcheng wanted to know the answer to this question. Jiang Ye's ending was already doomed, so why wasn't her Mu Rou's ending doomed?

"Jiang Ye will definitely die at the hands of the Lord of Flesh and Flesh. No matter what the process is, this ending is already doomed."

"So he already knew that today is the time for him to end?"

"...That's right, he knew about it a long time ago." (End of this chapter)

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