Full-time Mage: Ice and Snow Emperor

Chapter 325 Destruction of Minato

Chapter 325 Destruction of Minato
In an instant, Tokyo's port close to the Pacific Ocean was greatly damaged, and a total of eight attacks fell into Tokyo, and the originally prosperous port was instantly reduced to ashes.

The most severely damaged ones were the sentry towers and border forces at the port. The attack came too suddenly.

The patrolling forces and security forces in the surrounding sea area did not issue any warning.

Without opening the defensive magic circle, it can be said that the mage troops stationed at the port lost most of their losses after this blow, and lost their role as the first line of defense on the inland of Tokyo.

Even several super mages in charge of managing the port were seriously injured by this sudden attack.


In the port that has been turned into a sea of ​​flames, countless people are howling.

"Healing Mage! Where is the Healing Mage!" The wounded who was injured by the aftermath of the attack and had wounds on his body shouted to the surroundings.

"My leg, hurry up and save me!"

"Damn it, what happened to the mages in charge of guarding the surrounding waters? Why was the station attacked!" The few surviving military mages stood up, and the port had been reduced to ruins.

But they didn't know what happened, everything was too sudden.

"The headquarters has been destroyed. All the super mages have been crushed under the ruins. Those who can still move quickly come to help."

"What! Command was destroyed?"

"Damn it, everyone who can move quickly go to help, if there are any wind mages alive, go and contact the mages of the Tokyo Magic Association immediately, we are under attack."

The news of the destruction of Harbor Command had a huge impact on the few people who could move.

Under the countless rubble and rock cement bricks, there are a large number of ultra-level mages and high-level mages buried.

Some veteran ultra-level mages subconsciously used defensive magic when they were attacked, but after the forts and fortresses collapsed, the walls that originally protected them had become an obstacle preventing them from returning to their fighting positions.

Ordinary people in the port, as well as the unloading ships and cargo ships leaving the port, have also turned into burning flames one after another, and the scene is beyond description.

"Hurry up and send out the signal! There is a siren attack!" A seriously injured Phonology Mage shouted to the people around him. He heard many, many voices on the sea, and the number was too many for him to count.

Hearing someone say that the Kraken attacked, the military mages who were in better condition entered the defensive position at the forefront of the port. Although they had been destroyed in sevens and eighty-eight, they could still serve as their defensive position. only……

"This is a joke, why is there such a terrifying number?"

A middle-level mage looked at the sea monsters in the distance, and the sea-monsters were moving towards the port.

Hordes of monsters are attacking the city!This is definitely a tribe of monsters, hundreds of thousands of sea monsters!
Tokyo has been invaded by sea monsters for so many years. What do the patrolling mages in the surrounding seas do? Why did a sea monster tribe invade not far from the port of Tokyo, and no patrol team found it!
"Damn a lot of sea monsters, and the number of commanders is also quite a lot. Wait, is that a monarch-level monster?!"

"Monarch Attack! Purple Realm!"

"Not just one monarch, but... what is that!"

All the people in the port put down their work and looked at the monster that emerged from the bottom of the sea. It had eight huge heads and sixteen eyes staring at weak humans like them.

Something is wrong... There is absolutely no way to defeat that monster, it is not on the same level in the dimension.

That was a real monster, a monster in the true sense, and they would definitely not be able to defeat each other.

"Eight heads... and the attack just now, he launched a surprise attack on us."

"Impossible, impossible, impossible, how could this monster appear here? Didn't he die a long time ago?" An older old man looked at the monster with eight heads that appeared in the bottom of the sea, As if he lost his soul, he didn't know what he was talking about.

"Hachi... Yamata no Orochi!" A team leader swallowed, why did this mythical monster appear in front of them?
The scariest monster in Japanese mythology is also a monster that every Japanese knows.

Shouldn't the Yamata no Orochi be hunted down by their ancestors?
why!Why did Yamata no Orochi appear here!

"Impossible, isn't Yamata no Orochi already dead?"

"Obviously the education we have received since we were young is like this. Even the textbooks in our school days said that Yamata no Orochi, the monarch monster, has been crusaded. Why did Yamata no Orochi appear here!"

"And... more than one monarch, the Siren Empire has launched an attack on us!"

People's hearts have been confused. After the appearance of Yamata no Orochi, the remaining mages stationed in the port have lost their will to fight. If there is only this army of sea monsters that cannot be counted, they can still stand firm and wait for the army and magic association in Tokyo. support.

But... Yamata no Orochi, why did this demon god appear here!

"The ancient demon god has revived, and he has become stronger, we will all die!"

"Tokyo is falling, hahahaha we are all going to die."

Ordinary people, unable to sleep and stare at Yamata no Orochi, directly wiped their own necks with the sharp weapon at hand, and chose to commit suicide. They had no chance of winning in the face of the ancient demon god.

"That is! Master Moriguchi! Master Moriguchi is the strongest mage in our port area!"

"That's right, how could the top ones lose to a mere beast, they all cheered up and entered the defensive position, we will fight the sea monster to the end!"

"Master Moriguchi...is he dead?"

The mages in the port area looked at what happened in front of them incomprehensibly. Why was Mr. Moriguchi, who they had just cheered so far, killed like this?

Watching Yamata no Orochi aim the huge mouth of the abyss at Master Moriguchi, eat the opponent in one bite, and at the same time spit out one of the opponent's arms.

"No! Sea-monsters with psychic systems! Watch out for sea-monsters with psychic systems!"

"Steady your mind, don't be tempted and influenced!"

"The sea monster that can influence Mr. Moriguchi, is it possible that it is another sea monster at the level of a great monarch?"

"In the final analysis, there are seven siren kings that we can see now. Including the sea monsters hidden in the seabed, it wouldn't be surprising if there was a siren king with the ability to control the mind."

"Not good! The second wave of attacks is coming, hurry up and dodge! Dodge!"

A huge amount of energy began to gather in the mouth of Yamata no Orochi, and then eight huge explosions sounded in the port. Taking advantage of this moment, countless Kraken army successfully entered the port.

(End of this chapter)

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