Full-time Mage: Ice and Snow Emperor

Chapter 314 Big right and wrong

Chapter 314 Big right and wrong
"The left-wing fleet has received the news that it is approaching our position, and the communication on the right-wing side has also lost contact. I'm afraid..." Inoue didn't continue.

I'm afraid the escort fleet on the right wing has already been wiped out...

There was regular contact every 10 minutes, and in just 10 minutes, all the fleets in the front, rear, and right wings lost contact with the four super-level mages!Three-fifths of the guardian mages were wiped out!

What kind of terrifying monster can destroy three-fifths of their fleet in such a short period of time!
"A monarch-level siren creature, and it's not an ordinary monarch-level creature."

"In 10 minutes, with the help of this kind of weather and environment, can the Great Monarch achieve this level?"

"It should be the great monarch, but the opponent's speed is too fast."

"Attacked the escort fleet in three different places within 10 minutes, this is not something a great monarch can do..."

"That is to say, there are at least two sea monsters of great monarchs, and some minor monarchs or large-scale commanders?"

"It should be. If it weren't for the two Great Sovereign Sea-Monsters, it would be impossible for the four super-level mages to be dead at the same time without urgently sending out signals and warnings."

"If there are two great monarchs... the remaining eight of our super-level mages can join forces to deal with one, and the other will be enshrined by Shenye. It is easy to deal with the siren king of a great monarch with the strength of Shenye's enshrined things."

The fleet has lost three-fifths, but these ultra-order mages are not afraid.

It's just two great monarchs. Don't forget that on this freighter, there are eight super-level mages and a forbidden curse mage!
The two great monarchs will not be their opponents at all.

"I said, is it possible that the emperor made a move?" Inoue hesitated for a long time, and said a ridiculous possibility. If it was just a siren at the level of a great monarch, it should not be able to cause this situation.

There is no possibility that the one who shot this time is an emperor?
If it was really the emperor who made the move, then all the unreasonable things would become reasonable.

What kind of existence is the emperor, these super mages have not seen it directly.

But according to what the strongest shrine priest said, no matter what level the emperor is, no matter what his ability is, no matter how many troops he has, when these super mages face the emperor, they only give them two options.

The first choice is not to care about what happened in the end, and not to look at the other party too much, run away quickly, run away at all costs, use whatever you have, if you don't run, the only ending is death.

The second option is to commit suicide on the spot, so as not to feel hopeless before death.

In a word, if these ultra-level mages meet the emperor, they will die!

Inoue expressed his thoughts, and the other super mages on the bow froze for a while.

Want to change the subject, pretend not to hear.

But... there is no doubt that they all chose to remain silent.

Eliminate all impossibilities, and the final result is the answer.

"...Emperor." This name was something they didn't want to mention, but someone had said it now, and they couldn't pretend to be stupid. The current situation might indeed be an emperor's move.

Although they have powerful magic, they can be regarded as one of the characters as super mages.

But compared with the emperor, this is not at the same level at all, the gap between dimensions.

"What Inoue said is not wrong. There is indeed the possibility that the emperor will make a move, but if it is really the emperor who makes a move, the rest of us will definitely die here, except for the priest Shen Ye who can escape."

The person who said this was very calm, and the other super mages also listened to the news calmly.

Because they both understand that the other party is just stating a fact, a possibility.

A possibility that pronounced their death sentence...

Who is not afraid of death? If possible, no one would like to hear the name of the emperor on the sea.

"So, what is the cargo we are transporting this time? I don't want to die without knowing what we are transporting. At least let us understand even if we die."

There is a high probability that these people will die here. If this is the case, why can't we tell them the truth, what is the cargo!

"Alas...it seems useless to hide things now." Yamamoto, who was staying in the cockpit, felt the terrible atmosphere, and walked out of the safe cockpit helplessly.

"The cargo delivered this time is an ocean core I found in the depths of the ocean."

"You all know the importance of the core of the ocean, whether it is to let us have one more water-type forbidden curse mage, or let us build one more city that can accommodate our lives, to a small extent, this is for us country, it is for the common destiny of all mankind.”

"So, do you still have questions?" He is over 60 years old this year, and many things have been overlooked.

If you die, you will die. Prosperity and wealth are fleeting, but this core of the ocean must be given away.

He is an ordinary person, he has his own ambitions and ideas, but in the face of big right and wrong and death, he understands how to make the right choice.

"So it's the core of the ocean... No wonder it needs a priest to escort it."

"In this case, everything makes sense." After knowing what he was transporting, Inoue also relaxed. He never thought that he would be able to touch such a treasure as the core of the ocean.

"Since this is the case, I'm sorry, it seems that we have no choice to retreat."

"At least the left-wing escort fleet did not have an accident. This is the best news."

"Notify them, at all costs, throw away all the things that can be discarded, use the fastest speed to approach us, and tell them to raise their vigilance, we have encountered an attack from an unknown sea monster, and the opponent's strength is very powerful!" The weather was so bad that they couldn't support it at all.

The visibility was too low. Once they left the cargo ship, they might get lost in the sea.

Inoue took the communicator and screamed like crazy to inform the escort fleet on the left wing to escape.

Although the escort fleet on the left wing didn't know what happened, they still started to approach the freighter according to Inoue's request, but the guard mages on the left wing fleet didn't notice that there was a huge monster under the water staring at them.

(End of this chapter)

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