Need for Urban Supreme

Chapter 66 I Can't Believe

Chapter 66 I Can't Believe

Qin Yan looked at Xia Xueni.

Xia Xueni deserves to be called one of the peerless double "beauties" of Baoshi Normal University. She has exquisite facial features, fair skin, a little makeup, and outstanding temperament. She looks like a flower emerging from mud lotus.

In addition to looks and temperament, Xia Xueni is also very good in figure, the place that should be convex is convex, and the place that should be warped is warped.

Qin Yan looked a little dazed.

At this moment, Xia Xueni is also looking at Qin Yan.

He is the master that Yaoyao wants to introduce to me?How can he be so young?Is it reliable or not?
In Xia Xueni's eyes, the so-called master is definitely a person of immortal spirit, who should wear Taoist robes, hold a whisk, and have a black and white beard.For a 20-year-old young man like Qin Yan, his image is not up to standard.

"Are you surprised?" Geng Yaoyao asked with a smile.

"Ah? Oh! It's okay!" Although Xia Xueni felt that Qin Yan was unreliable, Qin Yan was introduced by her best friend Geng Yaoyao after all, so she couldn't say no.

Geng Yaoyao smiled and said: "I doubted his ability when I saw him for the first time! But later I found out that he is indeed very powerful, and he helped me solve Liu Sisi's trick easily! I really answered that sentence, the mountain is not in Gao Youxian Then the name, if the water is not deep, there will be a dragon and a spirit."

Geng Yaoyao didn't tell Xia Xueni anything about Qin Yan before Qin Yan came, she wanted to surprise Xia Xueni.

"Oh? Really? I really can't see it!" Xia Xueni complimented Qin Yan, but she still didn't agree with Qin Yan in her heart.

"Qin Yan, you must know who this is! She is Xia Xueni, the most beautiful teacher in our school!" Geng Yaoyao introduced to Qin Yan.

Before Qin Yan could speak, Xia Xueni said very modestly: "Yaoyao, you are the number one beautiful teacher in our school!"

"Xue Ni, let me introduce you, this is my student Qin Yan!"

Um?What?student?Isn't he Mr. Yin Yang?Xia Xueni opened her eyes wide.

Yaoyao is really messing around, she actually introduced a student to me, I thought it was a little Taoist priest!Really!
Through Xia Xueni's eyes, Qin Yan could see that Xia Xueni didn't believe him at all.

In fact, Qin Yan didn't blame Xia Xueni. If he thought about it differently, he wouldn't believe it, because he was too young after all.

It's like many people go to the hospital to see a doctor. When they see that the person who diagnoses them is an old doctor, they always think that the old doctor has a lot of experience and can see a doctor.

But when patients find out that the person who diagnosed them is a young doctor, they will have doubts in their hearts, thinking that the young doctor is not experienced enough.

If you want others to believe that you are capable, you can only prove it with your strength.

Qin Yan decided to show his hands in front of Xia Xueni for a while, and let Xia Xueni take a good look.

"What? You don't believe him?" Geng Yaoyao is also a smart person, and she can tell at a glance that Xia Xueni doesn't believe Qin Yan.

"Is it a master, don't you know if you try it?" Geng Yaoyao said with a smile.

"However, let's eat first, and I'll treat you to this meal!" Geng Yaoyao put the menu in Qin Yan's hands and asked Qin Yan to order.

Taking a look at the menu, the cheapest Dafengshou cold dish costs 88 yuan, and a farmer's scrambled egg costs [-] yuan. Qin Yan immediately felt that this restaurant was definitely a fake restaurant.

But Qin Yan didn't want Xia Xueni to feel that he had never seen the world, so he ordered a pair of silk fish.

"Order some more!" Seeing that Qin Yan only ordered one dish, Geng Yaoyao tried to persuade her.

Qin Yan waved his hands again and again: "No! Eat as much as you want, isn't the country advocating saving now?"

Geng Yaoyao saw that Qin Yan was so stubborn, she didn't persuade him any more, and handed the menu to Xia Xueni.

Xia Xueni also only ordered one.

"You guys are so kind! You actually saved me money like this! It seems that I still need to order!" Geng Yaoyao ordered four in a row.

The three chatted about Xia Xueni while eating.

It turns out that Xia Xueni's family has been particularly uneasy recently. Her father's business has clearly been negotiated, and even the contract is about to be signed, but the partner suddenly broke the contract for no reason.

When her mother went out for a walk, she tripped or was knocked down by others, and once she was hit in the head by a stone, and she needed several stitches.

As for Xia Xueni, when she was at home, she always felt that a pair of eyes were watching her, no matter she was eating, sleeping, or watching TV.

The strangest thing is that when she wakes up every morning, Xia Xueni's dressing table is always in a mess, as if someone has sat in front of the dressing table and put on makeup.

But Xia Xueni asked her mother and nanny, and they all said that they had never gone in.

Later, Xia Xueni closed the window and locked the door, but it still couldn't prevent this situation.

After listening to Xia Xueni's words, Qin Yan knew that Xia Xueni had definitely hit a ghost.

"Mr. Xia, I'll go to your house after dinner!" Qin Yan said with a smile.

"Student Qin Yan, what is your charging standard?" Xia Xueni asked calmly.

TOLL?Qin Yan was stunned for a moment, and then he realized: "My charge here is very fair, below the level of a ghost, one is five hundred!"

I'm dizzy!Why didn't I think of such a way to make money!Since I know how to catch ghosts and exorcise evil spirits, I can completely carry out this business in the future!Earning money can not only honor your parents, but also improve your living conditions, and most importantly, you can also accumulate yin virtue.

It's just that I charge five hundred for a ghost, isn't it a bit expensive?What if Teacher Xia doesn't want to do it?
This is my first business.

After hearing Qin Yan's words, Xia Xueni sighed in her heart:
It's really unreliable!How can anyone only charge such a small amount of money!Those yin and yang masters who went to our house just went to have a look, and they paid [-] yuan for a mouthful, and even [-] yuan to catch a ghost, but this classmate is good, and only [-] yuan to catch a ghost.

Although Xia Xueni thought so in her heart, she didn't show it. After all, there was Geng Yaoyao's face here.

"Okay! I'll take you to my house later!" Xia Xueni said reluctantly.

If it wasn't for Geng Yaoyao's face, Xia Xueni would probably turn around and leave now.

After dinner, Xia Xueni drove Qin Yan and Geng Yaoyao straight to their house in a Land Rover.

Xia Xueni lives in a detached villa.

There is an open garden in front of the villa, and there are two garages behind the villa.

Xia Xueni parked the car in the garage and directly entered the living room on the first floor of the villa through the garage.

I'm dizzy!This is too rich!The decoration is almost all made of marble, at least millions of dollars!
Um?Why is the evil spirit in this room so heavy? Could it be that there is not only one ghost in this room, but many ghosts?

"Student Qin Yan, you can just look at it!" Xia Xueni said casually, thinking that it was impossible for Qin Yan to help her solve the problem.

Previously, Xia Xueni's father entrusted many connections and recruited many Yin-Yang masters, but none of them could help them.

(End of this chapter)

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